La Liste présente les événements des membres de l’Association des groupes en arts visuels francophones (AGAVF), soit quinze centres d’artistes et galeries à travers le Canada, et compile les appels de dossiers en arts visuels, arts médiatiques, performance, art public, résiardences qui s’adressent aux artistes et aux commissaires.

Hiver, matin par Roger LaFrenière. Exposition Variations au CCFM
Nouvelles de l’AGAVF
Le livre d’art numérique : états des lieux et guide pratique
Le Collectif d’éditeur.trice.s d’art contemporain (CÉAC) est heureux de rendre accessible à tous et à toutes sa première édition numérique intitulée Le livre d’art numérique : états des lieux et guide pratique. Détails
Forum de la FCCF
la Fédération culturelle canadienne-française vous invite à son Forum virtuel 2021 – Cultiver l’art en tant que service essentiel, qui aura lieu le mercredi 1er décembre 2021 de 13 h à 14 h (HNE). Le Forum, animé par l’animatrice et productrice Mathilde Hountchégnon, donnera la parole à Émilie Perreault qui présentera sa conférence « Faire œuvre utile : quand l’art répare des vies ».
Programmation des membres de l’AGAVF
Centre culturel franco-manitobain (Winnipeg)
Roger LaFrenière – Variations
du 21 octobre 2021 au 3 janvier 2022
340, boulevard Provencher
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Galerie Sans Nom (Moncton)
Danielle Boudreau – Curated Interiors
Kieran Delaney – redgreenblue
du 12 novembre au 17 décembre 2021
140, rue Botsford, local 16
Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick
Le Labo (Toronto)
Revoyez Un Toronto situationniste
Pour les 15 ans du Labo!
Galerie d’art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen (Moncton)
Jessica Arseneau – Surrounding Uncaring Skies
présentée dans le cadre du Volet arts médiatiques du Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie
du 6 novembre au 22 décembre 2021
Université de Moncton
Moncton, Nouveau-Brunswick
Le Trécarré (Pointe-de-l’Église)
Alvina LeBlanc, Amy Paradis, Claude Chaloux, Claude Thériault, Dany Sheehy, Diane Nadon, Dianne Surette, Isa Sanami-Murrill, Jan Swaren, Jay LeBlanc, Mona McDonald, Nadine Belliveau, Noella DeMille, Ridina Rivena Esquiche, Réanne Cooper, Valérie Nadon et Véronique Hogan – Mille saveurs
du 7 novembre 2021 au 2 janvier 2022
Université Sainte-Anne, Nouvelle-Écosse
Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle (Ottawa)
J. Aird-Bélanger, J. Bertrand, G. Bourgeois et P. Pirani, R. Chevalier, C. Cooper, C. Dahan, L. Daigle, M. Des Aulniers, K. Dimtch, L. Finet, D. Gérin, O. Golub, J. Graham, A. Gutiérrez, M. Handfield, S. Hanji, F. Ikonomidou, R. Jodoin, G. Kells, R. Kempen, I. Kobayashi, | P. Kumar, D. Lamontagne, D. Larouche, C. László, D. Leclerc, E. Léger, M. Manu, M. Márquez, M. Melo, J. Muscat, C. Pál, M. Périat, O. Petca, H. Pouillon, R. Robesco, N. Ross, S. St-Laurent, S. Swinimer, G. Vallée, P. Walty, L. Wilson, D. Wimalaratne
Racines quantiques. Des quarks aux étoiles – Exposition internationale d’estampe numérique miniature
Commissaire: Dominique Laurent
du 6 novembre au 14 décembre 2021
67, avenue Beechwood
Vanier, Ontario
Constellation bleue-Galerie Bernard-Jean (Caraquet)
Mario Cyr – Mouvement de rapprochement
du 5 novembre 2021 au 9 janvier 2022
220, boul. Saint-Pierre Ouest
Caraquet, Nouveau-Brunswick
Appels de dossiers
1. appels en français du Canada
Centre d’Artistes Vaste et Vague – sept appels! – Carleton – plusiurs dates de tombée
Est-Nord-Est – Saint-Jean-Port-Joli – 20 janvier 2022
Galerie d’art du MIFO – Orléans – 7 janvier 2022
Galerie Jean-Letarte du Café centre d’art – Boucherville – 1er mars 2022
Le Labo – Toronto – 6 décembre
R3, galerie d’art actuel de l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières – 1er décembre
achat d’estampes – RIDEAU – 6 décembre
L’Œil de poisson – Québec – 7 janvier 2022
Symposium international d’art contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul – 15 décembre
Biennale de Venise en architecture – 29 novembre
Culture Trois-Rivières – 1er février 2022
Arprim – Montréal – 1er décembre
L’imprimerie – Montréal – 29 novembre
2. appels en anglais du Canada
Britannia Art Gallery – Colombie-Britannique – 30 novembre
Open Studio Residency – Struts Gallery – Sackville – 7 janvier
AGO x RBC Emerging artists program – 30 novembre
Engaging Artists in Community Program – Richmond – 30 novembre
Hotam Press Gallery – Vancouver – 3 décembre
3. appels internationaux
Mattress Factory – Pittsburgh – 10 décembre
European Media Art Festival – Osnabrück – 7 janvier 2022
4. résidences
Factory Media Centre – Hamilton – 10 décembre
Résidence de création interprovinciale – AAAPNB + FéCANE + CCF – 20 décembre
ArtworxTO Legacy Artist in Residence – 13 décembre
EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne – 29 novembre
Amant – Brooklyn – 30 novembre
Konsthall C – Farst, Suède – 12 décembre
Blitz Valletta – Malte – 30 novembre
Résidence Empreintes – Montréal – 10 décembre
Cove Park – Nouvelle-Écosse – 20 décembre
5. art public
Public Artworks for the Western North York Community and Child Care Centre – Toronto – 20 décembre
Indigenous Art Trail – Mississauga – 14 décembre
Locke Street Marker Public Art Project – Hamilton – 13 janvier 2022
Temporary Floating Public Art – Harbour Square Park Basin – Toronto – 10 décembre
Artist-Initiated Public Art for City of New Westminster – 26 novembre
6. pour commissaires
Rubriques récurrentes – Vie des arts – 5 janvier 2022
Emploi direction générale – Le Lobe – Chicoutimi – 5 janvier 2022
Cultural Festivals Events Manager / Artistic Director – Swift Current – 14 décembre
Arts manager – West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative – Kinngait/Cape Dorset – 29 novembre
Director – McIntosh Gallery – London – 17 décembre
Director – The New Gallery – Calgary – en cours
Est-Nord-Est – résidence pour auteur.e.s – Saint-Jen-Port-Joli – 20 janvier 2022
Emploi Assistant Professor in Studio Art (Drawing, Painting, and Interdisciplinary Art Practice) – University of Toronto Scarborough – 1er décembre
Commissaire d’exposition – Fondation Fiminco – Romainville (Seine-Saint-Denis) – 30 novembre
Assistant Conservator, Time-Based Media – AGO, – Toronto – 30 novembre
Director – Villa Romana – Florence – 1er décembre
Direction générale – Regart – 10 décembrew
esse art + opinion – No. 105 – Dossier Nouvel nouvel age – 10 janvier 2022
1. appels en français du Canada
Le Centre d’artistes Vaste et Vague, en collaboration avec plusieurs partenaires, lance simultanément sept [7] appels de dossiers !
Les artistes et les commissaires sont appelés à soumettre leurs dossiers selon les dates de tombée prévue pour chaque appel.
Tous les détails ici-bas.
Programmation 2023 | Centre d’artistes Vaste et Vague
Date limite : 31 janvier 2022
PROJETS DE DIFFUSION | Appel de dossiers pour soumettre un projet de diffusion (exposition, photographie, peinture, sculpture, installation, œuvre éphémère, performance, art relationnel ou public, etc.), et de conférence ou d’atelier de formation.
PROJETS DE RÉSIDENCES | Invitation aux artistes à soumettre un projet pour réaliser un séjour de quatre à six semaines en résidence de création.
En savoir plus / soumettre une proposition
Barachois In Situ | Événement de création in situ
Date limite : 15 décembre 2021
Dates de l’événement : 20 au 28 août 2022
Lieu : Barachois [Percé]
Le Bureau Satellite Vaste et Vague à Percé invite les artistes professionnels ou en voie de professionnalisation à soumettre une proposition de projet pour participer à la 4e édition de Barachois In Situ. Pour cette édition qui se déploie sous le titre Ce qui nous lie, les artistes bénéficieront, pour la première fois, d’une semaine de recherche et de prospection à Barachois du 17 au 23 avril 2022.
En savoir plus / soumettre une proposition
Échange pilote : Résidences d’artistes Matapédia / Montréal
2 artistes québécois / 2 artistes gaspésiens – Résidence de création de 3 mois
Date limite : 5 janvier 2022
Résidences à Matapédia : Automne 2022 / hiver 2023
Résidences à Montréal : Printemps 2022 / hiver 2023La Gare de Matapédia – pôle artistique et communautaire devient un espace-atelier de création, pour deux résidences dans le cadre de ce projet pilote. Réciproquement, le projet s’ouvre également aux artistes gaspésiens en donnant accès à des espaces de création et de diffusion en milieu urbain à la Fonderie Darling de Montréal.
En savoir plus / soumettre une proposition
Appel de dossiers réservé aux artistes résidents ou originaires de la Gaspésie.
Date limite : 31 janvier 2022
Dates de l’exposition : 29 mai au 9 juillet 2022
Lieu de l’exposition : La Vieille Usine de L’Anse-à-Beaufils
Le Centre d’artistes Vaste et Vague souhaite appuyer les artistes de la Gaspésie qui s’orientent vers une pratique professionnelle en art actuel en leur permettant de présenter une première exposition solo soutenue par un centre d’artistes.
En savoir plus / soumettre une proposition
Le Centre d’artistes Vaste et Vague lance un appel de dossiers pour recevoir des propositions de projets pour la nouvelle œuvre dédiée à la Vitrine expérimentale.
Date limite : 31 janvier 2022
La VITRINE EXPÉRIMENTALE est un espace de diffusion rétroéclairée visible de jour et de nuit sur le mur extérieur ouest du Quai des arts de Carleton-sur-Mer.
Cet espace a pour vocation de favoriser la recherche et l’expérimentation en art actuel. Chaque année, le Centre d’artistes Vaste et Vague lance un appel afin de sélectionner une nouvelle oeuvre à y mettre en valeur.
En savoir plus / soumettre une proposition
Le Centre d’artistes Vaste et Vague et la commissaire Sophie Cabot renouvellent l’événement Marcher en portant une question en juillet 2022.
Date limite : 31 janvier 2022
Dates de l’événement : 25 juin au 3 juillet 2022
Commissaire : Sophie CABOTLa marche abordée comme processus créateur et performance in situ prend différentes formes esthétiques. Nous souhaitons créer un moment de rencontre entre les artistes marcheur.euses, ou qui l’intègre à leur processus, ainsi que diffuser ces pratiques en Gaspésie.
En savoir plus / soumettre une proposition
Centr’Elles, comité d’action des femmes d’Avignon lance un appel de dossiers, en collaboration avec le Centre d’artistes Vaste et Vague pour une résidence d’artiste dans ses locaux.
Date limite : 31 janvier 2022
Dates de la résidence : 1er – 31 juillet 2022
Lieu de création : Espace FéminiTHÉ, Centr’EllesCette résidence de création est ouverte à une femme artiste professionnelle ou en voie de professionnalisation en art actuel, qui souhaite amorcer ou poursuivre une exploration à partir de son propre vécu en tant que femme, l’histoire des femmes ou différents aspects de la féminité, expérimentée ou perçue.
En savoir plus / soumettre une proposition
Appel de dossiers – Artistes
Jusqu’au 20 janvier 2022
ENE lance son appel de dossiers destiné aux artistes pour sa programmation 2022-2023 !
Périodes de résidence :
Printemps : du 18 avril au 10 juin 2022
Été : du 4 juillet au 26 août 2022
Automne : du 19 septembre au 11 novembre 2022
Hiver : du 30 janvier au 24 mars 2023
La résidence de 8 semaines inclut :des droits de résidence de 1560 $ CA ;
l’occupation d’un studio-atelier individuel servant d’espace de travail et d’hébergement ;
l’accès à des équipements spécialisés (bois, métal, céramique) ;
l’accès à un centre de documentation (ouvrages, revues) ;
l’accès à des ressources locales ;
un soutien technique et logistique ;
l’accès à un vélo (en saison) / à un transport local ponctuel en période hivernale.
En raison de la pandémie, les résident·e·s et les employé·e·s doivent respecter un protocole sanitaire mis en place par ENE.
Votre dossier doit comprendre :un curriculum vitæ (maximum de deux pages en format PDF) ;
un texte de démarche artistique (maximum d’une page en format PDF) ;
un texte présentant vos intentions de recherche, d’expérimentation ou de production, incluant vos besoins précis en ressources techniques, s’il y a lieu (maximum d’une page en format PDF) ;
un dossier visuel de 10 à 15 images (format JPG) accompagné d’une fiche descriptive des images. Si des œuvres vidéos sont présentées, inclure un lien (Viméo, Youtube) accompagné du mot de passe s’il y a lieu. S’assurer que les vidéos seront accessibles.
Pour toute question, contactez l’équipe d’ENE à info [arobas] estnordest [point] org
Formulaire d’application et détails
Exposer dans la Galerie d’art du MIFO
Les expositions professionnelles sont de retour dans la Galerie d’art Eugène-Racette depuis cet automne. En planification de la prochaine saison, le MIFO lance un appel aux artistes visuels francophones de la région de la capitale nationale et de l’Est ontarien (professionnels et semi-professionnels) pour des soumissions d’expositions pour 2022-2023. Peinture, dessin, collage, photographie, sculpture et textiles sont acceptés.
Vous travaillez avec un autre type de médium? Vous avez une idée d’exposition hors norme? Contactez-nous à galerie [arobas] mifo [point] ca pour en discuter avec nous.
Vous avez jusqu’au 7 janvier 2022 pour soumettre votre candidature.
Mouvement d’implication francophone d’Orléans (MIFO)
6660, rue Carrière Orléans, Ontario K1C 1J4 Canada
Galerie Jean-Letarte du Café centre d’art
Vous trouverez ci-joint un appel de dossiers pour la saison d’exposition 2022-2023 à la Galerie Jean-Letarte du Café centre d’art de Boucherville ainsi que le lien vers l’appel de dossier disponible sur le site de la Ville de Boucherville :
La date limite pour soumettre un dossier est le 1er mars 2022.
Acquisition-Collection municipale (artiste bouchervillois et l’artiste non- résidant reconnu comme étant actif et présent dans le milieu artistique de Boucherville au cours des cinq dernières années)
Vous trouverez ci-joint un appel de dossiers pour enrichir sa collection municipale d’œuvres d’art ainsi que le lien vers l’appel de dossier disponible sur le site de la Ville de Boucherville :
La date limite pour soumettre un dossier est le 1er avril 2022.
Le Labo est à la recherche de 5 court-métrages (d’une durée de 1 à 5 minutes maximum), pour rejoindre un événement spécial et unique qui se tiendra au mois de février 2022 Date limite : 06 décembre 2021 Cachet de $220
Pour plus d’infos :
APPEL DE DOSSIERS | Programmation 2022-2024
DATE LIMITE : 1er décembre 2021
R3, galerie d’art actuel de l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, invite les artistes et commissaires professionnel.les à soumettre un projet d’exposition pour les deux prochaines années de programmation, soit 2022-2023 et 2023-2024.
Cet appel vise à combler sept (7) périodes d’expositions, de quatre semaines chacune. Les propositions de toutes les pratiques liées aux arts visuels sont acceptées. R3 s’engage à verser un cachet pour les droits d’expositions correspondant aux normes CARFAC.
La Galerie R3 a pour mandat de sensibiliser la communauté universitaire et le grand public à l’art actuel, au moyen d’événements et d’expositions. De plus, la mission pédagogique de la galerie comprend des présentations publiques, offertes sur une base volontaire, à la communauté étudiante et culturelle de la région de la Mauricie Centre-du-Québec.
achat d’estampes pour les Prix RIDEAU 2022.
Nous souhaitons sélectionner une édition de seize estampes identiques réalisées par un·e artiste québécois·e, qui seront remises à chacun de nos lauréat·e·s lors de notre gala qui aura lieu le 17 février prochain.
Vous pourrez retrouver toutes les informations dans notre appel de dossier, disponible via ce lien :
La date limite pour proposer son œuvre est le 6 décembre à midi.
L’Œil de Poisson invite les artistes, les chercheur.e.s et les commissaires à déposer un projet d’exposition en vue de la programmation régulière 2022-2023 du centre d’artistes de Québec. Inaugurant un nouveau chapitre de son histoire, L’Œil entend soutenir les artistes du Québec et d’ailleurs tout en revendiquant son statut de référence en matière de production artistique ancrée dans la recherche et l’expérimentation.
Pour l’année de production 22-23, L’Œil souhaite créer des rencontres entre les différentes disciplines artistiques. Les projets transdisciplinaires retenus par le jury se seront démarqués par leur caractère audacieux et leur capacité à soulever des réflexions théoriques sur la condition des arts à l’époque actuelle. Le centre encourage également les artistes à proposer des projets qui transcendent l’espace de galerie classique et testent les limites du cube blanc.
L’Œil veut recevoir des propositions de projets installatifs spécifiquement conçus pour occuper l’espace de sa Petite galerie. La nouvelle direction artistique a pour objectif de favoriser le travail des artistes émergents et souhaite offrir à la relève un espace entièrement voué à l’expérimentation.
Découvrez les critères de sélection, le matériel demandé ainsi que les conditions sur notre tout nouveau site web !
Découvrir les détails de l’appel
Symposium international d’art contemporain de Baie-Saint-Paul : l’appel à projets est officiellement lancé!
La thématique proposée à tous les artistes intéressé.e.s offre une opportunité d’aborder des pistes aussi diversifiées que nombreuses :
Connecté – Interconnecté : le monde numérique en question.
Tous les artistes des différentes disciplines des arts visuels (peinture, sculpture, dessin, arts numériques, performance, vidéo, photographie, installation) sont invité.e.s à soumettre leur candidature à cette 40e édition de l’événement.
La date limite pour soumettre un projet est le 15 décembre 2021.
Vivez une expérience mémorable de création intense! On attend impatiemment vos projets!
Appel de déclarations d’intérêt
Biennale de Venise
en architecture 2023
Le Conseil des arts du Canada lance un appel à propositions d’expositions pour la représentation officielle du Canada à la 18e exposition internationale d’architecture – La Biennale di Venizia, une exposition prestigieuse dont la plateforme internationale suscite des conversations critiques sur l’architecture contemporaine et attire chaque année 300 000 visiteurs.
À propos du rôle
L’équipe sélectionnée sera responsable de tous les aspects de l’exposition, y compris sa création, sa conception et sa production. En savoir plus sur le rôle.
À propos de l’exposition proposée
L’exposition se tiendra au Pavillon du Canada, dans les Giardini, de mai à novembre 2023. Le Conseil des arts du Canada recherche des propositions d’idées audacieuses et inspirantes qui mettent le public au défi et qui répondent aux réalités actuelles en misant sur l’architecture canadienne contemporaine.
Notre appui
Pour continuer d’honorer son engagement de promouvoir la présence et la visibilité des artistes et des professionnels des arts du Canada à l’international, le Conseil des arts du Canada supervise en tant que commissaire la participation officielle du Canada, conseille l’équipe sélectionnée et investit 500 000 $ dans la production de l’exposition.
Cela vous intéresse? Cliquez ici pour vous renseigner sur les critères d’admissibilité, les exigences associées à l’exposition et le processus de sélection.
Date limite pour soumettre votre déclaration d’intérêt : le lundi 29 novembre 2021, 23 h 59 (heure du Pacifique).
Voyez comment
Processus de sélection
Les finalistes de l’appel de déclarations d’intérêt seront invités à développer pleinement leur proposition et à participer à une entrevue avec le comité de sélection. L’équipe et la proposition sélectionnée seront annoncées en mars 2022.
Pour plus d’information
Si vous avez des questions ou avez besoin de conseils, écrivez-nous à biennaledevenise [arobas] conseildesarts [point] ca
Culture Trois-Rivières invite les artistes professionnels et de la relève, les collectifs d’artistes et les commissaires en art actuel à soumettre un projet d’exposition en vue de la programmation 2023-2024. Avec deux centres d’expositions, un volet en art public et ses différentes actions sur le territoire, Culture Trois-Rivières travaille activement à susciter l’intérêt pour l’art visuel et à le développer pour qu’il soit dans le quotidien des gens. Contribuant à faire de Trois-Rivières un lieu incontournable pour le développement des arts visuels, ces lieux d’exposition permettent à la population de découvrir gratuitement et d’apprécier le talent d’artistes d’ici et d’ailleurs, professionnels et de la relève.
Le dossier doit inclure :Démarche artistique;
Description détaillée du projet d’exposition;
Documentation visuelle1 avec description (10 à 15 images);
Curriculum vitae à jour ou présentation du collectif;
Dossier de presse.
1 La documentation visuelle fournie n’a pas obligatoirement à présenter les œuvres qui seront exposées mais doit refléter le caractère du projet d’exposition soumis.
Les dossiers sont jugés selon la qualité et la pertinence de la démarche artistique et du projet proposé en regard de la programmation annuelle. Les artistes sélectionnés reçoivent des redevances conformes aux recommandations du CARFAC (droits d’exposition, droits d’auteur, etc.)
Situé en plein cœur du centre-ville, le Centre d’exposition Raymond-Lasnier est une composante importante de la Maison de la culture de Trois-Rivières. Son mandat est de présenter des productions d’artistes professionnels et de la relève d’ici et d’ailleurs, des expositions thématiques, collectives et événementielles, tout en favorisant les apprentissages par des activités qui démystifient l’art contemporain et actuel.
L’Espace Pauline-Julien est un espace de diffusion dédié aux arts visuels et médiatiques. Son mandat est d’offrir une programmation en arts visuels et numériques ainsi que des projections, comme des courts métrages et films sur l’art.
Pour information ou pour soumettre un dossier :
Marie-Eve Bérubé,
responsable des expositions en arts visuels
819 372-4614, poste 1621
artsvisuelsc3r [arobas] v3r [point] net *
*Pour les dossiers de plus de 8 MO, nous vous recommandons d’utiliser We Transfer.
Programmation 2022-2024 / Arprim
1 décembre 2021
/ Montréal (Québec)
Pour son cycle de programmation 2022-2024, Arprim invite les artistes, collectifs et commissaires professionnels ayant des pratiques actuelles liées aux arts imprimés à proposer un projet d’exposition ou d’événement s’inspirant des orientations décrites ci-dessous.
À travers son mandat, Arprim propose d’aborder l’imprimé comme un média ouvert, mobile, social et accessible. Cette vision de l’art imprimé est ancrée dans une histoire qui lie le médium à la pratique de l’affiche, du pamphlet, du zine ou encore de l’(auto)édition, à des fonctions sociales, activistes, militantes, revendicatrices, et à des approches DIY, communautaires, collectives ou carrément autodidactes.
Bien qu’il soit toujours possible de générer des espaces de dialogues démocratiques, par tous et pour tous, grâce aux arts imprimés, qu’en est-il actuellement? L’hybridité et la multidisciplinarité des pratiques artistiques a-t-elle permis de transformer la fonction (sociale, politique, émancipatrice, etc.) de l’imprimé? Le web, dans toutes ses ramifications (applications mobiles, réseaux sociaux, objets connectés, etc.) a-t-il remplacé, sur les plans idéologiques et pratiques, l’imprimé comme médium de tous les possibles? Au contact des technologies numériques et dans un paradigme où l’éphémérité des images est soutenue par leur diffusion à vitesse grand V, comment les arts d’impression conservent-ils leur pertinence, leur importance, leur valeur ? Que permettent-ils de dire, quelles communautés peuvent-ils rejoindre, comment se développent-ils aujourd’hui?
Par un ensemble de projets (expositions, lancements, ateliers, discussions, etc.), Arprim souhaite réunir les artistes, les professionnels de la culture et le public autour d’enjeux actuels qui redéfinissent notre rapport aux arts imprimés. Les propositions qui sortent du cadre traditionnel de l’art ou de la salle d’exposition sont les bienvenues.
Le dossier doit comprendre:
– une proposition de projet ( PDF, max. 1 page)
– un maximum de 15 images numériques (JPEG dans un fichier ZIP, max. 1024 pixels de large)
– un maximum de 2 liens YouTube ou Viméo (optionnel)
– une liste descriptive du visuel
Le cas échéant, un lien vers votre site web ou encore,
– un texte de démarche (PDF, max. 1 page)
– un curriculum vitæ ( PDF, max. 3 pages)
Seuls les dossiers complets, reçus par courriel, seront considérés.
Envoyez votre dossier à : prog [arobas] arprim [point] org (Objet du courriel : Dossier de proposition)
En savoir plus
Arprim, centre d’essai en art imprimé
372 Sainte-Catherine Ouest, #426,
Montréal (Québec) H3B 1A2
+1 514.525.2621
info [arobas] arprim [point] org
L’imprimerie lance la seconde édition de son Chantier de recherche sur les pratiques de l’imprimé et du photographique, portant cette fois sur les pratiques artistiques écoresponsables!
Ce vaste projet de recherche, de création et d’échange vise à générer un dialogue entre les milieux artistiques, écologistes, scientifiques et entrepreneuriaux et à permettre le développement de pratiques écoresponsables innovantes. Fort du succès des mesures et actions pro-environnementales déjà en place en atelier, le centre souhaite se positionner en tant que leader canadien des pratiques artistiques écoresponsables.
Le Chantier se déploiera autour de quatre laboratoires de recherche-création d’une durée de 3 à 12 mois consécutifs, menés par des artistes engagés dans une démarche écoresponsable et accompagnés par l’expertise d’entrepreneurs locaux partenaires de L’imprimerie. Ces échanges permettront d’explorer de nouveaux procédés et matériaux respectueux de la nature et de l’environnement.
L’imprimerie invite donc les artistes, collectifs d’artistes et créateur.trices de tous horizons à soumettre un projet de recherche abordant l’image imprimée et photographique dans une approche d’écoconception, c’est-à-dire, l’ensemble de son cycle de création, de l’idéation jusqu’à la gestion des résidus. Chaque candidat.e est prié.e de sélectionner l’entreprise avec laquelle il.elle désire collaborer parmi les partenaires présenté.es ci-bas. Il est possible de suggérer une entreprise non mentionnée, sur présentation de documents supplémentaires.
Conditions d’accueil
L’accès privilégié aux services, équipements et installations de L’imprimerie pour une durée de 3 à 12 mois consécutifs, entre le 1er février 2022 et le 30 avril 2023;
Un cachet de 2000$ par mois (frais de matériaux inclus);
Une rémunération pour la participation à des activités publiques et éducatives.
*Il est à prévoir que les frais de déplacement et de subsistance ne sont pas couverts.
*Une attention particulière sera accordée aux personnes autochtones (Premières Nations, Inuit, et Métis), racisé.e.s (y compris les artistes récemment immigré.e.s), aux membres des communautés 2SLGBTQQIPAA+, et/ou aux personnes ayant des capacités différentes ou vivant une situation de handicap ou de maladie chronique. L’imprimerie encourage l’auto-identification des artistes et créateur.trice.s concerné.e.s afin de favoriser une représentation plurielle des diversités au sein du centre d’artistes.
2. appels en anglais du Canada
The Britannia Art Gallery is accepting exhibition and workshop proposals for 2022. The
gallery presents four workshops and 12
exhibitions annually.
Deadline: November 30, 2021, 5pm PST.
How to apply:
Complete one of the following Google form applications below by the deadline:
Exhibition application:
Workshop application:
Who can apply:
Professional and leisure artists, art collectives, and artisans who either live or have a
studio within Britannia’s catchment: Main St to Nanaimo St, from Broadway to the
south shore of Burrard inlet in Vancouver, BC.
Email us at brtnngallery [arobas] gmail [point] com or leave a message at 604.718.5800.
Call for Submissions
Open Studio Residency Program 2022
We are excited to once again welcome applications from Canadian visual and media artists to participate in our annual Open Studio Residency Program. Artists-in-residence can continue their practice or develop a new project or site-specific work and are encouraged to creatively engage with the community through screenings, talks, workshops, or events. Residencies are five-weeks and with up to six slots available, beginning in the spring of 2022. Studio space is located in Struts Gallery with accommodations provided in our apartments on the 2nd floor above the gallery. Struts Gallery pays an artist fee of $3000 plus per diem, travel costs, and any materials associated with workshops or other public events. Artists-in-residence also have access to the centre’s media arts equipment and facilities.
Residencies are selected by a committee of Struts Gallery members.
Recognizing the impacts of colonialism, white supremacy, and all forms of systemic oppression, applications from artists with lived experience as Black, Indigenous, racialized, Deaf, disabled, neurodivergent, and Queer/LGBTQIA2S+ will be prioritized throughout the selection process.
To submit an Open Studio Residency proposal:
1. Project proposal: a brief description of your Residency. Include technical requirements and site specifications if applicable. (max 250 words)
2. A brief bio (max 250 words)
3. Documentation of your work: up to ten images or five minutes of audio-visual material. All images and audio-visual material must be Mac compatible. Images must be in JPEG format with a maximum resolution of 1280px on either side. Audio-visual material above 10Mb should be sent via WeTransfer, Dropbox, Google drive or another file transfer service.
4. Current curriculum vitae (max two pages)
All submissions must arrive at the gallery by 5pm on January 7th, 2022. Please email submissions to submissions [arobas] strutsgallery [point] ca with the subject line ‘Open Studio’.
Struts Gallery
7 Lorne Street, Sackville, NB, E4L 3Z6 • 506-536-1211
info [arobas] strutsgallery [point] ca
Title: AGO x RBC Emerging Artists Program
Description: Call for proposals! AGO x RBC Artist-in-Residence program 2022 invites emerging artists to submit proposals for a digital project or experience to be created over a three-month residency, responding to the theme of Friendship Near And Far. Three paid residencies available in 2022. Deadline for submissions is Nov. 30, 2021. Learn more at
2022 Engaging Artists in Community Program
Call to Artists
The City of Richmond Public Art Program seeks artists with socially-oriented practices
to engage diverse and multigenerational audiences in three unique project-based artist
opportunities. Emerging and professional artists are invited to imagine innovative ways
in which art can act as a catalyst to foster creative expression, build community and
nurture mental health and well-being.
Opportunity A: $10,000 | Turning Point Recovery Society
Opportunity B: $10,000 | Urban Bounty
Opportunity C: $10,000 | Richmond Fitness and Wellness Association
Eligibility: Artists residing in British Columbia
Deadline: November 30, 2021
Duration: March 2022 – March 2023
For more information and to apply:
Hotam Press Gallery – The News Room
Call for Artists
Hotam Press Gallery is calling for artists to submit artworks for our upcoming exhibition
– The News Room. We are looking for works by artists that are made in the form of a
newspaper. All submitted artworks will be included in the exhibition.
Although not all works need to be printed on newsprint, the exhibition is also a
celebration of the humble yet diverse medium of the newsprint – a Canadian invention.
The News Room is scheduled to take place in the months of December 2021 and
January 2022.
Please note that after the exhibition, all the submitted works will be donated to
gallerys library for public reference use. As an appreciation of the submission, each
participant will receive a printed piece by Hotam Press.
If there are questions regarding the exhibition and the details, please email hotampress
Deadline for submissions: December 3, 2021
Mailing Address:
Hotam Press
218 East 4th Ave.
Vancouver BC V5T 1G6
(Please use postal service only, no couriers)
3. appels internationaux
International open call 2021
Mattress Factory
Application deadline: December 10, 2021, 4:59pm
Mattress Factory
500 Sampsonia Way
Pittsburgh, PA 15212
Hours: Wednesday 11am–8pm,
Thursday–Sunday 11am–6pm
T +1 412 231 3169
info [arobas] mattress [point] org
Instagram / Facebook / Twitter
The Mattress Factory is pleased to announce a new international open call for artist residencies and solo exhibitions.
The program: by artists, for artists
Continuing their commitment to centering artist voices and decentering institutional voice, the review of submissions and selection of artists will be done by artists who have previously exhibited at the Mattress Factory. The artists forming the Artist Review Panel for the 2021 International Open Call are vanessa german, Sohrab Kashani, Christopher Meerdo and Sarah Oppenheimer. The Artist Review Panel will review submissions and select artists to be offered residencies and solo exhibitions, shaping the upcoming programs of the Mattress Factory from submissions to the open call.
During their residency, artists are free to explore wherever their process leads them. The Mattress Factory will support each artist’s process from development through production and installation to exhibition. Solo exhibitions resulting from residencies will be scheduled from spring 2023 onwards.
Eligibility and submissions
The International Open Call is open to artists from around the world as well as from around the corner. Artists are invited to submit a portfolio of work and supporting documentation, which will be reviewed by the Artist Review Panel.
Artists must submit a single PDF file including (max. file size: 25mb):
–A 2-page (max.) bio or CV.
–Up to 10 images for consideration. Images must be accompanied by the artwork’s title, year, medium, and dimensions. Please include any notes regarding installation if relevant. For video or audio works, please include a static image in the PDF (you may also include a URL pointing to the file online in the text of the PDF). You may also submit up to 4 supporting audio or video files.
–Artists may also submit supporting documentation, but it is not required (i.e. press reviews or videos of artist talks).
–Please do not include project proposals in your submission.
Submissions close December 10, 2021 at 4:59pm, EST.
The Call for Entries for the 35th European Media Art Festival is now open.
The deadline is 7 January 2022.
Films, videos, installations and performance projects or expanded media works – we look forward to receiving your entries for the European Media Art Festival No. 35!
The festival takes place from 20 to 24 April 2022. For five days, Osnabrück will again become an international and trend-setting platform for media art and a meeting place for artists, curators, researchers and students. The exhibition at Kunsthalle Osnabrück will be on view until 29 May 2022.
Our selection committee and curators will review the submissions in the coming months and develop the programme for the upcoming festival. The full programme will be available on our homepage from mid-March 2022.
EMAF pays artist fees for all works selected for the festival.
At the festival, two juries will select the winners of the “EMAF Media Art Award of German Filmcritics (VDFK)”, the “Dialogue Award” and the “EMAF Award” for a trend-setting work in Media Art.
Please find our submission platform and festival regulations here:
We look forward to receiving your work!
European Media Art Festival
Lohstraße 45a
D-49074 Osnabrück
info [arobas] emaf [point] de
4. résidences
Call for Submissions – Factory Media Centre &NOW 2022 Production Residency & Scholarship
Factory Media Centre (FMC) is seeking submissions from multimedia and experimental film artists for our annual &NOW Production Residency & Scholarship (PR&S) program set to begin this upcoming Winter 2022.
Amid a global pandemic, this year’s &NOW Residency Program will be taking place virtually, online on a platform of each artist(s)’ choice. How can multimedia artists extend their practice to combat isolation and connect to new communities? Not limited by physical location in Hamilton, Ontario, we are inviting applications from across Canada and beyond.
Artists or artist teams working in digital, or media art forms are encouraged to apply. Selection criteria will be based on project originality, and its potential for artistic growth. Selections will be made by FMC’s Programming Committee.
Eligibility criteria
- Emerging, mid-career or established artists (or artist teams)
- Must be a member of the Factory Media Centre at the start of the residency term (To become a member visit:
– Full Membership: $45
– Seniors (65+) & Full time Student (18+): $25
- $2000 artist fee for the residency period. If applying as a team the artist fee will be split equally among team members.
- Payment for artist talk and public program.
- $1500 – $2000 scholarship for equipment rental (Local artists only: see rental page:
- Introduction orientation session and technical assistance as needed
- Staff and board support
- Online studio visit with peers from Hamilton’s art community
Artist(s) expectations during residency
- Dedicate time to developing new or existing work during the residency period
- Experiment with media art form, technique or content
- Utilize this opportunity production, post-production or to test an exhibition.
- Dedicate set hours per week and advertise virtual open studio hours for FMC’s community to view program updates
- Participate in virtual open studio culminative reception
- Develop and deliver one public program that engages with one of the FMC’s surrounding community. This could be a workshop, participatory experience, or artist talk.
- Acknowledge the support of FMC when presenting the work that was made while in residence.
- Provide high-quality documentation (images, video or sound) for FMC website, archives, or publications.
Factory Media Centre’s &Now Production and Scholarship Residency Program has openings for the following terms:
- January 6 – February 11, 2022
- February 4 – March 11, 2022
- March 4 – April 8, 2022
Application Deadline: December 10, 2021 at 11:59pm E.T.
Apply Here:
Application Requirements:
- CV (3 page max) and Bio (250 words max)
- Project Description (300 words max)
- Work Plan and Schedule (200 words max)
- Local artists only: What production and postproduction equipment will your project require. Please review our rentals page ( and list the equipment we have available.
- What public program would you to provide to FMC’s Hamilton community and how does this compliment your project? (150 words max)
- Visual support material: (only one option is required)*
– 5-7 still images in one PDF document with image information.
– 2-4 DIRECT website links to video projects or video/photo documentation (videos 2 min max) with project information.
About the Factory Media Centre
The Factory Media Centre is a not-for-profit artist-run resource centre located in Hamilton, Ontario. FMC is dedicated to the production and promotion of creatively diverse forms of independent films, videos, and other streaming multimedia art forms. FMC is currently renovating our new home at 366 Victoria Avenue North, with current programs taking place off-site and online.
Our mission is to develop and support a vibrant, sustainable, creative, and diverse community of Members within Hamilton and its surrounding region, who are involved or interested in the art, the craft, and the technologies, of motion picture media. In addition to our mission, we also provide access to facilities, equipment, peer resources and educational initiatives to the community of time-based visual artists, as well as to the community at large. Through our programming we hope to encourage the development and appreciation of all related visual art forms through an ongoing program of screenings and events.
Résidence de création interprovinciale – Appel de candidatures
Résidence de création
L’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick (AAAPNB), La Fédération culturelle acadienne de la Nouvelle-Écosse (FéCANE), le Conseil culturel Fransaskois (CCF) et Théâtre Action s’associent afin d’offrir une résidence artistique d’une semaine dans les locaux du théâtre l’Escaouette à Moncton au Nouveau-Brunswick.
Type de résidence
Cette rencontre artistique prendra la forme d’une résidence multidisciplinaire. Les artistes de toutes les disciplines sont encouragé.e.s à déposer leur candidature. Du 15 au 22 mars 2022, cinq artistes des trois provinces prendront d’assaut le théâtre l’Escaouette afin de travailler sur des créations individuelles, tout en créant des liens entre eux.
1. Ce projet est offert aux artistes du Nouveau-Brunswick membres de l’Association acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick.
2. Ce projet est offert aux artistes professionnel.le.s de la Nouvelle-Écosse et de la Saskatchewan.
3. Ce projet est offert aux artistes membres de Théâtre Action qui auront soumis un dossier de candidature au concours Feuilles vives 2022. Le choix sera déterminé par le comité de pairs des Feuilles vives selon la grille d’évaluation en vigueur.
1. Les artistes doivent s’inscrire à l’aide du formulaire au lien suivant.
2. Les artistes doivent soumettre, en plus du formulaire rempli, un curriculum vitae à jour.
Date limite pour soumettre votre candidature : 20 décembre.
Les candidat.e.s obtiendront une réponse avant le 14 janvier 2022.
Call to Artists: ArtworxTO Legacy Artist in Residence (AiR) Program
Image of Toronto City Hall by Scott Webb on Unsplash.
ArtworxTO invites Toronto-based professional artists to submit Expressions of Interest to participate in the inaugural ArtworxTO Legacy Artist in Residence (AiR) Program.
The ArtworxTO Legacy Artist in Residence (AiR) Program supports the three pillars upon which both the 10-year Public Art Strategy and Year of Public Art are built: “Creativity + Community—Everywhere.”
The ArtworxTO Legacy Artist in Residence (AiR) Program gets to the heart of embedding creativity in Toronto as a core element in city building. To be piloted with Toronto’s Year of Public Art 2021–2022, in its first year this program will embed a professional contemporary artist working within a City of Toronto department.
The three shortlisted departments in the program’s first year are:
Court Services
Parks, Forestry and Recreation (Parks Development and Capital Projects)
Parks, Forestry and Recreation (Urban Forestry)
Artists working alongside City staff will bring new ways of thinking about the work that is done within the City. In its pilot stage, this is an opportunity to be part of something new, and to set a precedent for how the City can work collaboratively with artists. This program has been developed with extensive research into similar programs in other municipalities.
The Artist in Residence term will range from 12 to 18 months, depending on the project timeline that works best for the artist and host department, working collaboratively. The term will include 60 hours (across the first 3-6 months) working alongside a department host in a period of embedded research. Following this, the artist will embark on development of a public-facing project, which may take any number of forms. This is a working residency (not live-in) and we are looking for Toronto-based artists.
The following three City departments have been shortlisted to host the inaugural Artist in Residence. One of the following departments will be selected to be the host, based on best match with artists’ expressions of interest.
Departmental Key Issues:
Court Services
Court Services is seeking to work collaboratively with an artist-in-residence to generate an art project that expresses the division’s commitment to maintaining trust and confidence in the delivery of court services to the public and justice stakeholders.
This commitment to justice remains paramount as the division prepares itself to move to a modern courthouse in the historic St. Lawrence Market neighbourhood. This means that as part of the court move project, the division will continue its efforts to provide accessible justice in the heart of the city.
Parks Forestry and Recreation, Parks Development and Capital Projects (PDCP) – Play
Parks are where Torontonians come together to build community, play, celebrate and explore. Public demand for parks, and diverse programs within, continues to grow and has been highlighted during the pandemic. In exploring the concept of play, the artist will take collaborative approach to the identification and creation of more inclusive and diverse opportunities for play, social connection, and community-building in the planning and design of our parks.
This includes:
Celebrating and promoting inclusive and diverse sites for play, engagement and interaction for all ages and backgrounds
Demonstrating through public art that parks belong to everyone and can be used for leisure, exercise, play, cultural celebration
Creating safer and more culturally-accessible spaces within our parks
Exploring how Toronto Island might play a more prominent role as a ‘Hub’ for artists and collaborators to explore
Parks, Forestry and Recreation (Urban Forestry) – Ravines
Toronto, often called a “City within a Park,” is home to one of the largest urban ravine systems in the world, extending over 300 km and covering 17 percent of Toronto’s land area. Toronto’s ravines are rich in biodiversity, providing vital habitat for wildlife and ecosystem services, and intersect with a diverse array of cultures and communities who use and perceive ravines in equally diverse ways. Climate change and the effects of urbanization, such as increased use of these areas, are significantly impacting our natural systems. PFR hopes to showcase the benefits of our ravines, the impacts we have on our ravines, and the ongoing commitment to preserving and improving this invaluable resource. The artist will help develop creative approaches to sustainably celebrate these spaces and encourage recognition and respect for nature throughout Toronto.
Budget: $100,000 +HST ($60,000 artist fee plus minimum $40,000 project production budget).
Selection process:
Three departments have been shortlisted through a departmental invitation and selection panel process. In this second stage, artists are asked to submit Artist Statements (and qualifications) specific to the key issue identified by departments (see submission requirements below). The selection panel will select an Artist applicant and host department matched by artistic concern and departmental interest.
To Learn more about this opportunity please attend the following ArtworxTO Symposium: Public Art of Tomorrow panel:
November 24, 2021 – ArtworxTO Legacy AiR: Shortlisted Host Department Workshop Q and A
3:00pm-4:00pm EST
Live panel discussion with representatives of the 3 shortlisted departments. This is an opportunity for artists to ask questions of the departments as you determine your interest and develop your submission.
*Please note that you must register for the Symposium to attend the AiR information panels. Registration is free. (sign up here)
Submission requirements:
All interested artists are encouraged to submit:
A written description of artistic practice and interest in working in a unique residency process, working with a City department. Please indicate your department preference and include a response to their key issue and its connection to your practice. (Not to exceed 2 pages (.pdf))
NOTE: Artists are permitted to respond to more than one department and key issue. These should be submitted as separate submissions.
Artist Bio and CV(.pdf)
5 images of past work (.jeg files)
All questions and submissions are to be emailed to: Rebecca [point] Carbin [arobas] artworxto [point] ca
Please include Legacy AiR Submission as your subject line.
Deadline for EOI submissions: December 13, 2021
Application deadline: November 29, 2021
EPFL Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Rte Cantonale
1015 Lausanne
Located in Switzerland, the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne / Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) is a leading university and one of Europe’s most vibrant and cosmopolitan science and technology institutions.
EPFL hosts more than 350 labs at its international campus in the Lausanne area.
Initiated by EPFL College of Humanities (CDH), and amplified by EPFL Pavilions, the EPFL CDH Artist-in-Residence (AiR) Program reflects the CDH mission of fostering transdisciplinary encounters and collaborations between artists and EPFL’s scientific community, by supporting up to four artists in residence per year.
The program invites emerging and established international artists and creative practitioners for three- to four-month residencies to realize innovative and visionary projects at the intersection of art, science, and advanced technologies.
EPFL CDH AiR Program 2022: Enter the Hyper-Scientific
The goal of the program is to further various interpretative and aesthetic avenues around the manifold scientific landscape of the EPFL through specific artistic productions. Forging encounters between artists and scientists in different disciplines, the program aims to establish a dynamic, critical, and inspiring platform for propelling new approaches and aesthetic investigations within the exponentially developing scene at the intersection of art, technology, science, and the humanities. The program functions as a facilitator and promoter of investigations in multiple directions, many of which will be discovered through the submitted projects themselves.
For its first comprehensive edition, the EPFL CDH AiR Program offers four paths:
Open Transdisciplinary welcomes international artists and creative practitioners from all disciplines and media to propose projects which investigate the fluid intersection between art, humanities, science, and technology and leaves applicants free to suggest the specific direction they would like to explore.
Wearable Technologies in collaboration with EPFL Nanoelectronic Devices Laboratory (NANOLAB) and Laboratory of Integrated Performance in Design (LIPID), invites innovative artists and designers, including fashion and jewelry designers, to explore the potential of apparel technology and wearable accessories and to imagine the next generation of smart wearables through creative approaches to fashion in general or specific items such as gloves or jewelry.
Interface Design and Digital Animation in collaboration with EPFL Reconfigurable Robotics Lab (RRL), prioritizes artists and designers working in the field of emerging technologies. We invite innovative artists and designers to submit a project to be developed in collaboration with the RRL, and which explores, reinvents, and questions the new frontiers of interface design and their applications in prosthetics and robotics.
Scientific Imaging in collaboration with the EPFL Center for Imaging, prioritizes artists familiar with imaging technologies, CGI, digital practices, and visual arts more broadly. We encourage projects that aim at exploring this unique repository of transdisciplinary and cross-scale scope, and to investigate its scientific aspects as well as its aesthetic and visual potential.
Regardless of these suggested profiles, artists coming from different fields are welcome to apply if they can present a clear rationale for doing so in their project.
Who do we want to reach?
Emerging and established Swiss and international artists, with a proven career path or clear potential, who are interested in harnessing science and technological interventions in their artistic endeavors.
We welcome projects in diverse fields: visual and media arts; film, digital, mixed-media and imaging; musical composition, sound, and experimental forms of music; experimental design and fashion; literature and critical and speculative writing.
What do we offer?
Travel costs and accommodation within the Lausanne region. Preferably, applicants will reside in the region during the entire period of the residency.
Monthly stipend and production budget.
Curatorial mentoring and supervision for the whole duration, including the final presentation of the project.
For detailed information about the program and the application process please visit our website or read the application guidelines.
Applications (in English) should be submitted by November 29, 2021 (midnight CET) at the email address: applications [point] CDH-AiR [arobas] epfl [point] ch preferably as one single PDF.
Application deadline: November 30, 2021, 11:59pm
315 Maujer st
Brooklyn, New York 11206
United States
Hours: Thursday–Sunday 12–6pm
contact [arobas] amant [point] org
Instagram / Facebook
Amant is pleased to announce the annual call for applications for its Studio & Research Residency Program.
Amant’s 2022–2023 international Studio and Research Residency Program offers two iterations: fall and spring. Artists and artist duos at all stages of their careers and across a wide array of disciplines from the visual arts, literature, poetry, performance, filmmaking, and cultural theorists are encouraged to apply.
Amant Studio & Research Residency Program allows artists from around the world to spend three months in New York City to develop a specific research project that would benefit from the city’s communities, resources, and vibrant art scene. The residency is self-directed and research-based, as the studios are not designed for the production or fabrication of large-scale artworks. Residents are encouraged to participate in an active dialogue with other residents and with Amant’s staff, as well as in Amant’s many public programs and activities. Amant highly values and promotes cross-disciplinary conversations.
The Amant campus features individual studios and office spaces, exhibition galleries, a library/reading room, a café & bookstore, and a fully outfitted performance space suitable for rehearsals and other activities. Residents also have exclusive access to a communal meeting and dining area with a courtyard garden. Residents receive round-trip economy flights to New York and airport transfers as well as a monthly expense allowance of 3000 USD to offset the costs of accommodation, transport, and day-to-day expenses. Please be advised that the Amant studios are not residential. The candidates will be selected by a professional committee that includes Amant’s senior internal team and three external advisors.
Cohort one: fall 2022: mid-September to early December 2022
Cohort two: spring 2023: early March to late May 2023
Application deadline: November 30, 2021, 11:59pm EST / New York Time
Final selection for both fall 2022 and spring 2023 announced: March 1, 2022
Due to the high volume of applications received in 2020, the Amant Studio & Research Residency Program for 2022–2023 will limit the number of applications to a maximum of 800. Once the system receives 800 applications, it will no longer accept any additional applications, regardless of the November 30 deadline.
Application can only be submitted via the online form provided on the Amant website. Application materials received via email, WeTransfer, Dropbox, or similar will not be considered.
Current New York City residents are not eligible to apply.
The application form requires artists to include:
–A current CV listing education, significant exhibitions, awards, grants, residencies, and published writings.
–An artist statement.
–A proposal outlining the specific research project to be pursued while in residency at Amant NY, explaining how it would benefit from the context of New York City.
–A portfolio of 10 work samples that includes corresponding captions and short descriptions. Videos, films, and sound recordings should include up to 5 hyperlinks to external websites. Writers, poets, historians, or theorists should include samples of published writing (samples can include essays, poems, blogposts, book chapters, but not entire books). Those applying as an artist duo should only submit examples of collaborative work.
–Specific people and/or places in New York that are relevant to the research project.
–Professional references.
–All submissions must be in English.
Please carefully read the Q&A section before applying.
For more information on how to apply, visit here.
About Amant
Amant is a non-profit arts organization in Brooklyn, New York City and Chiusure, Siena (Italy) founded in 2019. We are a non-collecting institution that fosters experimentation and dialogue through exhibitions, public programs, and artist residencies.
Our aim is to slow down art-making processes so that our residents and exhibiting artists can experiment with formats and reflect on the meaning and context of their work. We support both established and mid-career international and local artists who work across diverse creative fields. We are committed to building cultural partnerships with like-minded organizations in the US and abroad, while activating new and ongoing conversations with our local communities.
Application deadline: December 12, 2021, 11pm
Konsthall C
Cigarrvägen 14-16
SE-123 57 Farsta
Hours: Thursday–Sunday 12–5pm
T +46 8 604 77 08
info [arobas] konsthallc [point] se
Konsthall C is one of the most exciting art spaces in Northern Europe. Located in a former laundry space in a suburb of Stockholm, we have created exhibitions, events and projects since 2004, often in close partnerships with our local communities.
As borders are opening up again, so are we. This fall features a series of open calls aimed at artists, researchers, programmers and students, to participate in Konsthall C’s program.
Artistic Director Ulrika Flink’s program examines people’s voice and language, i.e. the ability to speak and to formulate oneself in relation to one’s own and others’ rights. Every voice arises through interaction with the voices, dreams and lives of others. The program has brought together practices that relate to the relationship between individual and collective voices. The ability to see someone else in oneself—and based on this insight, act and speak in the world—is one of life’s moral pillars, inspired by the Martinique poet and philosopher Édouard Glissant.
Ulrika Flink has invited practitioners that engage in collective thinking and intervene into the present. Embedded in the program is a rich, rigorous, powerful poetry of language, combined with tools for listening that gives the viewer keys to a deeper understanding of the effects of structural violence and the need to envision different forms of resistance and radical emancipation.
Konsthall C is special in its close connections between program and structure. Its form allows for experiments and changes that impact the organisation. The themes addressed in the exhibitions informs the way we operate as a collective. This is an invitation to our international community, to participate in the construction of a new type of art organisation.
Here is how you can get involved:
Open call for residency: Transforming Bricks and Mortar
Konsthall C’s AiR-platform The Research Station welcomes artists, researchers, writers and activists to apply for our two upcoming residencies focusing on the transformative potential in building a decolonial art institution from the inside and out. Selected applicants are invited to work with any aspect of Konsthall C’s organisational structure and program to help uncover new ways of building an accountable and open institutional structure.
Application deadline is December 12, 2021 at 11pm.
Read more here.
Open call for programmers
We are looking for programmers or designers with programming skills, or people interested in developing new forms of presenting art online, to create a digital exhibition space. The platform will be made use of by both Konsthall C and local artists in Hökarängen.
Application deadline is December 12 2021 at 11pm.
Read more here.
Application deadline: November 30, 2021, 5pm
Blitz Valletta
68 St Lucia Street
Valletta VLT1181
Blitz Valletta is an independent, not-for-profit, contemporary art space that has supported original and radical arts practice in all its forms since 2013, through an international programme of residencies, exhibitions, and public engagement activities. Blitz Valletta is pleased to launch an open call for three digital artistic residences that will take place in 2022 and expand OPEN, an online platform founded in 2020, aimed at further developing Blitz Valletta’s activities in the virtual space and exploring the most recent trends and researches in the digital landscape. The international open call is exclusive to recent graduates—from 2017 onwards—with no age limit and for this first edition, one residency will be awarded to a Maltese artist to support our local artistic community.
The new OPEN Digital Residency Programme will expand Blitz’s engagement in contemporary art, both locally and internationally, by means of cross-fertilization between artists and professionals within the digital landscape—from virtual reality, to gaming and blockchain technology—which have significantly developed in Malta in the past decade. With a specific interest in art circulation beyond physical spaces, our digital programme turns Blitz Valletta into a post studies e-training ground and experimental production space. Each selected artist will participate in a tailored, international mentorship programme and awarded a 2,000 EUR grant to develop a new digital artwork in collaboration with Blitz’s curatorial team. The research and production phase will last one month, followed by an online exhibition lasting two months.
In eight years of activities, Blitz has organized several exhibitions, plus conferences, workshops, commissions and talks, including a three-year residency project (2015-2018) which received mentions by ArtBasel Crowdfunding initiative and Tate Art Exchange Programme. Since 2019, Blitz has kicked off a new curated programme which reflects the institution’s commitment to support Malta-based artists abroad, while engaging with international artists at home. Blitz’s exhibition programme has presented, for the first time in Malta, the work of international artists such as Cory Arcangel, John Coplans, Sara Cwynar, Jesse Darling, Eva Kotátková, Simon Fujiwara, Adrian Paci, Rob Pruitt, Amalia Ulman and Tobias Zielony, alongside Maltese artists including Kane Cali, Charlie Cauchi and Pierre Portelli. Their work is a portal to rethinking the boundaries of art making all while exploring the big questions of contemporary existence.
In response to a recently altered reality, Blitz decided to operate in three spaces equally relevant to its community: online through OPEN, in the physical galleries and in the city of Valletta. OPEN embraces the possibilities presented by the elimination of physical distance and geographical borders of online platforms. Through this boundless, virtual space, Blitz explores art’s capacity to redefine collective imagination locally and internationally and to connect Malta’s IT landscape to an international art practice. Through this new programme, we also keep expanding Blitz’s dialogue with younger audiences and future generations.
November 1–30, 2021: Blitz is accepting applications
December 1–15, 2021: Selection process
January 2022: Announcement of selected residents
February 2022: 1st residency research and production
March–April 2022: 1st residency exhibition
June 2022: 2nd residency research and production
July–August 2022: 2nd residency exhibition
October 2022: 3rd residency research and production
November–December 2022: 3rd residency exhibition
Applicants will be informed in case of variations in the calendar.
The jury includes Blitz director and artist Alexandra Pace, Blitz curator Sara Dolfi Agostini, artist Oliver Laric and art critic, writer and digital art thinker Valentina Tanni.
For more information and to apply please follow the instructions here.
The OPEN Digital Residency Programme is supported by Arts Council Malta and Melita Foundation.
contact [arobas] blitzvalletta [point] com
Résidence Empreintes 2021-2022
Le Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, avec l’appui du Conseil des arts de Montréal, lance un appel de dossiers pour une résidence d’artiste intitulée Empreintes, offerte à un(e) artiste en arts visuels issu(e) de la diversité culturelle montréalaise.
Nous vous invitons à consulter les détails de l’appel de dossiers en pièce jointe. Nous vous serions reconnaissant(e)s de bien vouloir le partager dans vos cercles.
Nous restons à votre disposition pour tout renseignement complémentaire : appelresidence [arobas] mbamtl [point] org
Funded Residencies 2022/23
Open Call for Applications
Cove Park’s annual open call is now live and we are pleased to accept applications to our funded residency programme for 2022/23.
This call is open to national and international artists, cultural practitioners, and researchers at every career stage and working individually and collaboratively in all art forms, in the creative industries, and across disciplines.
Cove Park’s residencies support research, the development of existing and new projects, collaboration, interdisciplinary practice, and the production of new work and ideas. We host between 12 to 20 residents at any one time, and Cove Park’s team provide the support and care necessary to ensure each residency is as productive, engaging, and enjoyable as possible.
We are pleased to accept applications from those wishing to engage with Cove Park’s first enquiry connected to the environmental crisis. This enquiry-based model – for the production of cross-disciplinary work and collective intelligence around pressing global concerns – is founded upon the belief that artistic research is uniquely placed to unpack some of the most acute problems of our times, and that the transformative power of the arts is amplified through collaboration and exchange with other disciplines, including academic and scientific research. During 2022 Cove Park will offer opportunities for residents to take part in and actively contribute to this enquiry.
We also welcome applications from those who urgently require the time, support, and facilities Cove Park can offer to develop their own work. A presentation or participation in a public event is not a requirement for our funded programme, but we are keen to support those who wish to work within and contribute to a community of artists, creative practitioners, and researchers, and to benefit from the experience of working alongside individuals and collaborators from a wide range of backgrounds and specialisms.
This year, reflecting the development of Cove Park’s programme and our ambition to involve as wide a range of disciplines and sectors as possible, Cove Park is no longer producing separate Application Guidelines for individual art-form focussed residency strands. Instead, one set of Guidelines accompany one application form for general funded residencies in 2022/2023.
These residencies include a fee payable to the resident of £450 per week, a travel allowance, and a materials allowance (when relevant), and will take place at Cove Park between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023.
Former residents and members of the Cove Park Associates programme are welcome to apply through this open call. Please scroll down for details of this programme.
For further information and the link for the Application Form please see the Application Guidelines.
The deadline for applications is Monday 20 December 2021.
5. art public
Call to Artists: Public Artworks for the Western North York Community and Child Care Centre, Toronto
Ward 7: Humber River-Black Creek
Deadline: Monday, December 20, 2021 by 5:00pm
The City of Toronto invites practicing artists (including artist teams) to submit their Expression of Interest to the first stage of a competition for public art for the new Western North York Community and Child Care Centre (WNYCC).
Up to three artists will be selected for three sites, through an open, two-stage competition for artists residing in Canada.
The WNYCC is a project by the City’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division and Children’s Services, and is being designed by MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller Architects (MJMA) as the prime consultant and landscape designer, and architectural sub-consultant Bortolotto. The WNYCC will provide residents with a state-of-the-art community and recreation facility, a licensed daycare and a new park. It will include an aquatic centre, a gymnasium with a walking track, and a fitness centre. It will be a place for the community to gather and socialize; a place that cultivates creativity, health and well-being, inclusivity and accessibility for all ages.
The site of the new WNYCC is in the Humber River-Black Creek ward, an area defined by its waterways. It is located just east of the ecological corridor of the Humber ravine and river. The Humber River and valley also formed part of the Toronto Carrying Place Trail, an important navigational route used for thousands of years by Indigenous people making the journey to and from Lake Ontario.
Thematically, artists are asked to broadly consider the history and ecology of the area and the surrounding community. Community engagement will be a requirement for the selected artist, and artists should outline their interest in and experience with community engagement in their submission.
There will also be a paid mentorship opportunity, with details to be provided to the short-listed artists.
Opportunity 1:
Site A: Promenade
Estimated Budget: $200,000.00 (+HST)
Running from Bob Yuill Drive in the north to Starview Lane in the south, the promenade formalizes a path through the site which the community already uses to move through the neighbourhood.
The promenade also runs along the parking lot, a point of arrival for many visitors to the Centre.
Specific artwork locations are not yet defined, but a series of three-dimensional works would be appropriate for this linear site, which many visitors will experience sequentially.
Opportunity 2:
Site B: Pool Terrace (Proposed location. Final location to be confirmed for Stage 2)
Estimated Budget: $250,000 CAD (+HST)
The intention for Site B, an outdoor terrace connected to the interior Aquatic Hall by sliding doors, is to commission a work which incorporates water.
The finalists for Opportunities 1 and 2 will be awarded a design-build contract, with project budgets which include all costs directly associated with the artwork: design fees, fabrication, installation, engineering and professional services, insurance, travel and other incidental expenses.
Artist may apply for one or both of these opportunities.
Opportunity 3:
Site C: Indoor Walking Track
Artist Design Fee: $20,000.00 (+HST)
Production budget to be confirmed for Stage 2.
A 240m walking track encircles the perimeter of the Centre’s second floor, which provides users with views of the surrounding park as well as interior views of Centre activities. This site is for two-dimensional work on the walls around the track.
The finalist for Site C will be awarded a design contract and will be paid a fee of $20,000.00 (+HST), for design and consultation services, working closely with relevant project partners and stakeholders to refine their concept proposal and complete the project.
This is a two-stage, open, competition for practicing artists residing in Canada.
The City of Toronto’s Public Art Strategy outlines the City’s commitment to public art created for, and with the input of, Toronto communities, and to create opportunities for artists of diverse backgrounds, experience and practice. We welcome submissions from Indigenous, Black, and racialized artists, and artists with relevant experience who may not have previously worked in the public realm.
A specially convened Selection Panel, composed of arts professionals and community members, will be established for this competition.
Stage 1: Request for Expression of Interest: 6 weeks (November – December)
An internal panel, consisting of design team members, City staff, and external advisors, as required, will review all submissions and identify a long-list of qualified artists, based on artistic excellence and demonstrated or perceived ability to create and execute an innovative, engaging public artwork.
The long-listed artists’ submissions will be reviewed by the external selection panel to short-list to 4 artists for each opportunity.
Stage 2: Request for Proposals: 2 months (January – March)
The short-listed artists will be notified in late January 2022, and invited to create a proposal. A detailed Terms of Reference document will be provided to guide short-listed artists in the preparation of their proposals.
Short-listed artists for Opportunities 1 and 2 will be paid a fee of $3,000.00 (+HST) for this stage.
Short-listed artists for Opportunity 3 will be paid a fee of $1,000.00 (+HST) for this stage.
Full submission requirements, competition schedule, and additional details are at the City of Toronto website.
The City of Toronto acknowledges that we are on the traditional territory of many nations, including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. The City also acknowledges that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 signed with the Mississaugas of the Credit, and the Williams Treaties signed with multiple Mississaugas and Chippewa bands.
Catherine Dean
Public Art Officer
(647) 458-5657
catherine [point] dean [arobas] toronto [point] ca
Call to Public Art Curators – Expression of Interest (EOI)
Indigenous Art Trail
Project Budget: $ 272,000.00
Proposal Deadline: December 14, 2021 at 4:00 p.m.
The City of Mississauga seeks to commission a professional Indigenous public art curator to assist with the development of a waterfront Indigenous Art Trail. In this position, the curator will develop a community-informed public art plan and lead the commissioning process for three public art projects by Indigenous artists.
Submissions to this call are due December 14, 2021. Short-listed applicants will be required to attend a virtual interview the week of January 31-February 4, 2022.
Please review the full Submission Guidelines before applying.
For any questions regarding this artist opportunity, please contact public [point] art [arobas] mississauga [point] ca.
Waterfront Toronto is seeking to commission a professional artist or artist team to create a temporary floating artwork for Harbour Square Park Basin. Artists are asked to submit proposals for installation during summer 2022. The artwork will activate the basin by engaging with the local community and visitors to the waterfront. This Call is open to all interested Canadian artists and artist teams with relevant experience as practicing professional artists.
Harbour Square Park is located on the shore of Lake Ontario, one of the five Great Lakes of North America. Containing one-fifth of all surface freshwater on Earth, the lakes are a vital source of drinking water and food. Throughout history these interconnected bodies of water have been critically important for trade, human settlement and migration. They are sacred to the First Peoples, who have inhabited the shores and fished in their waters since time immemorial. The lakes’ unique ecosystems are host to a diverse array of plants and animals, and their shores and waters provide recreation for millions of people.
Today, multipoint pollution, climate change, over-extraction, invasive species, and wetland loss are all taking a toll on their watersheds. Water scarcity, often perpetuated by climate change, is one of the most pressing global challenges today, particularly in its relationship to migration. It is imperative we remain engaged with the importance of these waters and with the challenges they face.
With this broad context in mind, artists are asked to develop work that explores water as a connector. They should consider the histories and importance of these waterways and their role as geographical, ecological, political, economic, social, and spiritual connectors.
General Submission Requirements
Waterfront Toronto is inviting practicing professional artists to include in their submission:
- Artist statement
- Images of proposed artwork
- Proposed budget breakdown and schedule
- Images of previous and relevant work
- Artist CV
- References
This is a one-stage competition. Submissions will be reviewed by an independent evaluation panel convened for this project. Waterfront Toronto intends to identify one successful Artist or Artist Team to undertake this project.
The total commissioning budget is $60,000 CAD +HST. This includes all artist fees, design costs, materials, shipping, installation and removal, insurance and permits.
Issue Call – October 13, 2021
Deadline for Questions – November 30, 2021
Submission Deadline – December 10, 2021 at 2pm EST
Artist Selection – Early January 2022
Contract Issued – Mid-January 2022
Fabrication – January-June 2022
Installation – Early July 2022
Artwork removal – Mid to late September 2022
For more information about the opportunity, including detailed submission requirements, visit the Waterfront Toronto website, on the Public Art page, and scroll down to the Temporary Art Opportunities to download the PDF.
Submission deadline is December 10, 2021 at 2:00pm EST
Please direct all enquiries by email to: publicart [arobas] waterfrontoronto [point] ca, and reference the opportunity title, Temporary Floating Public Art Harbour Square Park Basin in your email.
This page is a letter of introduction only. Please read in full the Waterfront Toronto Call for Proposals document which contains instructions, evaluation criteria, submission requirements, site details and technical requirements, and terms and conditions.
Call for Expressions of Interest: Artist-Initiated Public Art for City of New Westminster
The City of New Westminster invites artists or artist teams who live or work in New
Westminster and the Lower Mainland (which includes the regional districts of Metro
Vancouver and Fraser Valley) to submit expressions of interest for an Artist-Initiated
Public Art project. This is an opportunity for artists to propose artworks in any medium,
including non-object based work and temporary installations with a maximum total
budget of $30,000.
This is a two-phase process and will be undertaken by a Selection Panel comprised of
artists, community members, arts professionals and one member from the PAAC
(Public Art Advisory Committee).
Phase I – Expressions of Interest The Artist Selection Panel will review all eligible
Expressions of Interest submissions with the goal of shortlisting three candidates for
further consideration.
The Phase I submissions will only require a letter of interest, cv
or rsum and examples of past work.
Phase II « Concept Proposal Once identified, the shortlisted artists will be invited to
prepare a concept proposal for presentation to the Selection Panel. Each completed
and delivered Concept Proposal will receive a fee in the amount of $1200.00.
Shortlisted artists will be invited to make a presentation to the Selection Panel. These
presentations will be reviewed and decisions made based on quality of the proposal,
artistic merit, budget considerations and feasibility of the project. The Selection Panel
reserves the right not to award the commission.
Submissions to this call for expressions of interest are due Friday, November 26, 2021
by 4:30 p.m. PST
To learn more about this opportunity, including eligibility criteria and submission
requirements, review the full Call to Artists here:
Contact Quyen Hoang, Public & Community Art Coordinator qhoang [arobas] newwestcity [point] ca
or at 604.636.3553 for questions and support.
6. pour commissaires
Call for proposals
Deux appels de proposition en cours
Rubriques récurrentes no 266 et exclusivité web contenu anglophone
Rubriques récurrentes non thématiques, numéro 266 – printemps 2022
Vous avez vu une exposition, assisté à un événement ou une manifestation artistique, lu un livre sur l’art
publié récemment, ou vous voulez nous faire part d’un enjeu concernant les arts qui vous tient à cœur
? Envoyez-nous vos intentions pour la rédaction d’un article pour les rubriques récurrentes non
thématiques suivantes du no 266 (printemps 2022, dont la parution est prévue en avril 2022) :
Perspectives : nouvelles brèves collées à l’actualité des arts visuels au Québec et au Canada. Le style
d’écriture est plus informatif qu’analytique, et les textes sont écrits de manière à mettre en perspective
un enjeu d’actualité ciblé (portée sociale, politique ou collective d’un sujet sur l’art) ou font part d’une
nouveauté du milieu de l’art (prix, nominations, nouveaux programmes, etc.).
Visites : couvertures d’expositions ou d’événements en cours ou terminés au plus tard deux mois avant
la date limite de l’appel de propositions actif. L’objectif de ces couvertures est de faire comprendre les
thèmes soulevés par l’exposition ou l’événement, en relation avec le corpus des artistes. L’autrice ou
l’auteur est invité à développer un point de vue original sur les œuvres et faire preuve d’un engagement
discursif avec son sujet en orientant son propos autour d’une idée ciblée et en évitant une approche
strictement descriptive. L’utilisation de citations et de concepts théoriques est suggérée pour appuyer
la discussion des œuvres, et l’emploi des notes de bas de page doit être limité.
Lectures : comptes rendus d’une publication sur l’art parue au courant de la dernière année. Le style
d’écriture prend la forme d’un commentaire résumant l’ouvrage et le situant dans le contexte actuel.
Vie des arts priorise les propositions de sujets qui reflètent l’écriture de son autrice ou de son auteur : en
d’autres termes, votre proposition doit être dynamique et nous donner un aperçu de votre style de
rédaction !
Toutes les soumissions pour les rubriques récurrentes non thématiques doivent inclure le sujet anticipé
selon la rubrique envisagée, ainsi qu’une description de l’angle critique qui sera utilisé pour la rédaction
(250 mots), trois extraits de textes antérieurs (publiés ou non) ainsi qu’une courte biographie de l’autrice
ou de l’auteur (40 mots), et être envoyées à redaction [arobas] viedesarts [point] com avant le 5 janvier 2022. Nous
ferons un suivi avec les propositions pressenties et les textes finaux, suivant l’entente préalablement prise
avec la rédaction, devront être rendus au courant du mois de février 2022. Veuillez noter que les
propositions d’artistes portant sur leur propre travail seront refusées.
Dans l’optique de favoriser une pluralité de voix et de regards sur l’art actuel, Vie des arts souhaite
lancer une invitation spécifique, mais non exclusive, aux personnes autochtones, noires et de couleur,
afin qu’elles puissent soumettre une proposition d’article.
Poste de direction générale
C’est avec émotion que nous vous annonçons que notre directrice générale Justine Valtier nous quittera en févier pour relever de nouveaux défis professionnels. Nous la remercions pour son dévouement et lui souhaitons la meilleure des chances dans ces projets à venir. Voici l’appel de candidature au poste de direction générale du Lobe pour une entrée en fonction le 24 janvier 2022.
+ d’infos :
Date limite de l’appel : 05 janvier
Prise des fonctions : 24 janvier
Pour postuler, merci d’envoyer votre curriculum vitæ accompagné d’une lettre de motivation décrivant votre intérêt pour le poste avant le 05 janvier 2022 au courriel suivant : direction [arobas] lelobe [point] com.
Cultural Festivals Events Manager / Artistic Director
Application Deadline: December 14th, 2021
Salary: $60,000/year
Province: Saskatchewan
City: Swift Current
Term: Full-time
Organization Description
Cultural Festivals produces a series of cultural events, including a music concert series, an international kite festival, music festival, a music camp, and house concerts in Swift Current, Saskatchewan.
Job Description
Reporting to the Board, the Events Manager / Artistic Director oversees and manages the general operations and infrastructure of Cultural Festivals including, but not limited to, artistic direction, financial and operations management, fundraising, marketing, and public relations. The Events Manager / Artistic Director will implement the organization’s vision and strategic plan.
Job Duties and Responsibilities:
Provide a leadership role in developing and executing the organization’s strategic objectives and mission
Responsible for the fiscal integrity of Cultural Festivals. Financial management including preparation of annual budgets, monthly reports, audit, cash flow, CADAC financial input, liaison with accounting
Responsible for fundraising and developing other resources to support Cultural Festivals’ mission including securing grant funding; overseeing and contributing to sponsorship, fundraising activities, donor development and retention; developing new revenue and funding streams
Responsible for the artistic direction including all talent buying and contracting as well as new program development
Responsible for effective administration as well as event execution and management of all Cultural Festivals operations including planning, scheduling, and record-keeping
Responsible for all marketing and promotions as well as public relations
Manage and recruit year-round and summer staff; create a positive and collaborative work environment; support and create opportunities for employee growth and development
Provide written monthly progress reports to the Board and an annual comprehensive report with recommendations
University degree or equivalent experience in related work
Minimum 3 years experience in event production and logistics coordination
Experience in developing and managing budgets
Able to problem-solve calmly and effectively, especially under pressure
Previous experience with fundraising, grant writing, and donor relations in the arts and cultural sector
Previous experience with the Canadian music industry and talent buying is an asset
Excellent leadership, strong planning, time management, and organizational skills
Experience in recruiting, developing, and managing staff and volunteers
Excellent verbal, written, and inter-personal communication skills
Familiarity with digital platforms related to event planning and marketing
Experience working with a volunteer Board of Directors (an asset)
Ability to work evenings, and weekends as required
Must have valid driver’s license
Must be willing to live in Swift Current, Saskatchewan
How to Apply:
Please submit cover letter, resumé, and the names and phone numbers of 3 references by 5pm on December 14, 2021 to: shanngowan [arobas] gmail [point] com
Contact Info:
Shann Gowan
Telephone: 306-741-0056
Email: shanngowan [arobas] gmail [point] com
Website: | |
Arts Manager
West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative, Kinngait/Cape Dorset
Deadline: November 29
Reporting directly to the General Manager and working in collaboration with colleagues at Dorset Fine Arts in Toronto, the successful applicant will be responsible for administering the printmaking, drawing and carving programs at Kinngait Studios in Kinngait, Nunavut.
Read more
Director, McIntosh Gallery
Western University, London
Deadline: December 17
Working with the Vice-President (Academic) and following policy directives initiated by the McIntosh Gallery Committee, the successful candidate will be responsible for providing strategic leadership and management of overall gallery operations, programs and the University art collection, ensuring the long-term sustainability of McIntosh Gallery.
Read more
The New Gallery (TNG), Calgary
Deadline: Open until filled
Seeking a thoughtful and dedicated individual with a passion for contemporary art and artist-run culture. Working collaboratively with the Board of Directors, the successful candidate will be responsible for developing and leading the vision and strategic direction of the organization and guiding the staff in TNG’s day-to-day operations.
Read more
Appel de dossiers – Auteur.e.s
Jusqu’au 20 janvier 2022
ENE lance son appel de dossiers destiné aux auteur.e.s pour sa programmation 2022-2023 !
Périodes de résidence :
Printemps : du 18 avril au 10 juin 2022
Été : du 4 juillet au 26 août 2022
Automne : du 19 septembre au 11 novembre 2022
Hiver : du 30 janvier au 24 mars 2023
La résidence de 8 semaines inclut :des droits de résidence de 1560 $ CA ;
l’occupation d’un studio-atelier individuel servant d’espace de travail et d’hébergement ;
l’accès à des équipements spécialisés (bois, métal, céramique) ;
l’accès à un centre de documentation (ouvrages, revues) ;
l’accès à des ressources locales ;
un soutien technique et logistique ;
l’accès à un vélo (en saison) / à un transport local ponctuel en période hivernale.
En raison de la pandémie, les résident·e·s et les employé·e·s doivent respecter un protocole sanitaire mis en place par ENE.
Votre dossier doit comprendre :un curriculum vitae (maximum de deux pages en format PDF) ;
un texte présentant vos intentions de recherche, d’expérimentation ou de production, incluant vos besoins précis en ressources techniques, s’il y a lieu (maximum une page en format PDF) ;
deux textes publiés sur l’art actuel : compte-rendu ou critique d’exposition, essai, texte d’opuscule, de catalogue ou de livre d’art (maximum de 10 pages au total en format PDF).
Pour toute question, contactez l’équipe d’ENE à info [arobas] estnordest [point] org
Formulaire d’application et détails
Assistant Professor in Studio Art (Drawing, Painting, and Interdisciplinary Art Practice)
The Department of Arts, Culture and Media (ACM) at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) invites applications for a full-time tenure stream appointment in Studio Art. The appointment is at the rank of Assistant Professor and will commence on July 1, 2022 or shortly thereafter.
Applicants are required to have a graduate degree in Fine Arts (Master’s or Ph.D.) in Studio Art or a relevant field by the time of the appointment or shortly thereafter, with a demonstrated record of excellence in artistic practice, research and teaching. The successful candidate must be an accomplished practicing artist working primarily in drawing or painting, with some interdisciplinary cross-over into one or more of the following areas: performance, socially- or community-engaged work, digital art, or media art. Candidates must have an experimental and conceptually-driven practice specializing in issues of indigeneity, gender, sexuality, race and/or diasporic communities. Candidates must also demonstrate the ability to work within an interdisciplinary arts and media department where horizontal connections among faculty of different fields are encouraged: see here.
The successful candidate will be expected to undertake innovative and independent creative professional activity and research at the highest international level and to establish a significant, competitive, and externally-funded research program of practice-based work.
Candidates must have an excellent record of artistic accomplishment and research, with evidence commensurate with career stage as demonstrated in exhibitions, residences, commissions, grants, juried awards and/or prizes, academic or professional publications, and strong endorsements by referees of high standing.
The successful candidate will teach and supervise students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. They must demonstrate pedagogical expertise in drawing and painting and the ability to teach in one or more of the following areas: performance, socially- or community-engaged work, digital art, or media art.
Evidence of excellence in teaching will be provided through teaching accomplishments, the teaching portfolio (with required materials outlined below) submitted as part of the application, as well as strong letters of reference. The successful candidate will also be expected to contribute to program and curriculum development, lab design, and program administration, as well as university committee work and service. Experience in these areas is welcome.
Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. We seek candidates who value diversity and whose research, teaching, and service bear out our commitment to equity. Candidates must therefore submit a 1- to 2-page statement identifying how their research, teaching, service or professional practice demonstrates a commitment to equity and diversity; the statement might cover topics such as (but not limited to): research or teaching that incorporates a focus on underrepresented communities, the development of inclusive pedagogies, or the mentoring of students from underrepresented groups. For more context about the University of Toronto’s commitment to diversity, see here. Note as well the Department of Arts, Culture & Media’s own Equity and Diversity in the Arts Initiative.
ACM is a unique multi-disciplinary research and teaching environment, with programs in Art History and Visual Culture; Arts and Media Management; Journalism (Joint Program); Media, Journalism and Digital Cultures; New Media Studies; Music and Culture; Studio Art; and Theatre and Performance. The appointment is at the University of Toronto Scarborough, which is a research-intensive institution with an interdisciplinary commitment, a multicultural student body speaking a wide range of languages, and a modern campus. The University offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research, and live in one of the most diverse cities in the world. Additional information on ACM can be found here.
In addition to being a full member of ACM at the University of Toronto Scarborough, the successful candidate will hold a graduate appointment in the Master of Visual Studies in Studio Art, a graduate program within the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design at the University of Toronto. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute a strong program of creative work and a vision for developing new creative capacities and relationships that fit within this diverse context. Additional information on the Master of Visual Studies is available here.
Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
All qualified candidates are invited to apply by clicking on the link below. Your CV and cover letter should be uploaded into the dedicated fields. Please combine additional application materials into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format:
cover letter,
complete and current curriculum vita,
statement outlining current and future research interests,
visual documentation of recent work (20 digital images or 10 digital images and up to 5 minutes of video as part of the PDF application or as clickable links if providing video, 10MB max per attachment) and,
teaching portfolio that includes course evaluations, a statement of teaching philosophy, and a record of engagement with innovative teaching-related activities such as experimental workshops, field courses, and community-based pedagogy,
a 1- to 2-page statement identifying how your research, teaching, service or professional practice demonstrate a commitment to equity and diversity (as outlined above)
name and contact information of three references. The University of Toronto’s recruiting tool will automatically solicit and collect letters of reference from each once an application is submitted (this happens overnight). Applicants, however, remain responsible for ensuring that references submit letters (on letterhead, dated and signed) by the closing date.
Submission guidelines can be found at For images and/or videos that are beyond the size limit of the application system (10 MB per attachment), please send a request for a separate upload link to acm-ca [arobas] utsc [point] utoronto [point] ca. If you have any questions about this position, please contact acm-ca [arobas] utsc [point] utoronto [point] ca.
All application materials, including reference letters, must be received by December 1, 2021.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. For AccessAbility and Diversity statements, including information on U of T’s voluntary diversity survey, please see the full advertisement on the U of T Careers website.
La Fondation Fiminco lance un appel à candidature à destination de commissaires d’exposition en vue d’une résidence de recherche, de création et de production à Romainville (Seine-Saint-Denis) d’une durée de six mois.
Le programme de résidence s’adresse à des commissaires d’exposition résidant en France et à l’étranger, sans limite d’âge, qui peuvent attester d’un parcours professionnel en devenir ou significatif. Cette résidence s’inscrit dans la dynamique du programme de résidence d’artistes qui accueille conjointement 17 artistes internationaux pendant 11 mois, de septembre 2021 à juillet 2022.
La ou le commissaire d’exposition aura l’opportunité de mettre en œuvre une programmation artistique et d’être le curateur ou la curatrice de l’exposition des artistes en résidence au printemps 2022.
AGO, Assistant Conservator, Time-Based Media
Location: Toronto, ON
Application Deadline: Extended until filled
Employment Type: Full time, 35h/w
Salary/Rate: $60,660.00 – $75,803.00
The ideal candidate will be a passionate professional with a deep knowledge and strong interest in all aspects of Conservation.
Key responsibilities include:
• Assists with the development and implementation of institutional policies, best practices, protocols and workflows for preservation of TBM works with the goal of achieving a sustainable cross-departmental approach to managing, storing, accessing, and preserving them.
• Working with conservators, media technicians, and other stakeholders to ensure the institution is equipped for the purposes of documenting, examining, maintaining, preserving, and repairing TBM.
•Performing technical examination, documentation, and treatment of TBM works, including film, video, multimedia software, html interactives, and any digital formats that may emerge, and prepares condition reports as required, and develops individualized preservation plans for TBM works.
Seeking Director of Villa Romana in Florence
Villa Romana
Application deadline: December 1
Villa Romana
Via Senese, 68
50124 Firenze FI
As an artists’ residence, Villa Romana is hosting the winners of the Villa Romana Prize, the oldest German art prize. Particularly talented, primarily younger visual artists living in Germany are given the opportunity to further develop their artistic position during a prolonged stay in Florence. The four prize winners are provided with an atelier and a furnished apartment free of charge. In addition, the Villa Romana has made a name for itself in recent years through various events on site, in the region, but also internationally and is very well connected locally, in the region and in the Mediterranean area and offers artists a variety of options to immerse themselves.
The patron of the Villa Romana and founder of the Villa Romana Prize is the registered non-profit association Villa Romana e.V.
Villa Romana is looking for a new director of the artists’ residence in Florence scheduled to begin on December 1, 2022.
–Content-related, commercial and organizational management of the house in Florence
–Support of the award winners, guest artists and visitors
–Organization and management of the selection committee for the award winners
–Prospective fundraising, networking and expansion of current and possible future supporters on a local, regional and international level
–Organizing exhibitions of the award winners in the villa, in Florence and German museums
–Publication of the annual catalogue of awardees
–Representation and advocacy of the Villa in the German and Italian contemporary art scene
–Networking and cooperation with local cultural actors, initiatives and institutions
–Monitoring of the federal law on grants and public procurement
We are looking for a person, if possible, who has completed his/her/their higher education in the arts and sciences (university or art college). If the requirements are met, the position will be graded up to pay scale level 14 of the public service’s wage agreement (TVöD).
–Profound knowledge of contemporary fine arts
–Experience—including commercial—in the management of a cultural institution
–Good knowledge of German, Italian and English
–Strong communication skills and integration ability
–High level of team competency
–Practical experience in running a cultural institution
–Willingness to fill the life in an artists’ villa as a host in an integrative way.
–It is expected that the director will take up residence, possibly with partner and family, in the villa. A spacious service apartment is available. He/she/they will be supported by a qualified team of employees.
–The position offers a four-year contract with the option of extension. The contractual partner is Villa Romana e.V., Frankfurt.
With the same suitability, ability and professional performance, special consideration is given to women in accordance with the Federal Equal Opportunities Act (Bundesgleichstellungsgesetz BGleiG), and to people with disabilities in accordance with the Equal Opportunities for Disabled Persons Act (Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz BGG), the General Equal Treatment Act (Allgemeines Gleichbehandlungsgesetz AGG) and the Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch SGB IX).
We look forward to receiving your application by December 1, 2021.
Please send your documents (letter of motivation, curriculum vitae, references, as well as your ideas for the further development of Villa Romana on a maximum of three pages) in a single PDF file to vorstand [arobas] villaromana [point] de.
Offre d’emploi
Date limite : 10 décembre 2021
Regart, centre d’artistes en art actuel est à la recherche d’une personne pour occuper le poste de la direction générale, à titre de responsable de la gestion administrative, politique et du développement qui saura incarner une nouvelle ère en se joignant à une jeune équipe dynamique.
Sous l’autorité du conseil d’administration, la direction a pour principales fonctions de :
Mettre en application le mandat et la mission du centre ;
Promouvoir et représenter l’organisme et ses intérêts auprès de différentes instances publiques, culturelles et politiques;
Assurer une saine gestion des ressources humaines, financières et matérielles de l’organisme ;
Réaliser les dossiers de demandes de subvention et les rapports connexes ;
Collaborer au suivi comptable, en synergie avec le technicien-comptable ;
Assurer le suivi avec le conseil d’administration et s’assurer du suivi avec les artistes locataires des ateliers ;
Gérer l’accompagnement et le travail au sein de l’équipe ;
Être au-devant du comité de développement et du comité stratégique ;
Développer des projets de pairs avec la direction artistique qui feront progresser le centre dans son objectif de pérennisation territoriale.
Compétences et expériences requises pour ce poste:
Formation universitaire en gestion d’organismes communautaires, arts visuels, ou autres domaines connexes ;
Deux années d’expérience en direction, gestion et réalisation de demandes de subventions et reddition de comptes ;
•Aptitudes en planification budgétaire ; réalisation de rapports financiers ;
Méthodologie, dynamisme, créativité et capacité d’adaptation aux différentes tâches ;
Habilités relationnelles, de communication et de réseautage ;
Capacité à travailler en équipe, avec différents intervenants ;
Connaissance approfondie du milieu des centres d’artistes ;
Maitrise de la langue française et anglaise parlée et écrite, un atout;
Connaissance du milieu culturel de Lévis et de Québec, un atout.
Conditions :
Horaire de 30 heures / semaine, modulable du mardi au vendredi (flexibilité pour réunions, vernissages et évènements) ;
Politique des employé.e.s et salaire se situant entre 18$ et 25$ selon l’expérience et après évaluation au terme de 3 mois d’essai ;
Entrée en fonction : janvier 2022 ;
Période de probation : 3 mois
Durée : contrat d’un an renouvelable.
Faire parvenir votre curriculum vitae ainsi qu’une lettre d’intention avant le 10 décembre 2021 par courriel à recrutement [arobas] centreregart [point] org.
Seules les personnes retenues pour une entrevue seront contactées.
Notre centre :
Regart, centre d’artistes en art actuel assure une présence dynamique des arts visuels actuels auprès des publics des territoires de Chaudière-Appalaches et de Québec depuis 1986. En tant que centre d’artistes, il fait partie du Réseau des centres d’artistes autogérés du Québec (RCAAQ) et est reconnu et soutenu par les instances publiques que sont le Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec et la Ville de Lévis. Le centre présente chaque année des programmations d’expositions ouvertes à l’hybridation et à l’expérimentation où la qualité artistique est mise de l’avant. En parallèle des expositions, Regart propose aussi une pluralité d’évènements ponctuels en partenariat avec des organismes des deux rives, mélangeant divers média et ouvrant vers une approche multidisciplinaire.
esse art + opinion
No. 105 – Dossier Nouvel nouvel age
Date de tombée : 10 janvier 2022
Tel un spectre malicieux ou une force surnaturelle indocile, la résurgence ponctuelle des croyances occultes – sorcellerie, divination, astrologie, magie, alchimie – hante depuis toujours l’histoire de l’humanité. Tour à tour ennemi du Christianisme, pierre d’achoppement de la logique kantienne ou carrément menace du patriarcat (la sorcière étant une figure « maléfique » puissante largement revendiquée par les féministes), cet engouement sporadique pour le mystique et ses innombrables déclinaisons semble être le symptôme tangible d’une lassitude sourde face à l’ordre établi et aux systèmes de pensée hégémoniques. Aujourd’hui encore, l’intérêt renouvelé pour le mysticisme et les modalités d’agentivité et de pouvoir parallèles qu’il suggère se fait l’écho de l’inertie politique générale. Des concoctions hormonales « faites maison » aux pratiques animistes antispécistes, les multiples stratégies offertes par ce nouvel nouvel âge, comme nous serions tenté·e·s de le nommer à la suite du mouvement contre-culturel occidental des années 1970, répondent au besoin pressant d’agir hors d’un néolibéralisme qui tue, petit à petit, notre planète et les relationalités qui s’y jouent. Mais bien plus qu’une simple riposte ésotérique, l’existence de forces occultes – ou de forces théoriquement inexplicables – semble désormais entérinée par la science elle-même, à preuve les récentes découvertes de la mécanique quantique et des états presque « magiques » de la matière, ouvrant toute grande la porte au mysticisme quantique ! Si l’occulte séduit et fait peur tout à la fois, c’est qu’il ne peut être assujetti, qu’il n’a de cesse de se dérober au sens commun.
[…] Figure incontournable de ces croisements disciplinaires et icône iconoclaste par excellence pour nombre d’artistes actuel·le·s, la sorcière est d’ailleurs une source incontournable d’inspiration. Guérisseuse, chamane, alchimiste, herboriste, magicienne et sybille, la sorcière appelle à une décolonisation des savoirs et de la spiritualité, à l’effritement du patriarcat et du capitalisme, à une affinité intime avec la nature et le cosmos, au métissage des arts et de l’artisanat, du politique et du magique. Loin d’être la seule à caractériser ce nouvel nouvel âge, la sorcière s’accompagne d’une multiplicité d’entités réelles et imaginaires, de méthodologies queers, de posture antispécistes et de formes de création hybride repoussant toujours davantage les frontières de l’art. À la lumière des perspectives ouvertes par ce nouvel nouvel âge, ce dossier cherche à explorer les croisements entre ces approches multiformes de l’occulte et de la spiritualité 2.0 et les pratiques artistiques actuelles.
Call for Submissions: Locke Street Marker Public Art Project
City of Hamilton
Online Info Meeting: December 9
Deadline: January 13
Professional artists and artist-led teams are invited to submit proposals for this juried competition to create permanent public art work(s) for the SW corner of Locke Street and Jackson Street in Hamilton.
Read more
Call to Artists: Temporary Floating Public Art
Harbour Square Park Basin, Toronto