La Liste compile les appels de dossiers en arts visuels, arts médiatiques, performance, art public, etc. Les appels proviennent du Québec, du Canada et d’ailleurs. N’hésitez pas à la faire circuler. Vous pouvez consulter La Liste sur Internet et vous y abonner gratuitement:

Prochaine édition: 13 août.

Nouvelles des membres de l’AGAVF

Galerie Sans Nom (Moncton)
Moncton Rock : Art et musique de la capitale acadienne, 1968-2008
10 juillet au 28 août 2009
vernissage: 10 juillet 2009 à 20h
Moncton Rock regroupe le travail d’une vingtaine d’artistes, ainsi que les traces matérielles (affiches, t-shirts, documentation, etc.) qui témoignent de l’activité artistique de l’époque et met de l’avant la contribution de la scène monctonienne à l’esthétique grunge ayant débuté à Seattle dans les années 1980.

Maison des artistes visuels (Saint-Boniface)
Fronteras – José Luis Torres
Du 11 juin au 27 août 2009
Combien de frontières y a-t-il ? Plus d’une? Beaucoup. Autant qu’il y a d’individus.
Les limites sont fausses, les individus ne le sont peut-être pas – pour peu que l’individu demeure le même au bout de nombreuses années. Comme un cosmopolite qui traverse des frontières parce qu’il ne les aime pas…

Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle (Ottawa)
Andrée Désilets et de Valérie Levasseur
Du 11 juillet au 18 août 2009
Appel de dossier pour sa quatrième Exposition internationale d’estampe numérique miniature, Ottawa
du 7 novembre au 15 décembre 2009
date limite de réception des œuvres: le 15 août 2009

Galerie du Nouvel-Ontario (Sudbury)
Appel de dossiers: La GNO invite les artistes, les collectifs d’artistes et les commissaires ayant une démarche novatrice en art visuel à soumettre un projet d’exposition.
date limite: le 31 juillet…. La sélection des projets sera communiquée au cours de l’automne 2009.

1. appels en français du Canada

Banque d’œuvres d’art du Conseil des Arts du Canada – 15 octobre
L’ESPACE PIERRE-DEBAIN Vieux Aylmer – 22 août
revue .dpi – 18 septembre
Mois de la Photo à Montréal – pas précisé

2. appels en anglais du Canada

Whitemud Park Trailhead Building Public Art Project Edmonton – 8 septembre
City of Kitchener Artist-in-Residence Program – pas précisé
The Gallery at Milner Edmonton – 15 octobre
Stem Cell Edmonton – 1 octobre
New Gallery – pas précisé
North Central Community Recreation Centre & Field House Public Art Project #2 Edmonton – 10 septembre
The Works Art & Design Festival – 29 août
NFB-TVO – 31 août
Giant Incandescent Resonating Animation Festival – 3 août
Reel Pride Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Film Society – 4 septembre
Southwest Community Recreation Centre Public Art Project #1 – 10 septembre
The Genesis Centre of Community Wellness Calgary – 28 septembre
Misinformed Informants Toronto – 1 octobre
Yukon Arts Centre Public Art Gallery – pas précisé
221A Artist Run Centre Vancouver – pas précisé
Locative Cinema Commission Banff – 3 août
PIXXELPOINT 2009 – 30 septembre

3. appels d’ailleurs

anotac(c)iones internet – 31 juillet
The Lab San Fransisco – 20 septembre
openEPAF 2009 Warszawa – 17 août
Torrance Art Museum – pas précisé
Diapason Gallery for Sound, Brooklyn – 10 août
Flaxart International Residency Programme, Belfast – 31 août
Meinblau Gallery, Berlin – 30 août
nomásdecinco – 15 août
Southern Exposure San Francisco – pas précisé
ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS, Berlin – 15 octobre
Résidences d’artistes Res-artis – diverses dates et lieux

1. appels en français du Canada

Acquisition d’œuvres d’artistes canadiens pour la collection de la Banque d’œuvres d’art du Conseil des Arts du Canada

DATE LIMITE : le 15 octobre 2009 (cachet de la poste en faisant foi)

Lignes directrices du programme et le formulaire de proposition (en format PDF)

Vous pouvez aussi contacter la Banque afin d’obtenir une copie papier.

Personne-ressource : Suzanne Wolfe
613-566-4414 ou 1-800-263-5588, poste. 4612
suzanne [point] wolfe [arobas] conseildesarts [point] ca


Appel aux artistes pour exposer À L’ESPACE PIERRE-DEBAIN EN 2010

– L’Espace Pierre-Debain, la galerie en métiers d’art du Centre culturel du Vieux-Aylmer, invite les artistes à présenter leur dossier avant le 22 août 2009 en vue d’une exposition prévue pour l’année 2010.

L’Espace Pierre-Debain présente essentiellement des expositions des métiers d’art avec ouverture sur le multidimensionnel.

Ce dossier doit inclure :

* Dix œuvres récentes sur disque compact ou sur diapositives;
* Un curriculum vitæ;
* Un texte explicatif de la démarche artistique;
* Un aperçu de l’exposition présentée.

Un comité de sélection évaluera chacun des dossiers reçus.

Les artistes intéressés sont priés de faire parvenir leur dossier en personne au Centre culturel du Vieux-Aylmer, 120, rue Principale, Gatineau (secteur d’Aylmer) ou par courrier à :

Chantal Lamoureux
Responsable de l’Espace Pierre-Debain
Ville de Gatineau
Case postale 1970, succursale Hull
Gatineau (Québec) J8X 3Y9

Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez contacter le 819 243-2345, poste 5304.


Appel de textes .dpi no 16 : Thématique « Résis-temps »

Date limite des propositions : le 18 septembre 2009.
Texte final (environ 2250 mots) à remettre le 19 octobre 2009.
Sortie fin octobre 2009

Résis-temps, résistant, résistance au temps, à une mémoire imposée, à un oubli forcé, à un flux constant. On résiste contre un système, on résiste pour une idée, un idéal, mais face au temps, comment résiste-t-on ? La résistance en art se décline sous de nombreuses formes, l’art résis-temps peut créer jusqu’à une manière de voir et de concevoir la place de l’art pour et dans la société. Mais aujourd’hui par quels moyens déclinons-nous l’art résis-temps ? Ce numéro propose de retracer un panorama de ce type d’art à travers un grand nombre de médium et de disciplines artistiques. Dans le cinéma expérimental ou documentaire par exemple, certains films vont ainsi chercher à inscrire des images oubliées dans l’inconscient collectif, proposant, par exemple, une « mémoire obstinée » comme les films de Patricio Guzman. L’art résis-temps, c’est alors ne pas laisser passer, ne pas laisser l’oubli s’imposer en mettant des images sur une mémoire interdite. Dans l’art vidéo, certaines œuvres vont, quant à elles, mettre à l’épreuve les spectateurs en effaçant toute référence temporelle, telle que la narration, ou tout repère chronologique pour imposer un temps cyclique d’images et de sons qui se répètent dans l’infini que permet la vidéo. L’art résis-temps c’est alors proposer un temps sans fond, c’est ouvrir la porte à un impossible saisissement. L’art résis-temps devient aussi le moyen ici de sortir du flux comme ce que proposent certaines œuvres hypermédiatiques prônant la lenteur ou le laisser-aller à travers l’espace rhizomique pour mieux accuser le flux constant qui modèle notre consommation du Web, mais aussi, plus généralement, notre manière d’être au monde. Ces exemples ne sont que quelques unes des nombreuses pistes qu’ouvre l’idée d’art résis-temps, n’hésitez pas à nous en proposer d’autres toujours autour de la même alliance qui fait la particularité de .dpi : art, femmes et technologies.

Nous encourageons les théoriciennes ou artistes inspirées par ce thème à nous faire parvenir un résumé d’une intention de texte (300 mots) accompagné d’une courte biographie (100 mots).
Le comité de rédaction de .dpi tient à préciser que seuls les textes d’auteurEs seront acceptés.
Tous les types de textes sont bienvenus (essai, critique, entrevue)

Envoyer vos textes à: programmation at


Appel de candidatures de commissaire invité(e) pour la 12e édition
:: Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal lance son appel de commissaire invité pour la 12e édition de sa biennale internationale de photographie contemporaine qui se tiendra en septembre 2011::
Depuis 1989, à tous les deux ans, Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal produit un événement culturel international, arrimé sur les enjeux contemporains reliés à la photographie. Avec ses expositions, sa publication et son colloque, la biennale sert de catalyseur aux artistes, aux spécialistes de l’image et au grand public.
L’événement vise à promouvoir les diverses tendances de la photographie contemporaine auprès d’un large public en concrétisant des échanges internationaux entre les photographes, le public, les conservateurs, les commissaires, les médias et les collectionneurs. Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal travaille de concert avec une grande diversité de partenaires incluant des artistes, des musées, des galeries universitaires, des centres d’artistes pour présenter une série d’expositions solos réparties à travers la ville transformant ainsi Montréal en une vaste exposition de groupe, à la fois cohérente et stimulante, autour d’un concept phare.
Depuis 2003, pour chacune des éditions de sa biennale, Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal confie l’élaboration d’une nouvelle thématique à un commissaire invité. Toutes les expositions, le colloque et la publication sont conçus autour d’un concept unique. Pour plus de détails concernant les thématiques des éditions précédentes, l’historique et le mandat de l’organisme, consultez notre site Web au
Le commissaire invité pour l’édition de septembre 2011, devra proposer une thématique à la fois novatrice et audacieuse, propre à singulariser la biennale montréalaise sur la scène internationale tout en stimulant la réflexion et en rendant accessible au grand public des thèmes et des problématiques issues de l’art contemporain en général.

2. appels en anglais au Canada


Call to Artists – Request for Proposals:
Whitemud Park Trailhead Building Public Art Project

The Edmonton Arts Council, on behalf of the City of Edmonton, invites artists to submit proposals for the Whitemud Park Trailhead Building public art competition. Open to all Canadian visual artists, the competition is held in accordance with the City of Edmonton policy “Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in Public Areas” (C458B).

* Budget: $23,700 CAD (maximum, all inclusive)
* Deadline for Submissions: 4:30 pm on Monday, September 8th, 2009
* Installation: Fall 2010
* Download the RFP:


Call to Artists – Request for Qualifications:
Southwest Community Recreation Centre Public Art Project #1

The Southwest Community Recreation Centre public art competition, open to all Canadian and international visual artists, is held in accordance with the City of Edmonton policy “Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in Public Areas” (C458B). There are two public art opportunities at the Southwest Community Recreation Centre. Applicants are welcome to submit an application to either or both opportunities, however a separate application is required for each opportunity.

Southwest Recreation Centre Public Artwork #1: an exterior commission, which can be discreet or integrated to the building and site locations.

Budget: $400,000 CAD (maximum, all inclusive)
Deadline for Submissions: 4:30 pm on Thursday, September 10th, 2009
Installation: Fall 2010
Download the RFQ:

For more information on these and other current Calls to Artists, contact the Edmonton Arts Council by phone (780) 424–2787 or email: publicart [arobas] edmontonarts [point] ca


City of Kitchener Artist-in-Residence Program
Call for Proposals

Now in its fourteenth year, Kitchener City Hall’s Artist in Residence (AIR) program invites applications from artists working in any visual arts medium. There is no studio space available for this residency. However, the artist will be able to take advantage of many community opportunities to accommodate program needs. For example, workshops may take place in neighbourhood community centres, lectures in City Hall, exhibits in partnership with other agencies, and video projections on top of City Hall’s Berlin Tower.

The program carries an honorarium of $5,000, with an additional $2,500 available for project expenses such as supplies and promotion. The month of July 2010 will be reserved for the artist to use City Hall’s Rotunda Gallery for exhibition. The artist is required to attend monthly meetings of the Public Art Working Group to build a relationship with this committee which provides oversight for the program. The Public Art Working Group may invite the artist to create a commissioned work for the Artist-in-Residence Collection. The fee for the commission is $5,000.

For full details, see or call the Arts/Culture Unit, City of Kitchener, at 519 741-2912 or 519 741-3400 Ext 3381.

E-mails to cheryl [point] york [arobas] kitchener [point] ca



Deadline for submissions: October 15,2009

The Edmonton Public Library invites emerging artists working in any two-dimensional medium to submit proposals to show art work in The Gallery at Milner. The Gallery is located on the main floor of the downtown Stanley A. Milner Library. We are seeking to exhibit the works of artists in Edmonton and area who have achieved consistency in style and form.

Submission Requirements

* Artist’s statement and cv
* A title for the proposed show
* Images of 12-14 works, with the size, date, title and medium indicated
* Electronic images in jpg, bmp or png web-capable format.
* A cd of the proposed show is required; images stored on a flash drive are also acceptable.
* A stamped, self addressed envelope must be included for return of material.

Artists understand that images of their work will be displayed and then archived on the Edmonton Public Library’s web page ( Each successful candidate will exhibit for up to four weeks during summer 2010 through WINTER 2011.

Please forward all inquiries or applications to:

Art Selection Committee
Centre for Reading & the Arts
Stanley A. Milner Library
7 Sir Winston Churchill Square, Edmonton AB T5J 2V4
Telephone 780-496-7030 |email: cragalleries&displays [arobas] epl [point] ca




CALLS FOR SUBMISSIONS for STEM Cell: the Sub-Terranean Edmonton Media Arts festival in February 2010. STEM Cell focuses on non-traditional film, video and media arts work, and at this point we are seeking submissions of two main kinds of work.

REELING: Dance on Screen & Experimental Documentary

About STEM Cell, Metro Cinema, and Mile Zero Dance
This will be the second instance of STEM Cell, building on the first event in April 2007, a partnership between Metro Cinema, FAVA, and Latitude 53. REELING builds on the MZD FAVA LABA, a production and exhibition collaboration between MZD and FAVA that screened in Jan 2008.

Metro Cinema is a community-based non-profit society devoted to the exhibition and promotion of local, Canadian, international and independent film and video in Edmonton, Alberta. To this end, Metro exhibits an eclectic blend of film, video and media arts that would not otherwise screen in the city.

Mile Zero Dance Society (MZD) is a mainstay in the Edmonton arts community, playing an active role in interdisciplinary collaborations and audience development. MZD has become a voice for a generation of artists and audience members alike who are interested in merging dance with different art forms through artistic innovation and research.

If you have any questions regarding submissions, please contact the Metro Cinema office at metro [arobas] metrocinema [point] org or 780-425-9212.

>> Read the full Call for Submissions here…


New Gallery

Artist Submission Guidelines:
Please send submissions in confidence via email only: newphotogallery [arobas] gmail [point] com
Please indicate in subject line as : ‘Photography submission’

* You may provide a link to your website which contains images, contact information, CV, and artist statement
* Alternatively, please email jpeg images. Please attach 4 to 6 jpeg images, under 100 kilobytes each. Please include image details, contact information, artist statement and CV. This email should not exceed 1 MB. Artists of interest will be contacted by the gallery to discuss the possibility of representation.


Call to Artists – Request for Proposals:
North Central Community Recreation Centre & Field House Public Art Project #2

The North Central Community Recreation Centre & Field House public art competition, open to all Canadian and international visual artists, is held in accordance with the City of Edmonton policy “Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in Public Areas” (C458B). There are two public art opportunities at the North Central Community Recreation Centre & Field House. Applicants are welcome to submit an application to either or both opportunities, however a separate application is required for each opportunity.

North Central Community Recreation Centre Public Artwork #2: an interior commission, which can be discreet or integrated to the building and site locations.

Budget: $41,000 CAD (maximum, all inclusive)
Deadline for Submissions: 4:30 pm on Thursday, September 10th 2009
Installation: Fall 2010
Download the RFP:

For more information on these and other current Calls to Artists, contact the Edmonton Arts Council by phone (780) 424–2787 or email: publicart [arobas] edmontonarts [point] ca


The Works Calls to Enter 2010
The Works Art & Design Festival is currently accepting applications to take part in the 2010 Core Program of themed exhibits. 2008 through to 2010 have had an overarching theme of sustainability and environmental consciousness with a core program relating to WATER in 2008, HEAT in 2009 and EARTH in 2010, The Works Art & Design Festival’s 25th anniversary year. Artists are invited to submit exhibits for consideration in the following categories: Environmental Site Specific Installation; Curated Group Exhibit, Individual or Two Artist Exhibit, and Community Programs. Artists may take the theme literally or metaphorically. Exhibits can approach EARTH from a didactic, poetic, or commentative angle. Exhibit Call to Enter 2010 – deadline August 29th, 2009


THE NFB-TVO CALLING CARD PROGRAM INVITES ONTARIANS TO MAKE NEW-MEDIA AND BROADCAST DOCUMENTARIES. Winning teams receive $45,000 , mentorship and an online or broadcast launch. Documentaries must be original, character-driven narratives with a focus on social, political and cultural issues. Submission deadline is August 31st, 2009. For more information please visit:


GIRAF5: (Giant Incandescent Resonating Animation Festival) Call for Submissions
GIRAF celebrates the spirit of independent and underground animation, showcasing animators from across Canada and around the Globe. We are now looking for YOUR animated short films, and project proposals which bridge disciplines of animation with new forms of contemporary art, including performance, installation and new media projects Animated Performance and Installation Proposals — Deadline: Monday, August 3, 2009 Short Animated Film + Video Submission –Deadline: Monday, August 31, 2009


Reel Pride Winnipeg Gay and Lesbian Film Society
Seeking short film submissions Deadline: September 4, 2009


Call to Artists – Request for Qualifications:
Southwest Community Recreation Centre Public Art Project #1

The Southwest Community Recreation Centre public art competition, open to all Canadian and international visual artists, is held in accordance with the City of Edmonton policy “Percent for Art to Provide and Encourage Art in Public Areas” (C458B). There are two public art opportunities at the Southwest Community Recreation Centre. Applicants are welcome to submit an application to either or both opportunities, however a separate application is required for each opportunity.

Southwest Recreation Centre Public Artwork #1: an exterior commission, which can be discreet or integrated to the building and site locations.

Budget: $400,000 CAD (maximum, all inclusive)
Deadline for Submissions: 4:30 pm on Thursday, September 10th, 2009
Installation: Fall 2010
Download the RFQ:

For more information on these and other current Calls to Artists, contact the Edmonton Arts Council by phone (780) 424–2787 or email: publicart [arobas] edmontonarts [point] ca


The Genesis Centre of Community Wellness
City of Calgary, Alberta Canada
Budget: $559,500 CDN
Deadline: September 28, 2009

The City of Calgary Public Art Program invites artists to submit
an Expression of Interest (i.e. qualifications) for the Genesis Centre
of Community Wellness Public Art Project.
The facility, being constructed at 7556 Falconridge Blvd. N.E.,
is in the heart of northeast Calgary and aims to become a centre of
community that embodies inclusiveness, accessibility, well-being,
enablement, relevance and a sense of responsibility. This public art
project is seen as an opportunity to bring these values together to
enrich the health, wellness, spirit and unity of those that visit the

The successful artist and/or artist team will have practical,
demonstrated experience in the field of public art, a history of
collaborating with multi-disciplinary teams and the ability to work
within set budgets and construction schedules. Interactive, kinetic
and/or functional public art is of especial interest to the project
team, and it must be proven to be resilient, durable, low maintenance,
and resistant to both vandalism and environmental factors.
The total budget for this public art project is set at
$559,500.00 CDN. The project budget is all-inclusive, including but not
limited to: artist fees, travel, research, design, engineering and
design services, materials, equipment, fabrication, transportation,
permit fees, taxes and brokerage fees.

Deadline for submissions is Monday, September 28, 2009 at 4:30pm


* For more information and to submit, please access and download
Expression of Interest #09-020 Genesis Centre of Community Wellness
Public Art Project from the Alberta Purchasing Connection
* For assistance in regards to accessing the EOI document, contact
the Alberta Purchasing Connection Help Desk at 780-644-5726 or via email
to APC [point] Help [arobas] gov [point] ab [point] ca.
* For submission-related inquiries. contact Daniela Kirst, Buyer,
City of Calgary at 403-268-5534 or daniela [point] kirst [arobas] calgary [point] ca.
* For project-related information and inquiries, please contact
Lisa Hickey-Besserer, Public Art Project Coordinator at 403-268-5283 or
lisa [point] hickey-besserer [arobas] calgary [point] ca.


Misinformed Informants
Invites submissions for performance works from emerging or early career artists that speak to modes and moods of communication and miscommunication as a starting point for their work.
@ FADO, Toronto


The Yukon Arts Centre Public Art Gallery (YAC) seeks exhibition curation
for our upcoming 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons for our 4,200 square foot
temporary exhibition space.

The intent of this Request for Proposal is to obtain proposals from
experienced independent curators to curate a series of temporary
exhibitions of contemporary artwork in this Class A gallery space. We
anticipate contracting three curators to programme a series of exhibitions
over the next three years.

Each curator will be responsible for three two-month long time slots at the
Yukon Arts Centre Public Art Gallery: one allocated as a themed exhibition,
and the other two time periods as a series of solo or smaller group
exhibitions (with the Gallery divided into two or three spaces).

The curator will: research Yukon arts/artists and curate the exhibits. This
will require traveling to the Yukon, selecting artists, identifying private
and other public/gallery collections for exhibition loan(s), selecting
exhibition themes and topics, developing the exhibition layout and design,
and writing curatorial introductions or an essay. Curators must work with
YAC to ensure press, printing, and education/other programme deadlines are met.
Please find full details in the Request for Proposals.

Jessica Vellenga
Visual Arts Engagement Project Coordinator

Yukon Arts Centre Public Art Gallery
Tel: (867) 393 – 7109
Fax: (867) 393-6300
gallery [arobas] yac [point] ca


221A Artist Run Centre is accepting exhibition proposals for November 2009
and onwards.


Artist and designers of all backgrounds are encouraged to submit. Please
address the following points in a written proposal.

i. Formal description of work(s) (500 words max)- incl. dimension, size,
media if applicable. If neccessary, include digital imagery on a CD or send
by email. Ensure digital files are in JPG or PDF format and are under 1MB
per image and 10MB in total. Having a digital file is neccessary for the
jurying process.

ii. Who is involved (attach CV & additional detailed information on
participants if applicable).

iii. Timeline – incl. installation & de-installation details.

Proposals are reviewed quarterly but are accepted at all times. Due to the
differing evaluation times for the selection of shows, please note that we
will sometimes hold proposals for several months. Please include full
return postage if you wish to have your proposal returned.

Email proposals to: hello [arobas] 221a [point] ca

Or via mail to:
221A Artist Run Centre
T: 604 568 0812
E: hello [arobas] 221a [point] ca


International Commissioning Opportunity

The Locative Cinema Commission is a joint project of ZER01: The Art and
Technology Network, the Banff New Media Institute at The Banff Centre, and
Sundance Institute’s New Frontier Initiative.

We are soliciting proposals that can generalize the platform of specific
places such as San Jose, California, Banff, Canada, or Park City, Utah to
describe the world that you want people to see.

The commission will be realized via a residency at the Banff New Media
Institute, to be completed by July 2010. The new work will be presented at
the 2010 01SJ, the 2011 Sundance Festival, and the 2011 Banff Summer Arts
Festival. As such, the work must be realizable in San Jose, Park City, and

There is a 4,500 USD artist commissioning fee, up to 5,000 USD for
production and residency costs, plus substantial in kind support from The
Banff Centre. In addition, reasonable presentation costs, including
necessary travel, will be covered.

Proposal deadline: Monday August 3, 2009.

For further information and the specific application process:



DEADLINE: September 30th 2009, arrival date.

Once Upon a Time in the West

We keep on talking about “new media”, while in actually fact these media are anything but new. The Net is twenty years old, if we start counting from the advent of the Web, forty if we start from Arpanet. Spacewar!, the first videogame ever, is more or less the same age. Virtual worlds are the updated, lighter versions of a technology acclaimed as “the future” when Second Life programmers were still in diapers; social networks are the bastard sons of Fidonet. As for the computer, it is younger than Lord Byron, but certainly not than his daughter Ada.

Once upon a time there was the electronic frontier, an abandonware myth which was able to regenerate itself thanks to the continuous advance of the frontier itself. Like in space, in technological progress there’s no ocean at the end of the trip. But, unlike the space race, the race to the next technology is endless, and endlessness is boring.

Yet, while we got used to innovation and the day-after rhetorics, we have never got used to the loss of the past. We look back to what was new yesterday and is trash today, and we feel a deep sense of nostalgia. Commodore 64 and 386dx. The first Apple Macintosh. Bulletin Board Systems. Animated gifs. Glittering images. Web buttons. Super Mario. Doom. Napster. Jennicam. Mosaic. ASCII art. MIDIs and MOOs. Not to mention VHS, vinyl, audio cassettes, cathode tubes, portable radios, faxes. It is the kind of nostalgia that we feel for a relative who died young, once the pain abates: you are left wondering what kind of man he would have been. Or for someone that, once grown up, does not live up to his or her promise. Sometimes nostalgia develops into historical research, and becomes media archeology. We don’t look for the technologies that we once loved, but those we have never seen in action.

3. appels d’ailleurs

convocatoria abierta para colaboración anotac(c)iones nro. 0

anotac(c)iones es una publicación multilingüe, sin fines de lucro, pero si autosustentable, organizada por LAP: Laboratorio de Acción y Performance – una iniciativa independiente de producción, investigación, difusión y archivo en la convergencia de performance, acción y pensamiento crítico. Tiene como función primordial la publicación de textos específicamente de arte acción y performance, buscando generar pensamiento crítico, diálogos e intercambios.

El formato de la publicación será el fanzine (en tamaño A5), su desarrollo está ligado al de los medios de bajo costo, como la fotocopiadora. Sus ediciones serán únicamente en blanco y negro, dejando el color para sus tapas. Estas características nos dan la posibilidad de tener una publicación económica, tanto para la compra, como para su manufactura.

Por ahora, estamos preparando la edición número 0, a ser lanzada en agosto de 2009. En el primer numero de la publicación, nos proponemos a pensar en las “FRONTERAS”, y textos referentes al tema son bienvenidos, pero no de manera exclusiva – inéditos o no. Colaboraciones que aborden otros temas relacionados a la performance, también serán aceptadas. Los mismos no serán excluidos por estilo, pueden ser poéticos, en prosa, críticos, teóricos, etc. También pueden contener imágenes, pero recordamos que su impresión será a mediante fotocopiadoras, lo cual influye en su definición y calidad.

La convocatoria está abierta hasta el 31 de julio de 2009, sin límites de edades ni nacionalidades.

En los datos del autor deben constar informaciones de contacto (e-mail, website, blog).

Los archivos deben ser enviados para lab [point] performance [arobas] live [point] com (texto e imágenes) conteniendo:

– texto de hasta dos páginas A5 (máximo cinco mil caracteres)

– dos imágenes (formato .jpg 300 dpi)

Será considerada para la evaluación la primera versión recibida (otros envíos con modificaciones posteriores serán ignorados).

Coordinación: Marcus Vinícius

+ info:

lab [point] performance [arobas] live [point] com



This is an open call for submissions for artists who are living and working in Canada to exhibit in San Francisco.

The exhibition will showcase the work of 6 – 8 emerging Canadian multidisciplinary visual artists. We will bring together work that speaks of contemporary art trends of the country. The exhibition will be mounted during a very interesting time in Canada, the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver (February 12 – 28, 2010). We believe that during this time, some of the stereotypes, symbols, themes, and political workings of Canada will be disseminated into U.S. media, giving a local audience a backdrop for the work that we are showcasing.

This exhibition will be held at The Lab, a not for profit gallery located in San Francisco’s Mission district.

– Submissions are due September 20, 2009. All submissions should include
approximately 10 images of work as well as an artist statement and Resume.

– Digital images should be submitted as .jpg no larger than 8×10 inches at 72 dpi.

– Video work should be submitted on DVD, or by email send url (for video uploaded to a ftp site or video share site such as Vimeo, Youtube).

– Proposals are accepted. Artists submitting proposals should view floor plan of the gallery located on the website. For this exhibition we have secured both the front and main galleries.

– Submissions can be sent by email or through postage. Please send any submissions to thelabcanadashow [arobas] gmail [point] com or:

Kevin Bertram
4538 Rue Clark Apt # 11
Montreal Quebec
H2T 2T4

AT THE EMAIL AT thelabcanadashow [arobas] gmail [point] com.

– If accepted to the exhibition artists are encouraged (but not required) to attend the opening and oversee the installation of their work.

– The curators of the show are attempting to gather grants and fund raise to help bare travel and shipping costs for the artists. However, ultimately, each artist is responsible for shipping his/her work as well any travel costs.

– Accepted artists are encouraged to apply for travel grants at Canada Council for the Arts and other institutions that support the arts.


Call for proposals
Open programme of the European Performance Art Festival openEPAF 2009

The Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle in Warsaw / Poland invites emerging performance artists to submit performance art proposals for the open programme of the European Performance Art Festival openEPAF 2009.

The festival will take place from 16 to 18 October 2009. Artists who are qualified to participate in the festival will receive: materials, equipment and CCA space required for performance; board and lodging during the festival; photographic and video documentation of the performance presented during the festival; a fee of 1000 PLN and as far as possible travel costs. Performances presented at openEPAF will be selected by a jury consisting of artists and art critics.

In order to participate in openEPAF, you have to submit an application containing the following:
1. first name and surname, biographical note, artistic CV, address.
2. short description (not longer than 120 words) of the proposed performance, including information about a duration of the performance, materials, equipment and space required.
3. video material with the documentation of previous performances on DVD video, miniDV or VHS (with a description containing the title, date and place of the performance)

Language of the application: English, Polish

Notice: this call for proposals is addressed only to artists from performance art area.
We will not accept theatrical performances.

Proposals should be submitted by 17 August 2009, personally or by mail at the following address:

EPAF 2009
Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle
ul. Jazdow 2
00-467 Warszawa

And by email (only the information specified in 1 and 2 above) at: openepaf [arobas] csw [point] art [point] pl

If you want us to send materials back please enclose SASE.

Waldemar Tatarczuk / EPAF Curator
Wojciech Krukowski / Director of CCA Ujazdowski Castle


Torrance Art Museum invites proposals from Curators

Call for Proposals:
On Gonzo Curating

I was interested to read recently, on and at, some of their reader’s responses to the questions regarding topics that should be raised and what the purpose of a museum is, respectively. While I feel that there is space and time enough in the world to cover many areas and to be many things the bottom line must remain actual exhibitions/curatorial projects.. The last thing we need is to become so academic that we end up talking to ourselves about ourselves only – as can be seen in some arenas. This is not to downplay the importance of a dialogue and the conceptualizing of our field but more as a warning not to become too hermetic in our relationship to the world at large. A move towards self-reflexivity in our programming and a determined drive to ask harder questions about our own practices as an institutional art site are welcome, as is an extended scope of possibilities within curatorial approaches – which many curators and institutions are addressing admirably in various countries and that we also can contribute to.

To engage others, to become more collaborative and interactive with outside curators and professionals worldwide, to see our programming develop more hand-in-hand with a global enquiry and with curators in different contexts with different aims and agendas, alongside fulfilling our obligation to visually and intellectually engage a myriad of different types of visitor, can perhaps be sought via different routes, for example a form of crowd-sourcing? This is one potential approach we at TAM would like to follow up on…

To this end I would like to invite artists and curators (or anyone else for that matter) to present project proposals to the Torrance Art Museum. My feeling is that as a small museum of contemporary art our strength lies in our ability to react to moments in art, quickly (for a museum) and efficiently, within a limited budget. We cannot compete with large museum blockbuster shows but we can respond to the ideas referencing the role of art, curators, museums, etc within the world. What better way to do this than by actually offering a site for the production of some of these projects that deal with our concerns directly. TAM should be an artist’s museum, a curator’s museum and our audience’s museum for active engagement – so if this strikes a chord with you then feel free to send proposals to us. We will respond to them all and will shortlist those that we respond the strongest to (whatever that subjectively means) and try to schedule a number of these for the 2011/2012 programming.

We make no claims for this being an original idea, nor innovative, nor groundbreaking and we have no real idea how this experiment will succeed or fail but we feel it is worth finding out – so…proposals on a disc please to:

Torrance Art Museum
c/o Max Presneill, Curator
3320 Civic Center
Torrance, CA 90509, USA

About the Museum
The Torrance Art Museum is a small contemporary art museum located in the South Bay area of Los Angeles. It has a vibrant and fast paced programming schedule that covers the latest developments in current art regionally, nationally and internationally, as well as innovative curatorial projects featuring both emerging and established artists.


Microsound – Diapason Gallery for Sound, Brooklyn

Microsound – Diapason Gallery for Sound
Deadline : August 10th 2009

Diapason Gallery for Sound is dedicating the month of October to the exploration of the idea « Microsound », a technical term and also a musical genre. In honor of the 10th anniversary of the mailing list (founded by Kim Cascone) Diapason will present multi-channel installations, sound objects, performances, lectures, texts and other media in an effort to develop a survey on Microsound from today’s post-digital perspective.

Microsound is a term that encompasses explorations of sound on a time scale « shorter than musical notes ». It includes subgenres such as Glitch music, granular synthesis, Lowercase sound, etc.

About Diapason:
Since 2001, Diapason has been devoted to the presentation of sound art. The gallery, located in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, NY, contains two listening environments with state-of-the-art multi-channel sound systems: the « lounge » contains a 12 channel sound system placed asymmetrically around the space and the « gallery » is a focused listening environment with a high quality 8 channel system. Installation and performance proposals that consider site and spatialization as an important parameter will be favored.

More information:

Please submit your proposals by August 10th 2009 to:

Daniel Neumann, curatorial assistant
neumann [arobas] alulatonserien [point] de

Diapason Gallery for Sound, 882 Third Avenue, between 32nd and 33rd Streets BROOKLYN (Sunset Park) 10th floor


Flaxart International Residency Programme, Belfast
Deadline : 31 August 2009

The Flaxart International Residency Programme is open to all artists living outside Ireland and beyond the United Kingdom. Over the past ten years, we have hosted artists from Europe, Asia, America and Australia. We offer three 2 month residencies at our studio complex in the heart of Belfast.

The upcoming residency programme runs from 1 April 2010 to 31 March 2011 Successful applicants receive a studio, accommodation and a £500.00 monthly stipend for materials. Residents also have access to the Flaxart industrial-scale workshop, computer suite, video and audio equipment and the wireless broadband internet service (WI-FI). Artists can use the time to research and/or create new work stimulated by their experience of Belfast.

We particularly welcome artists who are prepared to connect broadly with the debates emerging from the post-conflict aspect of the city.

Flaxart Studios
44 -46 Corporation Street

Free Dating Sites You Haven’t Heard Of


We are looking for submissions for a group exhibition in Berlin. The frame work for this show is that artists explore and evaluate the realities of the post-wall era within the existing social/political and cultural context, expose their findings in a dialogue with both, objective realities and the new aesthetic theories. Please e-mail for the full version of the framework. The exhibition will take place in Meinblau Gallery, Berlin in 30 October 2009 – 15 November 2009 The call is open for all artistic disciplines. E-mail: dolanby [arobas] googlemail [point] com Web: Deadline: 2009-08-30


NETMAGE FESTIVAL The call for participation is now open for the International Live-Media Floor of Netmage 10 a festival aimed to explore media innovation within the context of electronic arts that will take place in Bologna from the 28th to the 30th January 2010. The Live-Media Floor is the main section of the Netmage festival program, an international platform to confront practices of generating and/or mixing images and sound of every type and format. A window on cinematic and inter-media aesthetics that change form year by year. Participation is open to projects that employ electronic, electroacoustic, analogue and cinematic means to produce visuals and sound. The projects selected will be performed in a single event space, single or multi-screen, for a duration of about 20 minutes each. All material must be sent to: Netmage, Via Cà Selvatica 4/d, 40123 Bologna, Italy tel (+39) 051 331099 bando [arobas] netmage [point] it
Download entry form:
E-mail: info [arobas] netmage [point] it Web: Deadline: 2009-09-19



Ciclo de performance


nomásdecinco es un ciclo de performance con la clara intención de abrir un espacio para la muestra y el intercambio de ideas (obras) desde lo vivencial. Partiendo de la premisa cuantitativa de presentar en una noche no más de cinco performance de no más de cinco minutos.

Coordinado por los artistas Ana Alenso de Venezuela y Martín Molinaro de Argentina, nomásdecinco se viene realizando desde hace ya un año en los espacios de la Organización Nelson Garrido (ONG). Más de cincuenta artistas venezolanos y extranjeros de diferentes generaciones y experiencia profesional han presentado sus trabajos en el ciclo que, acompañado de pequeñas conferencias y discusiones vinculadas al género de la performance, han sido un importante aporte al desarrollo del lenguaje.

Nomasdecinco presenta su convocatoria para la catorceava edición con el apoyo del Centro Cultural Chacao, que se realizara el próximo viernes 4 de septiembre de 2009

Aprovechando de invitarlos a participar también en un taller de performance dictado por Martin Molinaro durante los días lunes 31 de septiembre al viernes 4 de septiembre y asistir a la exposición fisuras del fotógrafo mexicano Antonio Juarez, los días 4, 5, y 6 de septiembre de 2009.

Convocatoria nomásdecinco Septiembre 2009


Enviar su propuesta conceptual y técnica, vía mail: nomasdecinco [arobas] gmail [point] com; especificando preferencia de espacios en las instalaciones de Centro Cultural Chacao, requerimientos técnicos e imágenes e información referencial de su trabajo.

* Se recibirán propuestas hasta el 15 de agosto de 2009

Sobre la dinámica:

* Las ediciones son de no más de cinco artistas con performance de no más de cinco minutos.

* El artista se hace cargo de los implementos materiales necesarios para su performance contando en la medida de lo posible con nuestra colaboración.

* Nomasdecinco y Centro Cultural Chacao le ofreceremos el apoyo técnico necesario para el montaje y desarrollo de su obra (dentro de nuestras capacidades técnicas)

* Contamos con los espacio abiertos y la galería de exposiciones del Centro Cultural Chacao.

* El evento comienza a las 7.05 de la noche y dura aproximadamente 35-45 minutos, ya que una vez que comenzamos avanzamos con cada presentación una tras otra.

* llevamos un registro de fotografía y video que posteriormente puede solicitar y podrá utilizado para montarlo en el blog: y para el catalogo final.




SoEx Open Submissions

Southern Exposure is committed to supporting new, diverse and risk-taking
forms of visual art and is accepting submissions for new work in all visual
arts and related mediums. Southern Exposure reviews artists submissions for
solo exhibitions, inclusion in group exhibitions, public art projects,
public programs and events. A guiding principal of the organization is to
offer the opportunity to artists to work in formats and contexts that
extend and challenge their creative development. While we primarily focus
on supporting local artists we encourage submissions from non-local and
international artists as well. SoEx is interested in supporting a diverse
population of artists and strongly encourages women and people of color to

All submissions are reviewed by SoEx’s Curatorial Committee, a volunteer
group of 10 artists and two staff members. Submissions are reviewed on a
quarterly basis. There is no deadline, applications are received on a
rolling basis and are currently being considered for 2010 and beyond.

To read the full guidelines and download a copy of the application, please
go to

Kamau Patton and Suzy Poling in Residence at SoEx, 2008


Dynamic, cutting edge art, education, and community programs since 1974.
417 14th Street @ Valencia
San Francisco, CA 94103
t: 415.863.2141
f: 415.863.1841
e: soex [arobas] soex [point] org



Deadline : OCTOBER 15TH 2009

December 12th 2009 – January 2nd 2010

In the context of ANONYMOUS DRAWINGS a selection of drawings by international artists will be presented anonymously at KUNSTRAUM KREUZBERG / BETHANIEN. The general exhibition preparation starts with an international call for entries on the Internet. No demands are being made; age, biography or heritage of the originator do not play any role for the selection.

The artist’s anonymity can be lifted by means of purchasing a drawing for the symbolic unit sales price of 150 EUR. The buyer can take his drawing right off the wall and s/he is then told the name of its author. The empty space the drawing leaves behind will be marked with the artist‘s full name and country of origin.

The given unit sales price should not be seen as a real market price, but as a place holder for any conceivable amount of money. Because the works are from both established artists and laymen, it is expected from the viewer to draw his own line between art and not-art. Common, art specific mechanisms like the importance of an artists` ego, price formation or prepared qualities which can be referred to a specific art context, should be reversed in this exhibition in an experimental way: the artists engage themselves to put their own person into the background for the benefit of the actual product, their artistic work.

Application form and further information: www.bluetenweiss-berlin

concept and idea: Anke Becker / blütenweiss berlin
contact: info [arobas] bluetenweiss-berlin [point] de

December, 12th 2009 – January 2nd, 2010
opening reception: December, 11th, 2009 / 7 pm

Kunstraum Kreuzberg / Bethanien
Mariannenplatz 2, D-10997 Berlin


Août 1: Imagine Residency Australia
Août 31: Kulttuurikauppila Finland
Septembre 6: Hungarian Multicultural Center Hungary
Septembre 1: Kristiansand Norway
Septembre 15: MacDowell Colony USA
Septembre 30: Binauralmedia and Nodar Artist Residency Center Portugal
Octobre 31: Kala Art Institute USA
Novembre 6: Banff Center Canada
Janvier 15 (2010): MacDowell Colony USA
Janvier 31 (2010): Kala Art Institute USA
Until Filled: Palazzo Rinaldi Artists’ Residence Italy
Until Filled: 18th Street Art Center USA
Until Filled: Gullkistan Residency Iceland
Appel à candidature ouvert:: Bau Institute Italy
Appel à candidature ouvert: La Macina di San Cresci Italy
Appel à candidature ouvert:: Arts and Cultural Studies Laboratory Armenia
Appel à candidature ouvert: Nes Artist Residency Iceland
Appel à candidature ouvert: Polli Talu Arts Center Estonia
Appel à candidature ouvert: Atelier de la Rose France
