La Liste de l’Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones propose des nouvelles de ses membres et compile les appels de dossiers en arts visuels, arts médiatiques, performance, art public, etc. N’hésitez pas à la faire circuler. Vous pouvez consulter La Liste sur Internet et vous y abonner gratuitement: Visitez l’AGAVF sur internet:

Nouvelles des membres de l’AGAVF

Re:flux festival de musique et d'art sonore

Re:flux festival de musique et d'art sonore

Galerie Sans Nom (Moncton)
Re:flux festival de musique et d’art sonore
du 14 au 30 mai 2010
We want something from you/DisLocate DisBody
du 14 au 28 mai 2010
vernissage 14 mai 20h
140, rue Botsford, rez-de-chaussée du Centre culturel Aberdeen

Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario (Sudbury)
Alain-Martin Richard – Surgir
exposition 5 au 22 mai 2010
174, rue Elgin, Sudbury

Galerie Voix Visuelle (Vanier)
Chantal Dahan, Raymond Aubin, Doris Lamontagne
Du 8 mai au 15 juin 2010
81 avenue Beechwood à Vanier

Maison des artistes visuels (St-Boniface)
Valérie Lamontagne, Zoé Fortier et Elize Fulkerson – Premiers pas
du 20 mai au 23 juin 2010
galerie communautaire: Chantel Mierau – De mémoire
du 6 au 26 mai 2010
219, boulevard Provencher à St-Boniface

Galerie d’art Louise et Reuben-Cohen (Moncton)
artistes: Michaël Breau, Vincent Guitard, Pascale LeBlanc, Martine Lelièvre, Annie France Noël, Karine Nguyen, Indu Varma, Geneviève Violette, Nikki Vienneau
finissants du Département de arts visuels de l’Université de Moncton
du 9 avril au 30 mai 2010
Pavillon Clément-Cormier
Centre universitaire de Moncton

1. appels en français du Canada

Volet arts médiatiques – Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie – Moncton – 31 mai 2010
Dazibao – Montréal – 1er juin 2010
Théâtre L’Escaouette – Moncton – 21 mai 2010
Programme français Office national du film – 3 septembre et 8 octobre 2010

2. appels en anglais du Canada

Wavelengths – Toronto – 17 mai 2010
Regina ATC – 30 juin 2010
HRM Public Realm Projects – Halifax – 30 juin 2010
Gallery Gachet – 1er juillet 2010
OSA Boutique – Ottawa – 2 et 3 juin 2010
IX Gallery – en cours
Evergreen Brick Works – 15 juin 2010
Artspace – 17 mai 2010
Xexe Gallery – 31 août 2010
Artist in Residence (AIR) – Edmonton – 31 mai 2010
imagineNATIVE festival – 1er juin 2010
Antimatter Film Festival – Victoria – 4 juin 2010
City of Thunder Bay – 11 juin 2010
The Clay Studio – 1er juin 2010
Artist Proof gallery – Calgary – 17 septembre 2010
Artist-in-Residence in Community Gardens – Winnipeg – 22 juin 2010
CINESONIKA The First International Film and Video Festival of Innovative Sound Design – Vancouver – 1er septembre 2010

3. appels d’ailleurs

Centre Photographique d’Île-de-France – en cours
KUKI 3rd International Children and Youth Short  Film Festival – Berlin – 28 mai 2010
26th International Short Film Festival – Berlin – 26 juin 2010
Tethervision Commissions – Nottingham – 15 mai 2010
WARP Artists Village – Belgique – 21 mai 2010
International Performance and Videoart Festival – Berlin – 20 mai
EJECT Tercer Festival de Videoperformance de la Ciudad de México – 23 juillet 2010
Photography Competition: EXPOSURE – 31 mai 2010
ELECTROHYPE 2010 – Ystad – 31 mai 2010
Gaza’s International Festival for Video Art 2010 – Gaza – Jerusalem – Ramallah – Rafah – Jabalia et Nablus – 21 mai 2010

4. divers

Vers une stratégie numérique nationale? – consultation du gouvernement canadien

1. appels en français du Canada

Volet arts médiatiques – Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie

23 septembre au 2 octobre 2010

Dans le cadre du Volet arts médiatiques du Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie (FICFA), nous invitons les artistes en arts médiatiques à soumettre des propositions d’expositions et d’installations, de performances et d’œuvres vidéos. Cette exposition en arts médiatiques comprend des projections de vidéos d’art, des expositions/installations en galerie et des prestations in situ.

Les soumissions devraient inclure les éléments suivants : • cv/bio de l’artiste • description de l’oeuvre proposée • exemples d’oeuvres • description des besoins techniques • enveloppe pré-affranchie pour le retour du matériel

Les dossiers doivent être envoyés à l’adresse suivante avant le 31 mai 2010.

FICFA – Volet arts médiatiques A/S Angèle Cormier 140, rue Botsford, # 12B Moncton, NB E1C 4X5

Pour toute autre information, communiquez avec Angèle Cormier à l’adresse suivante : angelecormier [arobas] gmail [point] com ou au 506.854.5381





Appel de dossiers destiné aux étudiants des universités canadiennes et/ou étudiants canadiens étudiant à l’étranger, ayant complété une maîtrise en arts visuels au courant de l’année

Dazibao, centre de photographies actuelles, offre à un artiste ayant complété sa maîtrise en arts visuels au courant de l’année 2009-2010 la chance de faire connaître son travail photographique.

Le dépliant de la programmation de Dazibao offre, sur une face, toutes les informations générales concernant le centre ainsi que celle concernant sa programmation annuelle. L’autre face est dédiée à l’œuvre d’un artiste en début de carrière sélectionné par le présent appel de dossiers. Tirée à plus de 10 000 exemplaires, cette affiche bénéficie d’une vaste distribution sur le plan local, national et international, offrant une visibilité exceptionnelle à l’œuvre choisie.


1. un curriculum vitae

2. un maximum de 10 images sur support numérique

3. un bref texte décrivant votre démarche artistique (maximum de 250 mots).

Les propositions doivent être oblitérées par la poste au plus tard le 1er juin. Si cette date tombe une fin de semaine ou un jour férié, elle est reportée au jour ouvrable suivant.

Les propositions incomplètes, mises à la poste après la date limite ou transmises par messagerie électronique ne seront pas acceptées.

Envoyer à :
Concours Jeune tête d’affiche
Dazibao, centre de photographies actuelles
4001 rue Berri, espace 202
Montréal (Québec) H2L 4H2


Le théâtre l’Escaouette lance un appel aux auteurs intéressés à l’écriture dramatique

MONCTON, NB – Le 3 mai 2010. Le théâtre l’Escaouette, dont une des missions est le développement dramaturgique, lance un appel aux auteur.e.s intéressés à soumettre un texte dans le cadre de la sixième édition de son Festival à haute voix. Celui-ci se tiendra au printemps 2011 dans la salle Caisses-populaires-acadiennes du théâtre l’Escaouette à Moncton.

Le Festival à haute voix, a pour objectif d’encourager le développement d’une nouvelle dramaturgie en Acadie et donne l’occasion au public et aux producteurs d’assister à une toute première lecture de textes inédits. De plus, l’exercice permet aux auteur.e.s d’obtenir une appréciation des professionnels de la scène et du public.

Lors des éditions précédentes du Festival à haute voix, le public a pu apprécier des lectures d’excellents textes tels que Tangentes de Jean Babineau, Le Filet de Marcel-Romain Thériault, Roger Roger de Mélanie F. Léger, Intimité de Emma Haché, Vie d’cheval de André Roy et Mélanie F. Léger et Jeux de porte de Caroline Sheehy qui depuis, ont tous été portés à la scène.

La date limite pour soumettre les textes (en version électronique de préférence) est le vendredi, 21 mai 2010.

Pour tous renseignements complémentaires, veuillez communiquer avec Joanie Guignard par téléphone au 855-0001, poste 101 ou par courriel à communication [arobas] nb [point] aibn [point] com.

Joanie Guignard

Responsable du développement des publics et de la mise en marché
Théâtre l’Escaouette
170, rue Botsford
Moncton, N.-B. E1C 4X6

Tel : (506) 855-0001 poste 101
Fax : (506) 855-0010

communication [arobas] nb [point] aibn [point] com


Programme français de l’ONF (Montréal)
Date limite pour les cinéastes: 3 septembre 2010
Dates limites pour les producteurs (coproductions) : 8 octobre 2010

2. appels en anglais du Canada

Wavelengths Call for Submissions / Toronto International Film Festival
Wavelengths, the avant-garde programme of the Toronto International Film Festival is celebrating its 10th anniversary from September 10 through 13, 2010. Taking place during the opening weekend of TIFF, Wavelengths provides a unique forum for international film and video art within the context of one of the largest public film festivals in the world.

There is no official submission process for Wavelengths, no forms to fill out and no entry fee.  All previews should be sent by May 17th directly to:

Wavelengths, TIFF
Attention: Andréa Picard
2 Carlton St, suite 1600
Toronto, ON M5B 1J3
Tel: +1.416.967.7371


Regina ATC – No Story Too Small

Call for Submission- “No Story Too Small to Trade”

The Regina ATC Collective invites you to explore ways to tell stories in “No Story Too Small to Trade”, an exhibition of Artist Trading Cards presented by the Dunlop Art Gallery in collaboration with the MacKenzie Art Gallery at the Regina Public Library, Sherwood Village branch, this October 2 – November 28th, 2010 in Regina, Saskatchewan.

How will you tell your story? An edition of ATC-sized books? A tiny quilt? A multi-card story, mini puppets with a play or an itsy-bitsy stocking filled with your dreams? A painting of your cat? A ‘zine or mini-comic? Stories may be fictional or true, words or pictures.

Submit by June 30, 2010 to:

No Story Too Small to Trade (ATC’s @ the Dunlop Art Gallery)

attention: Regina ATC Collective, Curators.

c/o, Sharon Eisbrenner, 239 Radisson Bay, Regina, Sask Canada S4Y 1C8

1. Please send us six original (6) ATCs (6cm X 8.5 cm)— a set of 6, or 6 versions of your work related to the theme. One of your ATCs will be kept for the ATC display at the Dunlop Art gallery with the intent to tour; your 5 other ATCs will be traded as part of this ATC event, and returned to you, in your self addressed, stamped envelope (SASE) at the close of the gallery exhibition. Also in return for your submission, you will receive a copy of the publication documenting this event.

2. Please include with your 6 card ATC submission: a return envelope (SASE), your contact information, including e-mail (if possible) and 1 page maximum about you and the way you made your work. Please indicate if you do not want your work on posted on the web.

By submitting your work to this ATC exhibition and swap, you are agreeing to any reproduction of photographs of your work by the Dunlop Art Gallery on the Internet or in print form, for the purpose of documenting and promoting the exhibit.

The Exhibition will be at the Dunlop Art Gallery Sherwood Village Branch from Oct 2-Nov28, and will include a Panel discussion with Cat Schick at the MacKenzie Art Gallery – October 30, 2010.

For More Information, please contact the Regina ATC-C at artisttradingcards [arobas] hotmail [point] com or Phone: Nicolle at 306.584.4291

Artist Trading Cards are miniature works of art no larger than 2.5 x 3.5 inches (6cmX8.5cm) you can make and trade with others. They can be drawings, photographs, collage, books or anything else!


HRM Public Realm Projects

Submission deadline June 30th, 2010 4pm.

The Halifax Regional Municipality is soliciting proposals from artists for temporary installations, exhibitions, performances and events to be sited within HRM »s public realm. Funding is available for artist fees and production and presentation costs associated with these projects.

Complete details are available here:

Jamie MacLellan
HRM Public Art Coordinator
maclelaj [arobas] halifax [point] ca


Gallery Gachet

Call for Submission

Art Exhibit

Deadline: July 1st, 2010

Exhibition Statement:

While drawing is fundamental to every artistic form, art (in and of itself)
is vital to the emotional and physical wellbeing of our communities. Each
of us has our own very personalized internal reality that we carry within
us. Like art in general, these landscapes inspire, restrict, and may often
excite us. It informs our actions and how we interact with the world
around us. Drawn, Draw, Drawing will bring together the work of artists who
explore the inner matrixes of illusion and disillusion whether past,
present or future. Using traditional and non-traditional mark-making
tools, this exhibition will showcase the work of artists who offer up
musings from their internal topography.

Curated by Bernadine Fox BFA for Gallery Gachet, Drawn, Draw, Drawing which
will be held August 5th to 15th in conjunction with and as a part of the
Drawn Festival in Vancouver, B C.

About Drawn Festival:

Now entering its 2nd year, Drawn is Canada’s only annual city-wide
celebration devoted to the medium of drawing. For three weeks in July and
August, galleries and museums across Metro Vancouver host a wide array of
drawing-themed exhibitions, providing an exciting showcase for this diverse
and innovative art form. In addition to the series of exhibitions, Drawn
features a parallel program of artist’s talks, lectures, performances and
panel discussions aimed at deepening our understanding and appreciation for
the contemporary medium of drawing. Read about Drawn in the National Post:
Drawn%20Festival_NP.pdf or visit their website at

How to submit:

Drawn, Draw, Drawing is open to all local and international artists but
encourages artists with disabilities (both physical and psychological) to
submit their work for consideration. Work will be chosen based on its
relationship to the theme of internal landscapes, skill, and the
contribution they make to the notion of drawing. All forms of drawing will
be accepted from traditional graphite on paper to alternative drawing mediums.

Please include:

One to five images for consideration. Work must be finished at
the time of submission. No replacement images or changes will be accepted
following acceptance into the exhibition. JPEG or PDF files sent via email
and/or delivered on CD to address below.

Image list that includes file name, title, size, medium, and date
completed (if framed please indicate the framed size as well)

A brief (250 word max.) artist statement about the images and how
it relates to the exhibition theme

C.V or short biography

Notations about any technical requirements (i.e., slide
projector, ceiling mounts, etc.)

SASE if you would like your submission returned by post

Send your submission to « Drawn, Draw, Drawing » Gallery Gachet, 88 E.
Cordova St., Vancouver, BC, V6A 1K2. Attention: Bernadine Fox BFA

Contact Information:

Bernadine Fox BFA

Email: bernadinefox [arobas] shaw [point] ca

Phone Number: Gachet (604) 687-2468 or B Fox (604) 874-2587


Could we ever know each other in the slightest without the arts?
Gabrielle Roy, as quoted on the Canadian twenty dollar bill.



Warmer weather is here ­ as the temperature is changing, so is the selection
of works available for purchase in the OSA Boutique. The past months have
brought many viewers and buyersŠcongratulations to those of you who sold
works! Be sure to stop in today to pick up a submission form for the Summer
changeover ­ or you can download the PDF forms online.

Submissions for the OSA Boutique Summer change over will be accepted on
Wednesday, June 2 and Thursday, June 3, between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and
3:00 p.m. Submissions for the Summer months will not be Œtheme¹ based.

For more information, please contact:
Cathy Brake
Boutique + Gallery Coordinator

Ottawa School of Art
35 George St.
Ottawa, ON K1N 8W5

t: 613.241.7471 ext. 27
e: boutique [arobas] artottawa [point] ca

Buy local and support the Ottawa School of Art and your local artists!
We wish to thank you for your support!


IX Gallery is looking for great and innovative photographers to take
part in an exhibit about summer, this summer. There will be appr.
16 artists participating, showing 2-3 images each. If you have
straight up, conceptual or abstract images that you feel capture the
essence of the season, go to ‘about’ page for more
info about the space and exhibiting here.
IX Gallery exhibits both archival and contemporary works, with a
special emphasis on emerging and unknown artists. We are looking
for artists that think outside the box, and have something to show
besides the standard photography subject matter of nudes,
architectual details, and fashion shots.


Evergreen Brick Works | Eco art video Call for Submissions | JUN 15
Deadline: June 15

We are looking for the best short videos from across Canada!

Evergreen, a national charity, has transformed the former Don
Valley Brick Works from a collection of deteriorating heritage
buildings into an international showcase for urban sustainability
and green design. Evergreen Brick Works is open year-round,
and includes permanent and temporary art installations
responding to the site�s geological and industrial heritage. A
looped compilation of videos is part of the new media program
that will introduce a wide range of environmental issues.

Independent filmmakers, animators and video artists are invited
to submit works that deal with environmental issues such as
climate change, water, food, transportation, waste, energy,
sustainable development, etc.

Artist fees will be paid for videos that are chosen to be included
in the compilation. We accept submissions via YOUTUBE,
VIMEO or your own website.

Submit: Name/contact, your bio, brief synopsis, length of video,
and link to your video to: kmcbride [arobas] evergreen [point] ca
In the subject line please put: Evergreen Video Art Submission
Please do NOT attach videos to e-mail messages

If you have questions, comments or concerns about the
competition, please contact Kohen McBride
kmcbride [arobas] evergreen [point] com




ARTSPACE is seeking proposals from visual and new media artists for its 2011/12 programming.

Dedicated to exhibiting Canadian Contemporary artists working in variety of disciplines, ARTSPACE receives a high volume of submissions and seeks works that are challenging and provocative. We strive to present art that reflects and promotes the diversity of cultural and political perspectives, which shape contemporary art practices. Emerging, mid-career and senior artists whose works are alternative, experimental and/or critically engaged are presented.

Full details at
705-748-3883, info [arobas] artspace-arc [point] org




Applications are invited from both established and emerging artists to exhibit either as a solo show or in a group show, or both. We are interested in professional artists living in Canada, who are working in all contemporary fine art mediums. Installations, sculpture, unusual media and abstract art are welcome.

In order to be considered for 2010/2011 solo or group exhibitions, applicants must submit their work no later than August 31st, 2010. Please be sure to put “Portfolio Submission: 2010/2011 Group or Solo Exhibition” in the subject heading of your email.

Applications for solo exhibitions will be accepted on an ongoing basis. Kindly note we are unable to spontaneously view portfolios during business hours and meetings with artists are not conducted prior to portfolio reviews. For more information please direct your inquiries to Crystal Casuccio at: info [arobas] xexegallery [point] com or go to .


Call for Submissions
2010/2011 Artist in Residence (AIR)
Awarded to artists annually through a peer jury selection process, this program is committed to providing an emerging artist with a year-long, dedicated studio environment at Harcourt House Arts Centre to research, develop and exhibit new work. We invite artists who are Canadian residents to submit a proposal before May 31, 2010
For full submission details visit
Please mail submissions by May 31, 2010 to: 
Harcourt House Arts Centre
3rd Floor, 10215 – 112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta.
T5K 1M7
E-mail inquiries regarding the submission process to: harcourt [arobas] telusplanet [point] net


imagineNATIVE festival
We are currently seeking film/video/media art/new media and radio works in all genres by international and Canadian Indigenous filmmakers and producers. We invite all genres and lengths and encourage submissions from first-time and emerging directors. Student films are welcome.
Deadline: June 1, 2010


Antimatter Film Festival
Dedicated to the exhibition and nurturing of film and video as art, Antimatter has grown into the premier showcase of experimental cinema in the west. Encompassing screenings, installations, performances and media hybrids, Antimatter provides a noncompetitive festival setting in Victoria, British Columbia, free from commercial and industry agendas.
Deadline: June 4, 2010




The City of Thunder Bay is renowned for being one of the first municipalities in Canada to recognize the value of Public Art with an official Policy for Art in Public Spaces. The City recognizes that public art beautifies cities, gives meaning to place and builds community identity. The City is dedicated to investing in culture to make Thunder Bay a more beautiful place to live, work and play.

Canadian Artists and Artist-led teams are invited to respond to the following opportunity:

May Street Bridge
The May Street Bridge, located between Northern and Southern Streets, will be replaced during the summer of 2010. As part of the bridge rehabilitation, artists are invited to submit proposals for public art which may be located on various aspects of the bridge including, but not limited to, railings, sidewalks, archways and structural projections that extend over the Neebing River. Proposals for this $47,250 project may include, but are not limited to concepts that incorporate sculpture, panels, etching, mosaic and relief work.

Visit the City website’s Public Art page for details at




Exhibition idea? No space? The Clay Studio is now accepting proposals for group or thematic Exhibitions. The premise for this program is to provide an individual or individuals the opportunity to develop a show idea from conception to fruition, with the support of the Gallery staff of The Clay Studio.

The Clay Studio will provide:

* gallery space (either 365 sq. ft. or 560 sq. ft.)
* an invitation, mailing, and press coverage
* an opening reception
* costs for the return shipment of exhibited work.

A $500.00 honorarium will also be provided to the curator or curators of the exhibition. Please visit The Clay Studio’s website for details as to how to apply.


Artist Proof Gallery: Call for Submissions

2011 Artist Proof gallery programming. The Alberta Printmakers’ Society programs 9 exhibitions per year in the Artist Proof gallery, located in the Inglewood/Ramsay community of Calgary, Alberta. The gallery programming is determined by a jury, based on the quality of submissions. A/P pays artist fees and one-way shipping for accepted proposals. 

Gallery Mandate: 
The Artist Proof gallery is an artist-run gallery located adjacent to the Alberta Printmakers’ Society studio. The gallery programming exhibits innovative, contemporary print-based art produced by emerging and established printmedia artists. The Artist Proof gallery shows regional, national and international artists working in a range of concepts and techniques. Our goal is to provide opportunities for the artistic and public community to experience the diversity of printmedia art as a contemporary and vital artistic medium. 
Interested applicants must submit the following:
• Ten numbered and labeled JPEG digital images on disk. Must be PC and Apple-Mac compatible.
• Digital MSWord ‘DOC’ or ‘PDF’ of corresponding digital image list indicating the size, title of work, media and date, included on the image disk.
• Artist Statement (digital MSWord ‘DOC’ or ‘PDF’ document, included on CD)
• C.V. (digital MSWord ‘DOC’ or ‘PDF’ document, included on CD)
• Written exhibition proposal (digital MSWord ‘DOC’ or ‘PDF’ document, included on CD), refer to gallery map in application PDF download.
• Completed application form – hard copy, please
*Please note: Email submissions will NOT be accepted. Application packages will not be returned.
Deadline is September 17, 2010 

Mail to: 
A/P Gallery Committee 
PO Box 6821, Station ‘D’, Calgary, AB T2P 2E7
Questions regarding this award can be directed to: 
Christie Kirchner, Director


WAC: Public Art Call-to-Artists
Artist-in-Residence in Community Gardens

The Winnipeg Arts Council invites visual artists to submit expressions of interest for an Artist-in-Residence project working within community gardens. The selected artist will be in residence for a 15 month period beginning in August 2010. Additionally the artist will develop a planting plan that includes sculptural elements for key planters on Portage Avenue, in collaboration with the Downtown BIZ, for installation in spring 2011. Artists must reside in, or in close proximity to, Winnipeg.

Please visit for full details including eligibility criteria, application requirements and to download the Call-to-Artists.

Deadline for submissions is Tuesday, June 22 at 4 pm.

An on-site information meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 19 at 5:30 pm at the Riverview Community Garden, Churchill Drive at Baltimore Road.

For more information please contact Tricia Wasney at 943-7668 or by e-mail at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).


all for entries
Deadline: 1 September 2010
The First International Film and Video Festival of Innovative Sound Design
Nov. 12th-21st, 2010 – Vancouver/Canada

The theme of this international film and video festival is to celebrate the soundtrack. Usually in cinema festivals there is a fixation on movie stars, or captivating imagery, or the literary qualities of screenplays, or the abstract concepts of film theory. Sound tends to be relatively unvalorized in moving-image making. The intent of the festival is to give attention to innovative work in the creation of film and video soundtracks, and to give due credit to the importance of audio in audiovisual media.
This first annual festival will showcase international works of film and video with fascinating soundtracks, idiosyncratic sound design, eclectic scoring and innovative approaches to the sound-image relationship.
Submission Deadline: September 1st, 2010
For more information, including Submission details, please visit
Contact Details: info [arobas] cinesonika [point] com

3. appels d’ailleurs


// 2nd
edition 2010//

10 July-17
July 2010


para participar en

para participar en


More info:


Appel à candidature : atelier de post-production du CPIF

Le Centre Photographique d’Île-de-France est un centre d’art contemporain conventionné qui propose une résidence sans hébergement, de trois mois, aux artistes dont le travail photographique nécessite l’emploi d’un matériel numérique professionnel. C’est dans la phase expérimentale de post-production (retouche, format, chromie…) que la résidence du CPIF intervient en proposant à la fois une aide technique et un matériel adapté à tous types de travaux de recherche et de production d’images sous forme d’impressions jet d’encre.


KUKI 3rd International Children and Youth Short  Film Festival Berlin
Deadline: May 28, 2010


10th Lille International Short Film Festival
Octobre / October 2010
Rencontres Audiovisuelles Tél.: +33 (0) 3 20 53 24 84
BP 1295 Fax: +33 (0) 3 20 53 26 76
59014 Lille Cedex
Contact compétitions: compet [arobas] rencontres-audiovisuelles [point] org

A retourner complété et signé avant la date limite


26th International Short Film Festival Berlin
Deadline: June 25, 2010


Tethervision Commissions
Deadline: 15th May 2010
Tethervision is an online resource for video art and video about art. Its programming spans the factual; documentaries and interviews with artists, curators and academics; to specially
commissioned moving image artworks. Viewable via
We are asking for proposals for video and performance art to be broadcast on Tethervision.
There are 10 commissions available, each a different budget.
1: £500
2: £300
3: £200
4: £100
5: £50
6: £25
7: £10
8: £5
9: £2
10: £1
We are interested in commissioning a wide range of innovative video art, from animation and performance, to conceptual works and narrative-based pieces, plus anything in between. All the
proposals will be judged on quality of idea rather than efficiency of budget. Please note, we cannot accept already made works for these commissions, though you are welcome to submit
these for our attention independently of this opportunity.
To apply, please send a proposal of up to 500 words, visual material (images, videos), and a C.V.
Tethervision Commissions
17a Huntingdon St
or by email to:
tethervision [arobas] tether [point] org [point] uk
(if you are sending supporting video by email, please send us a link through video portals like youtube, vimeo or file hosting websites like dropbox)
Please state which commission you are applying for. Multiple submissions are accepted.
Deadline for proposals: 5pm. 15th May 2010
Informed by: 17th May 2010
Finished video by September 10th 2010.
For further information or enquiries, contact Tether at mail [arobas] tether [point] org [point] uk or 07729124336.


Open Call for Applications, WARP Artists Village, Belgium
WARP Call for Applications
Deadline: May 21st 2010
Coup de Ville is an exhibition and city festival of contemporary art from September 12 to October 24 2010, held in private and public locations in the city-centre of Sint-Niklaas. Sint-Niklaas is located between Ghent and Antwerp and acts as a cultural mediator in between these cities. The title symbolically refers to an ‘occupied city’.
During one week (October 1 – 5) a group of about 80 artists, poets, musicians and art critics will be given the chance to literally occupy the city’s market square in an improvised Artist Village, a nomadic camp with mobile homes, caravans and tents. The artists’ village during the exhibition Coup de Ville is an offshoot of the annual portfolio days and the (post-) summer school. WARP organises these encounters with professionals from over the entire world: curators, art critics and established artists from New York to Beijing and from Toronto to Cape Town. The world will literally be presented in a village on the largest market place in Belgium. Together with a team of 20 international commentators, artists will have a captivating opportunity to reflect on their art in a professional environment. The interaction with the professionals as with other participating artists, is a unique starting point to further develop ones professional art career.
Artists, poets, performers etc. until the age of 35 can submit their portfolio until May 21st 2010.
The fee includes week-long lodging (mobil homes and caravans are equipped with all necessary facilities and comfort), meals, professional encounters and other scheduled activities, such as lectures, concerts, etc.
The Artist Village will be opened on October 1, with an astounding celebration. If necessary (due to difficult flight schedules) housing can be provided a few days in advance.
Free participation tai chi on the market place
Informal meetings with & visits by artists
11.00: first portfoliomeetings
12.30: lunch
14.30 – 17.30: Portfoliomeetings (personal encounter with professional)
• Individual meetings with professionals
• Short presentations (10 minutes) by participating artists
18.30: communal meals (also open to non-participants)
20.00: lectures / concerts / performances
Every day of the week meals will differ according to the participating nationalities and different continents.
The Artists Village will close on Wednesday. Artists from abroad are invited to extend their stay in venues as Ghent, Turnhout, Bornem, Willebroek and other locations.
Participating professionals include amongst others:
Anne-Sophie Dinant (Curator South-London Gallery), Iris Dressler (Director Kunstverein Stuttgart), Peter Fransman (Director, Het Domein Sittard), Jan Hoet (Curator, Belgium), Eline Kard (Artist, Latvia), Fleurie Kloostra (Programmer, De Brakke Grond Amsterdam), Eva Koch (Artist, Denmark), Toma Luntumbue (Artist, DR Congo), Oliver Lutz (Artist, USA), Sofie Muller (Artist, Belgium), Pierre Muylle (Curator, S.M.A.K. Ghent), Berni Searle (Artist, South-Africa), Dirk Van Bastelaere (Poet, Belgium), Jos Van den Bergh (Curator MHKA Antwerp), Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven (Artist, Belgium), Zou Wei (Artist/Docent, China), Eric Weiss (Artist, France)
For technical specifications on how to apply, please visit our website


“Home Sweet Home” International Performance and Videoart Festival in Berlin, Neukölln“
Deadline: 20th May 2010
GlogauAIR is calling all videoartists to participate in the Videoart Show HOME SWEET HOME scheduled in July 9-10th 2010 in Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin.
The selected works will be also shown in the LOOP Videoart Fair in Barcelona in may 2011 and two of them will be chosen for the “Ámister Art Friendly Award” consisting in an invitation for a weekend in Hotel Ámister in Barcelona with travel expenses from Europe. The winners will have the opportunity show their work and participate in the activities of the Loop International Video Art Fair, 2011.
Organiser Institution: Künstlerhaus GlogauAIR (
Location: Werkstatt der Kulturen (, Berlin
Scheduled: 9.-10. July 2010
Call for Proposals
Application Form

Application Requirements
1. Form: Completed technical form. To be send by email to: videoart [arobas] glogauair [point] net
2. Theme: Home Sweet Home
3. Duration: max.of 20 min
4. Format: Copy of the work in DVD format AVI, MPG or MOV. (Top quality)
5. Film Stills: 2 still photos of the work with 300 DPI resolution and maximum size of 15x15cm
6. Deadline: postmarked until 20th May 2010
7. Adress: GlogauAIR, Videoart, Glogauerstr. 16, 10999 Berlin, Germany
(Please mark: No commercial value, for cultural purposes)
* The selected artists will be informed until 7th June 2010.
* Submitted materials will not be returned.
* GlogauAIR cannot provide financial contribution, shipping costs or any expenses to the participants.


Con la finalidad de alentar el uso del video como soporte para generar piezas de performance, el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes a través de Ex Teresa Arte Actual y P3RFORM4NC3, con el apoyo del Centro de Artes y Nuevas Tecnologías del Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosí, convocan a los artistas y grupos dedicados al performance y otras disciplinas a participar en

Tercer Festival de Videoperformance de la Ciudad de México

Bajo las siguientes bases:
1. Podrán participar los artistas de cualquier disciplina con una pieza de performance para video o video-performance cuya duración no sea mayor a 7 minutos. (No se aceptarán propuestas de documentación de acciones).

2. Las obras deberán entregarse en un sobre cerrado y rotulado de la siguiente manera: EJECT – FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE VIDEOPERFORMANCE. Ex Teresa Arte Actual – Lic. Verdad 8, Centro Histórico, 06060, México D.F. Los sobres deberán rotularse con la leyenda: SIN VALOR COMERCIAL – PARA FINES CULTURALES ÚNICAMENTE.

3. Sólo se aceptarán obras presentadas en formato DVD (NTSC o Multiregión).

4. Se deberá anexar un sobre con la siguiente información impresa: título, nombre del artista o grupo, teléfono, e-mail y dirección postal, breve currículo del artista o grupo y breve descripción del video.

5. La fecha límite de recepción será el viernes 23 de julio de 2010 a las 17:30 horas. Se aceptarán aquellos trabajos que hayan sido enviados por correo de acuerdo con la fecha del matasellos.

6. Los miembros del jurado, cuyos nombres serán dados a conocer con posterioridad al fallo, seleccionarán hasta 25 videos teniendo como criterio la calidad de la imagen y la originalidad de la propuesta. Su fallo será inapelable.

7. Los videos seleccionados integrarán la muestra del Tercer Festival de Video Performance de la Ciudad de México que se celebrará los días 26 y 27 de agosto en Ex Teresa Arte Actual y posteriormente en el Centro de Artes y Nuevas Tecnologías del Centro de las Artes de San Luis Potosí y el Teatro Alberto M. Alvarado del Instituto Municipal de Cultura de Gómez Palacio, Durango.

8. Se informará a los seleccionados por correo electrónico y luego del festival se les entregará o enviará el videocatálogo que contendrá los trabajos seleccionados y su constancia de participación. Asimismo, las obras seleccionadas se exhibirán en diversos medios electrónicos.

9. No se devolverán los materiales. Se recomienda en todos los casos registrar los derechos de autor.

10. Este Festival se hace sin fines de lucro por lo que los organizadores no se harán cargo de gastos que pudieran generarse por la participación de los artistas y grupos (transporte, hospedaje, honorarios, ni gastos de envío).

11. Cualquier caso no previsto deberá presentarse al jurado para su resolución.

Para mayores informes:
videoeject [arobas] hotmail [point] com / p3rform4nc3 [arobas] hotmail [point] com

Ex Teresa Arte Actual
Lic. Verdad 8
Centro Histórico, México D.F.
C. P. 06060
5522 9093 / 55222721
xteresa_arteactual [arobas] yahoo [point] com [point] mx


Our friends at Artists Wanted just launched their 2nd Annual Photography Competition: EXPOSURE. This international search for photography is so awesome, we just had to help them spread the word. One photographer will win their choice of prizes: $10,000 or 1-year rent free at the Edge in Williamsburg (an apartment worth $1.2 Million!).

Check out the information below to submit!

Photographers Wanted for: EXPOSURE
Artists Wanted’s international competition for inspired photography is now open.

Details are at:

Photography is power. In a world of images, a photographer has the potential to change perceptions, ask questions and to explore beauty. This opportunity is open to photographers of all backgrounds who speak exquisitely in the language of lenses and aperture.

Our goal is simple – to find amazing photographic talents and expose them to the world in the most potent way possible. Rewards and benefits will be given to all who participate. One Grand Prize winner will be awarded a Manhattan gallery reception, international publicity and their choice of $10,000 cash or 1 year living rent free in a $1.2 million dollar apartment provided by The Edge in New York City.

Our panel of judges including Photographer Lauren Greenfield, New York Times Photo Editor Maura Foley, MoMA Curator Nora Lawrence and JPG Founders Derek Powazek & Heather Powazek Champ, will choose one photographer for the Grand Prize:

* $10,000 cash or 1-year FREE living at a $1.2 million apartment at The Edge in New York City
* A Manhattan gallery reception
* Airfare & shipping to and from New York City for the event
* International publicity

The public will also cast their vote and the highest rated portfolio will receive the People’s Choice Award:

* $2,000 in cash
* A Manhattan gallery reception
* Airfare & shipping to and from New York City for the event

All participants will receive:

An online portfolio searchable by gallerists, press and commercial buyers; A free digital subscription to JPG Magazine; $100 in discounts and credits from; and discounts and freebies from our corporate sponsors.

This is your opportunity to capture the moment and share your talent with the world.

Send us your most powerful photographs:

4 Factors to Consider Before Selling a Structured Settlement

Deadline May 31, 2010, 11:59 p.

With support from The Edge, JPG Magazine, Etsy, Resource Magazine, Zipcar, 3rd Ward.


3rd Ward
info [arobas] 3rdward [point] com

3rd Ward

195 Morgan Avenue

Brooklyn New York 11237

United States




Republic Worldwide is excited to get back to our creative roots with a whole new season of exhibitions and creative projects. We are now accepting submissions for our upcoming exhibition season. We are currently accepting work in the following media: Installation,Video, Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, Conceptual Projects, New Media, mixed media, Sound, Computer based projects and Photography.

Thematically we are looking for work in the following subjects:

* Space /Astronomy/ UFO’s (all media)
* Skin / Flesh (photo realism)
* American Folklore (all media)
* Scars/Wounds (all media)
* Philip Guston (painting, sculpture, flat work installation)
* Computer Science /Technology (all media)
* Public Works (all media)
* Skateboard Design (Industrial Design)

To submit and receive more information about a particular category or to find out more about Republic Worldwide in New York or Los Angeles please send an e-mail to info [arobas] repulicworldwide [point] com. Please include a link to your website or three images of your work along with a brief letter of introduction. Please allow up to three weeks for response to all submissions.

To learn more about some of our past exhibitions and curatorial projects please visit or call 917. 478. 7513.



DEADLINE: MAY 31, 2010 (postmarked if sent by mail)
Sixth Annual biennial for computer-based and technological art
Ystad Art Museum – November 27nd 2010 – January 30th 2011

Electrohype is proud to announce that we are celebrating ten years as an organization and at the same time organizing the sixth biennial for computer based and technological art. This year the exhibition will be shown in Ystads Art Museum (Ystads konstmuseum) a well renowned art museum located 60 km south of Malmo. The city of Ystad is located close to the sea and at the same time part of the scenic south Swedish countryside. The art museum has a long tradition of combining traditional art, from its collections, with experimental art and music from the contemporary art scene, both local and international.

Electrohype 2010 will be the sixth biennial for computer based and technological art in Sweden. The biennial is also the largest reoccurring event for electronic art in the Nordic region. To give the exhibition a good and broad perspective we are looking for both Nordic and International artists.

What kind of art are we looking for?

Since the start in 1999 Electrohype has focused on what we choose to call computer based art. Art that runs of computers and utilizes the capacity of the computer to mix various media, allow interaction with people or interaction with other machines. In this context computers can be defined as anything from complex electronics to primitive mechanics. We recommend you to browse our website to see documentation of works in previous exhibitions but we also want you to keep an open mind and feel free to propose works within a wide definition of the term computer based and technological art.

We are not looking for “straight” video art (even if it is edited on a computer) or still images rendered on computers and other material that refers to more “traditional” media forms. Forms where the traditional tools have been replaced with computers and software, in other words art that can be transferred to “traditional” linear media. This might seem as a narrow approach but we have discovered that it gives us a better focus on a genre that in no way is narrow.

Email: info [arobas] electrohype [point] org
Phone: +46 40 18 26 90


Call for entries
Deadline: 30 May 2010
July 2010 – C.A.R.M.A. – Applied Multimedia Art and Research Center – Rome, Italy.

The Festival intends to select and present to the public a selection of audiovisual works conceived and produced as pieces of contemporary art.
The Festival welcomes any digital production technique focusing on the expressive and conceptual potentialities of the chosen medium.
There are no particular restrictions about the subject of the work, but a thematic area is suggested through the reference to the “Beyond appearance” umbrella title.
During the Festival, selections of guest works will be shown from the five editions of “Magmart – videoart international festival”, from Italian works joining “Fish Eye Festival”, and from “Schio Glocal Digital Fest”, as well as a short retrospective on video art.
C.A.R.M.A. – Applied Multimedia Art and Research Center – announces an international open call for the 1st Edition of Arte video Roma Festival, a two-days festival to take place in Rome (Italy) at the beginning of July 2010.
Submission of art pieces is free. The following categories are accepted:
Video Art, Experimental Video Animation, Video Research, Video Dance, Abstract Video, Experimental Music Video.
Every artist can submit an unlimited number of works for a maximum duration of 15 minutes each. Dvd format is required.
The works submitted must be sent along with the following documentation:
- synopsis of the work(s),
- technical data,
- Author(s)’s curriculum vitae and bio-data,
- one CD containing 3 or more still of each work, jpg/300 dpi format required,
- written declaration of the artist who declares s/he agrees to donate C.A.R.M.A. the work(s) sent, for exclusive cultural purposes, i.e. s/he allows the Center to show the work(s) without charge, but not to sell it/them (please see attachment).
All the works displayed will be added to C.A.R.M.A. Archive to be freely consulted by the public.
The works sent can be eventually shown in future events to be held by C.A.R.M.A. with the only purpose of spreading digital works of art, and the relevant names of the artists active in this field.
The copy of the work submitted for pre-selection will not be returned.
Deadline for receiving the works is May 30th 2010.
Dvd must be sent to the following address:
C.A.R.M.A. (Centro d’Arti e Ricerche Multimediali Applicate)
c/o Casa dei Popoli
Viale Irpinia n.50,
00177 Roma, Italy
The works will be selected by an appointed Committee whose decisions are based on artistic, aesthetic and content values, and cannot be controverted. The Committee will examine and evaluate all the works received by the deadline, according to the above described criteria.
The Committee is entitled to assess each work and is not obliged to justify the exclusion of works which are not selected.
The number of works to be selected is not fixed and is set by the Festival Production Team.
For further information, please contact:
C.A.R.M.A. – Centro d’Arti e Ricerche Multimediali Applicate
Applied Multimedia Art and Research Center
Contact person: Frine Beba Favaloro
E-mail: ass [point] carma [arobas] gmail [point] com
frinebeba [arobas] gmail [point] com
Mobile: +39 349 1753657
To learn more about C.A.R.M.A. – Applied Multimedia Art and Research Center, please visit:


Call for entries
Deadline: 16 June 2010
NEA International Media Artist/Filmmaker Residency

Application form
Media artists and filmmakers are encouraged to apply for this 4-week International Artist-in-Residence program funded by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Residency is directed toward media makers who are interested in learning new technologies (film or digital) useful for their practice. Residency offers one month access to16mm production / post-production systems, film hand-processing facilities, Final Cut Pro editing suite, video/film cameras and equipment. Artist-in-Resident will receive accommodations, travel, and a $1000 artist’s stipend paid in two installments. The selected Artist-in-Resident must fulfill residency terms between September and November of the residency year.
More information on


all for entries
Deadline: 21 May 2010
Windows from Gaza for Contemporary Art,
invites vidweoartists to submit to
Gaza’s International Festival for Video Art 2010
19 June, 2010
in: Gaza – Jerusalem – Ramallah – Rafah – Jabalia and Nablus
Eligibility Criteria
1. Candidates should, firstly, subscribe to Festival’s Website: by creating accounts and filling in personal data and then upload the video art;
2. Participating works must be video arts only – e.g. not documentary nor trial works;
3. Duration of participating works must be of no longer than 10 minutes.
4. Contents of participating works should not of any means, explicitly or implicitly, promote any violent or inappropriate scenes, thoughts or incitement
5. “Submitted works must not include any illegal contents such as plagiarism, pornography, discrimination, or incitement
6. Submitted works should be in harmony and appropriate to the Palestinian culture
7. The festival organizer has the right to use the video arts in its festival-related promotion campaigns.
8. Last date to send the video Art until May 21, 2010
9. Selection of participating video arts will be in line with these terms and conditions, in addition to the technical selection criteria set by the committee;
10. The selection committee’s decision is final and cannot be contested.
Gaza’s International Festival for Video Art
E-mail:gfvart [arobas] artwfg [point] ps
Windows from Gaza for Contemporary Art

4. divers

Message de la Conférence canadienne des arts:

Vers une stratégie numérique nationale?

Les faits en résumé

Le gouvernement fédéral lançait cette semaine une consultation nationale, visant au développement d’une stratégie sur l’économie numérique. L’annonce de cette consultation a été faite conjointement par les Ministres Clement (Industrie), Moore (Patrinmoine) et Finley (Ressources humaines et Développement des compétences ) au cours de la Conférence Canada 3.0.

Le communiqué cite le ministre Moore sur l’importance de cette consultation : « Notre gouvernement met tout en œuvre pour que les créateurs, les inventeurs et les entrepreneurs aient envie d’innover, la possibilité de prendre des risques et les outils nécessaires à leur réussite. Nous reconnaissons le rôle de premier plan du secteur des médias et du contenu numériques dans l’économie numérique et nous avons l’intention d’établir un plan à long terme qui résistera à l’épreuve du temps. »

Tous les Canadiens sont invités à présenter leur point de vue soit via le site web ou en faisant parvenir un mémoire au gouvernement avant le 9 juillet prochain

Il y a quelques semaines, le Comité permanent du Patrimoine a amorcé sa propre réflexion sur le Médias numériques et émergents. La CCA comparaissait aujourd’hui pour présenter une perspective culturelle et sociale globale sur la stratégie numérique dont les Canadiens ont un urgent besoin.

La CCA se réjouit du fait que le débat n’est plus uniquement centré sur la construction d’infrastructures mais tient également compte des conditions nécessaires à la présence de la culture canadienne dans l’univers numérique. L’avenir de notre culture et de nos artistes et la cohésion de notre société dépendront du type de législation et de politique que nous adopterons pour recalibrer les facteurs technologiques qui ont changé notre univers. Une loi du droit d’auteur désuète et une politique risquée concernant la propriété étrangère de nos industries culturelles dominantes pourraient mettre en danger nos “produits et services” culturels et en faire avorter le développement alors que le monde est à notre portée. Toute stratégie nationale doit donc inclure des outils et des plans d’action faisant en sorte que les Canadiens profitent au maximum des nouveaux médias et voient leur droit à leur propre culture respecté. C’est la raison pour laquelle la CCA insiste pour que le débat se déroule non seulement  en termes de développement d’une « Stratégie sur l’économie numérique du Canada » mais plutôt dans le cadre d’une réflexion qui couvre également les aspects sociaux et culturels de cette question nationale de première importance.

La présentation de la CCA identifie plusieurs aspects de l’impact du numérique sur la culture nationale. Parmi les questions de première importance se trouvent évidemment le besoin d’une approche globale qui couvre la formation, la propriété intellectuelle, l’appui au développement d’expressions culturelles canadiennes, le contrôle de nos infrastructures, industries et politiques culturelles. Il est également important de donner l’occasion à tous les Canadiens, non seulement d’avoir accès à des infrastructures hyper performantes, mais également de les former à se servir des nouvelles technologies pour donner une voix à leurs propres communautés. C’est entre autres la raison pour laquelle la CCA appuie la création de centre multi-médias à travers le pays sur le modèle présenté récemment au CRTC par la Canadian Association of Community Television Users and Stations (CACTUS).

Pour en savoir davantage

La consultation menée par le Comité du Patrimoine a vu défiler plusieurs acteurs de la scène artistique et culturelle canadienne. Ainsi, dans sa présentation du 29 avril, le Commissaire de l’Office national du film, Tom Perlmutter, a parlé avec éloquence et clarté des divers obstacles au succès  des industries culturelles numériques canadiennes. Il a réaffirmé l’urgence pour le Canada d’adopter une stratégie nationale capable d’exploiter la puissance de l’univers numérique, déclarant entre autres :

« Le Canada est à peu près le seul pays au monde dont les citoyens fréquentent presque exclusivement des sites web non canadiens, en fait provenant des USA. On ne trouve aucune compagnie sous propriété et contrôle de Canadiens dans les 10 sites les plus fréquentés. Cela peut avoir changé tout récemment à cause du site en ligne de CTV, mais encore cela concerne-t-il essentiellement de la programmation américaine. La situation est complètement à l’opposé au Royaume-Uni, en Austratlie, en France, en Italie et dans plusieurs autres pays. Un des leaders du secteur numérique privé au pays a comparé  les Canadiens à des bûcherons et des porteurs d’eau dans l’univers numérique. Nous courons le danger de reproduire dans le nouveau contexte la situation qui existe déjà dans notre système de radiodiffusion où des sommes considérables d’argent fuient vers le sud pour acheter des émissions étrangères et où le contenu canadien est le parent pauvre de la famille. » (trad. libre)

Comme d’autres, M. Perlmutter a soulevé un nombre de faits qu’il importe de reconnaître dans le développement d’une stratégie nationale. Évidemment, l’abandon progressif par les auditoires de la télévision au profit d’autres plateformes de distribution que sont l’Internet et le sans fil est une réalité fondamentale du nouvel environnement. Il s’ensuit que la propriété intellectuelle et la production de contenu canadien sont de moins en moins protégées de la concurrence internationale.

Maureen Parker, directrice de la Writers Guild of Canada, déclarait pour sa part :

« …Une stratégie numérique nationale doit en premier lieu assurer qu’il y a suffisamment d’investissement dans la création professionelle d’émissions numériques de divertissement. Elle doit ensuite assurer le maintien d’entreprises sous propriété et contrôle canadien pour favoriser le contenu canadie, avec toutes les measures incitatives necessaries. Enfin, il faut amender la Loi sur la radiodiffusion et avoir des modalités commerciales assurant que les créateurs de contenu aient un revenu équitable pour leur travail. »

Selon certains témoins, il est clair qu’un des changements majeurs qui doit avoir lieu concerne le besoin d’investir dans l’économie numérique non seulement en termes d’infrastructures mais en termes de développement de contenu. Les entreprises créatives doivent pouvoir développer leurs nouveaux modèles d’affaires par le biais d’un changement fondamental du cadre de référence et non en étant obligées de se conformer aux règles existantes. Ainsi Jeff Anders, pdg fondateur de The Mark News, a décrit de la façon suivante les problèmes que confronte sa compagnie :

“The Mark, par exemple, a passé au peigne fin au moins 70 programmes de subvention pour se rendre compte qu’elle est éligible à très peu d’entre eux. Si nous étions une entreprise à but non lucratif, si nous avions besoin de faire d’importants investissements en immobilisation, ou si nous imprimions notre contenu sur du papier, nous pourrions avoir accès à toute une série de subventions ou de prêts. Mais ce n’est pas le genre d’entreprise que nous sommes. Il y a un manque de cohérence flagrant entre les objectifs du Canada, soit l’urgent besoin d’investir dans tout ce qui se rapporte au numérique, et les mesures incitatives destinées aux entreprises novatrices comme The Mark. Nous n’avons pas besoin d’équipement, nous avons besoin d’aide à l’exploitation, un accès à des fonds qui nous permettent de continuer d’opérer pendant que nous expérimentons (et parfois faillissons) dans notre recherche de modèles d’affaires durables. Nous avons besoin d’appui pour que le numérique fonctionne, pas d’encouragement à regarder en arrière sur un modèle basé sur le papier. Nous avons besoin de passer d’un régime protectionniste à un régime d’encouragement et de propulsion en avant. »

D’autres pays ont déjà développé une stratégie numérique nationale découlant d’une consultation élargie et d’une planification systématique. Ainsi Digital Britain présente une approche nationale à la création de contenu et de portails qui permettent aux citoyens britanniques de s’impliquer dans les nouveaux médias. Le Canada arrivera-t-il à faire de même avant qu’il soit trop tard?

Que puis-je faire?

Assurez-vous que le gouvernement, et particulièrement les trois ministres directement intéressés au débat (James Moore, Tony Clement et Diane Finley) sont sensibilisés au point de vue des artistes et des créateurs et qu’ils comprennent bien ce dont nous avons besoin pour assurer que les Canadiens ont accès à leur propre culture dans le nouvel environnement numérique. Participez au Forum d’idées, ou encore faites parvenir une soumission formelle d’ici le 9 juillet prochain. Auparavant, vous pouvez vous familiariser avec les enjeux en lisant le document de consultation. Ne manquez pas une occasion de sensibiliser votre député(e).

Vous pouvez également aider la CCA à préparer son mémoire en partageant vos idées avec jessica [point] litwin [arobas] ccarts [point] ca.

Alain Pineau
National Director / Directeur général
Canadian Conference of the Arts / Conférence canadienne des arts
406 – 130, rue Slater Street
Ottawa Ontario K1P 6E2
Tel: (613) 238-3561 ext. 12 poste 12
Fax / Télécopieur: (613) 238-4849
alain [point] pineau [arobas] ccarts [point] ca |