La liste fait circuler les appels de dossiers en arts visuels, arts médiatiques, performance, art public. Les appels proviennent du Québec, mais aussi d’autres régions. Merci de faire circuler dans vos réseaux et auprès de vos membres et publics.
P.S. Si vous vous êtes abonnés à La Liste avec le formulaire en ligne, prière de le refaire. Merci!
1. appels du Québec
galerie SAS
galerie coopérative L’Envol
Skool chez Skol
Studio 303
Création en nouveaux médias OBORO
L’Œil de Poisson
2. appels d’ailleurs
Permanent Public Art Soundwork – June Callwood Park – City of Toronto
The 4th KW|AG Biennial – Call for Submissions
Accidental Festival
DRHA (Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts) conference
Eagle Gallery
Fotoperformance homenaje a Hans Beck, inventor de los Playmobil
Appel à projet curatorial 2009-2010 à la box – Bourges.
light leaks magazine – Issue 13 Call – « Road Trip »
Festival International de l’Image Environnementale
Lawndale Art Center
Philadelphia GLBT Artists Festival
Canada’s National Portrait Competition
Contacting Toronto: What’s Your Revolution? photo
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography
Blink Artist Collective
Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition
The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa is hosting a short film contest
Residence at Airfield
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre
Allied Arts Council of Spruce Grove (pour artistes de l’Alberta)
PdCon09: Third International Puredata Convention
Klondike Institute of Art & Culture, Dawson City
1. appels du Québec
une nouvelle galerie vient d’ouvrir dans l’édifice du Belgo: Kérozène
les propriétaires cherchent des portfolio pour compléter leur programmation qui se compose deux mois à l’avance.
galerie avec murs. deux expo en simultané.
APPEL DE DOSSIERS / Exposer à la galerie Kérozène
Untel Sélection des artistes
Il n’en coûte rien pour exposer à la galerie Kérozène. Cependant, un dossier d’artiste doit être soumis à notre commité de sélection. Les artistes choisis seront contactés et rencontrés.
Le dossier d’artiste
Le dossier doit comprendre une courte biographie de l’artiste, un texte résumant sa démarche artistique et quelques exemples de son travail. Le dossier doit nous parvenir par courriel, par la poste ou en nous le portant en main propre à la galerie.
Après avoir été sélectionné, l’artiste doit nous permettre de voir les oeuvres devant être exposées et fournir tous les documents nécessaires à l’intérieur des délais prévus. Les expositions durent de 3 à 4 semaines et la rétribution des artistes et de la galerie se fait sur la base d’un pourcentage sur les ventes.
La galerie prend en charge la promotion et le vernissage.
Galerie Kérozène
372, Sainte Catherine ouest
Espace 420
Montréal, Qc
H3B 1A2
info [arobas] kerozene [point] ca
la galerie SAS commencera à recevoir des portfolios à partir de la mi-mars 2009.
372, Sainte-Catherine Ouest suite 416
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3B 1A2
tél 514 878 3409 [ info [arobas] galeriesas [point] com ]
la coopérative d’exposition L’envol
cherche des nouveaux membres qui voudraient participer à des expositions collective et défrayer approx. 53$ par mois
l’espace est aussi disponible en location pour expo solo ou en groupe, sur une période de deux semaines
infobelgo [arobas] yahoo [point] com
372, Sainte-Catherine Ouest suite 522
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3B 1A2
Skool : Expérience de programmation d’été au Centre des arts actuels Skol (Montréal)
Le programme d’été du Centre des arts actuels Skol offre une tranche de programmation de 6 semaines à l’été 2009, à une équipe administrative temporaire. Ce programme s’adresse aux étudiants à temps plein de niveau universitaire âgés de moins de 30 ans, de toutes disciplines, qui sont intéressés à travailler au sein de la culture des centres d’artistes autogérés. Les candidats doivent former une équipe réunissant un maximum de 3 personnes afin de proposer un programme d’expositions et une structure de fonctionnement pour le centre. Skol recherche des participants qui veulent explorer, faire l’expérience et développer le contexte actuel du centre. Les postes offerts sont rémunérés sur une base de 35h/semaine à 12$/h, pour une période de 12 semaines débutant la première semaine de juin 2009 (conditionnel aux résultats des demandes de subvention).
Le programme d’été de Skol a été mis sur pied dans le but de soutenir des activités traitant des conditions de la culture des centres d’artistes autogérés. En transformant le centre en lieu d’apprentissage, le programme vise à fournir du temps, un espace et des ressources à de jeunes producteurs culturels afin de leur permettre de faire des expériences dans un contexte professionnel. Sous la supervision du centre et dans le cadre de son mentorat, les participants feront des expériences et acquerront des compétences précieuses pour le développement subséquent de leurs carrières et ambitions professionnelles. Pour sa part, Skol demeure ouvert à l’influence des propositions et actions des participants sur ses propres processus et pratiques de fonctionnement.
Skol ne possède pas de configuration « idéale », seulement des solutions inventives et audacieuses des participants quant au soutien et à la présentation de la production artistique émergeante au Canada.
→ Date de tombée : 6 mars 2009
Critères d’admissibilité
* Être légalement autorisé à travailler au Canada ;
* Être citoyen canadien, résident permanent ou avoir le statut de réfugié au Canada ;
* Avoir entre 16 et 30 ans au moment de commencer l’emploi ;
* Avoir été un étudiant à temps plein dans la session précédant l’emploi et avoir l’intention de retourner aux études à temps plein dans la session suivant l’emploi ;
* S’engager à travailler pendant toute la période d’embauche ;
* Bilinguisme fortement encouragé.
Proposition de projet
Dans un maximum de 750 mots, veuillez présenter votre projet clairement et simplement, en fonction des sujets suivants :
* Les activités que vous comptez entreprendre à Skol ;
* La composition administrative et la structure de travail de votre équipe de gestion ;
* Le plan de communication ;
* La signification des activités proposées en fonction de l’avancement de vos études et de vos ambitions ;
* Le rapport de votre projet avec l’histoire de la culture des centres d’artistes autogérés.
Veuillez indiquer le nombre de mots à la fin de votre texte.
Biographies et curriculum vitæs de l’équipe
Présentez une courte biographie de chacun des participants au projet, en indiquant le rôle qu’ils prévoient jouer dans la réalisation de la programmation. Chacun de ces textes devra être accompagné d’un bref curriculum vitæ (2 pages maximum), présentant les expériences pertinentes quant au rôle prévu de chaque participant.
Le programme d’été fonctionne avec un budget de 3 000 $. À l’intérieur de ce montant, esquissez un budget d’une page pour votre projet. (Ce budget n’inclut pas les salaires.)
En une page, esquissez de façon simple et ordonnée le plan de 6-12 semaines que vous prévoyez entreprendre.
Matériel de soutien additionnel
Vous pouvez également inclure toute information imprimée ou numérique additionnelle jugée pertinente. Deux pages maximum ou 1 CD/DVD.
Informations générales
Les soumissions sont évaluées par un comité de pairs ;
Le plan de la galerie est disponible en format PDF
Nous recommandons à tous les candidats de prendre le temps de se familiariser avec le mandat et les activités de Skol sur notre site Web.
À noter qu’il ne s’agit que d’une proposition de départ : tous les aspects du projet retenu seront révisés et raffinés, en collaboration avec le centre ;
Veuillez poster ou livrer vos propositions à l’adresse suivante au plus tard le 6 mars 2009, le cachet de la poste faisant foi :
Comité actions éducatives
Centre des arts actuels Skol
372, rue Sainte-Catherine O., espace 314
Montréal, QC,
H3B 1A2
Information : 514-398-9322 / rsimpson [arobas] skol [point] ca
Les demandes excédant les limites de longueur de texte et le nombre de pages demandé ne seront pas considérées.
Les demandes soumises par courrier électronique ne sont pas acceptées.
Les candidats seront avisés des résultats par la poste.
Seuls les dossiers incluant une enveloppe affranchie avec nom et adresse seront retournés à l’expéditeur.
Appels de candidatures: Résidence d’été 2009 au Studio 303
Montréal, Québec | Studio 303 (372 Ste-Catherine Ouest #303, Montreal) | 02/13/2009 – 17:00
La Résidence d’été annuelle pour artistes émergents répond aux besoins des artistes qui ont récemment intégré le marché professionnel de la danse contemporaine.
Veuillez noter : la résidence d’été 2009 sera d’un format différent de celui des dernières années. Trois ou quatre projets seront sélectionnés pour prendre part à de courtes résidences de juillet à août. Les projets seront sélectionnés pour leur mérite artistique et il n’est plus requis de repousser les frontières disciplinaires ou de proposer des pièces de groupes.
Site web:
1er mai 2009
Création en nouveaux médias OBORO
Lieu : Montréal (Québec) Canada
Bourse de création en nouveaux médias pour jeunes artistes de la
Caisse populaire Desjardins du Mont-Royal
Date de tombée : le vendredi 1er mai 2009
Une niche créative pour un artiste de 35 ans ou moins d’une valeur de 5 000 $.
Tentez votre chance !
Pour connaître les détails :
1er avril 2009
Productions / L’Œil de Poisson
Lieu : Québec (Québec) Canada
L’Œil de Poisson, centre d’artistes de la ville de Québec, offrira dans le cadre de sa programmation 2009-2010, la chance à un artiste de diffuser son travail dans la grande galerie suite à une résidence de production.
Cette dernière se déroulera sur une période de trois mois, dans les espaces d’ateliers du centre.
Cette résidence s’adresse aux artistes qui auraient besoin d’utiliser nos ateliers de bois et/ou de métal pendant toute cette durée, que ce soit dans le cadre d’une pratique installative, sculpturale, multidisciplinaire ou qui tient compte des données matérielles et techniques qu’impose l’utilisation de ces ateliers.
Sera donc offert à l’artiste sélectionné, l’hébergement avec per diem du 26 octobre 2009 au 18 janvier 2010. L’artiste sera logé dans les résidences de la coopérative Méduse qui regroupe dix organismes oeuvrant en arts visuels, médiatiques et multidisciplinaires.
L’exposition résultant des trois mois d’atelier fera partie de la saison de programmation de l’Œil de Poisson dans sa grande galerie et se déroulera du 16 janvier au 15 février 2010. Le vernissage aura lieu le 16 janvier 2010.
Pendant l’élaboration de son projet, l’artiste pourra bénéficier d’équipements complets en bois et en métal, dans un grand espace collectif où viennent travailler plusieurs artistes de la région de Québec sous l’œil vigilant et l’expertise de techniciens professionnels.
La mezzanine de l’atelier sera mise à disposition de l’artiste comme espace de travail personnel. Nous vous invitons à consulter la section de notre site web concernant les ateliers pour de plus amples détails.
* Un curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum).
* Une lettre de motivation (1 page maximum).
* Documentation visuelle sur support digitalisé (DVD ou CD) (veillez à limiter le nombre de projets présentés à 15 images, numérotées de 01 à 015, et faites en sorte que les images apparaissent dès l’ouverture du CD). Veillez également à ce que les documents soient légers (images : maximum 1024 X 768 pixels en JPEG 72dpi ; extraits vidéo : 10 minutes ou moins). N’utilisez pas d’étiquettes pour identifier vos DVD/CD.
* 5 impressions de vos projets (nb, couleur, format lettre ou A4).
* Texte de présentation ou de démarche artistique (500 mots maximum).
• Un texte descriptif du projet de résidence (1250 mots maximum).
* Un dossier de presse imprimé (maximum 5 pages).
* Tout autre document jugé pertinent.
L’Œil de Poisson
541, rue St-Vallier Est
Québec, QC, Canada,
G1K 3P9
(418) 648-2975
programmation [point] oeildepoisson [arobas] meduse [point] org
Lien :
2. appels d’ailleurs
« I believe in kindness »
Permanent Public Art Soundwork – June Callwood Park
City of Toronto – Call to Artists for Expression of Interest
Deadline: March 9
Dubbed « Canada’s Conscience », June Callwood (1924-2007) worked tirelessly to champion human rights and social justice, particularly for women and children. Over the course of her life she was involved in founding more than 50 humanitarian aid and civil liberty organizations, including PEN Canada, Nellie’s, Casey House and Digger House. June Callwood was awarded numerous honours in her lifetime, including Officer of the Order of Canada, and her words and actions have left an indelible impression on the social fabric of Toronto.
In 2005, when June Callwood was still alive, the City of Toronto dedicated a future park in her honour, located between Fleet Street and Fort York Boulevard in the emerging Fort York Neighbourhood. Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation have recently completed the competition process for the design of June Callwood Park. The winning concept, by Toronto-based Landscape Architects gh3, creates an urban forest from native tree species, and a series of openings whose form is derived from the sound pattern made from an excerpt from June Callwood’s last interview:
« I believe in kindness »
While not formally religious, June Callwood claimed that kindness was « a divinity in motion » and believed that babies are « full of God, if God is your kindness and your decency and your capacity for affection ». A few months before her death, June Callwood made it known that she wanted her park to be a place, where children’s capacities for kindness, decency and affection could be engaged in play, problem solving and collaboration.
To commemorate a woman known for her activism and words, the public art commission at June Callwood Park will be a permanent soundwork whose physical presence is integrated into the landscape design formed by a fragment of her spoken wisdom.
Toronto Cultural Services is seeking to commission a soundwork that will evoke the character and heart of June Callwood and engage the imaginations of children, young and old. The artwork project budget is $288,000, which includes all fabrication and installation costs and fees. Construction of the park will begin in early 2010, and is expected to be complete by 2011.
Toronto Cultural Services is inviting local, national, and international Artists or Artist Teams to submit:
* Resume(s);
* 6-8 audio-visual examples of recent, relevant work**; and
* Artist’s statement outlining experience and interest in the project.
**Please submit digital audio-visual samples on CD or DVD listing title, date, materials, duration and dimensions for each work. Please make sure files are compatible with Windows. Any images should be sent as jpegs, not larger than 5 MB. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for return of submission material, if desired.
Please note: Artists are NOT asked to submit proposals at this stage of the competition.
Submissions must be received Monday March 9th, 4 pm. Submissions should be sent to:
Public Art Office
Toronto Cultural Services
City Hall, Main Floor, East Tower
100 Queen Street West
Toronto ON M5H 2N2
Questions can be sent by email to: culture [arobas] toronto [point] ca . Please do not submit Expressions of Interest by email.
Toronto Cultural Services works with staff across City of Toronto divisions to identify exciting opportunities for commissioning public artworks in the City’s parks, streets and open spaces. For this project, Toronto Cultural Services is working with Parks, Forestry and Recreation. Parks, Forestry and Recreation’s website for this project can be found at
This project will be administered by Toronto Cultural Services’ Public Art Office. The artwork concept will be selected through a two-stage open competition, by an independent Selection Committee convened for this project, which will include practicing arts professionals as well as representatives from the local community.
A short list of 3-5 artists will be paid a fee to develop a project proposal based on a Terms of Reference document provided to the short-listed artists by Toronto Cultural Services. A public open house exhibition of the short-listed designs and final design selection will take place in summer 2009.
The 4th KW|AG Biennial – Call for Submissions
4th KW|AG Biennial – Call for Submissions
July 15 – September 11, 2009
Organized by the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery
In cooperation with the Kitchener-Waterloo Society of Artists
Deadline: February 22, 2009
Through a balanced and engaging range of exhibitions, the Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery presents the full spectrum of artistic experience to an equally diverse audience. With our 4th Biennial, KW|AG seeks to increase awareness of contemporary art practices taking place in the Region and Counties.
Site web:
The New Hybrids: A Juried Exhibition in Mixed Media
In a time when technological innovation races against the shrinking of the globe, artists seek refuge in an ever-growing palette of media. The New Hybrids is an exhibition searching for new and creative ways of combining media to give voice to a rapidly changing world.
Site web:
Accidental Festival Applications
The Accidental Festival is curated and produced by students on the BA (Hons) Theatre Practice course (Performance Arts Strand), and is held at The Roundhouse in Camden. The festival serves as a platform for exploring the changing face of contemporary performance and live arts and is a place where both artists and audiences can exchange ideas and form lasting links.
Site web:
Alternating Currents
Call for Work
This call for submissions is open to emerging and established artists and art collectives in Western and Central New York, Southern Ontario, Northeastern Ohio, and Northwestern Pennsylvania. Artists working in all media – film, installation, multimedia, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, performance, and video – are encouraged to submit work.
Site web:
Forthcoming Conference
The DRHA (Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts) conference is
held annually at various academic venues throughout the UK. The
conference this year aims to promote discussion around dynamic networks
of knowledge and practice, new digital communities of knowledge and
practice, engaging users and digitisation of cultural heritage.
The conference is hosted by Queen’s University, Belfast, the Royal Irish
Site web:
Creatures Great and Small – open call for art using animals as metaphor. Animals, both real and fantastic, have always been compelling subjects in art. Many artists today continue to use animals to examine a wide range of issues including: spiritual, ethical, social, political, environmental, and personal. This exhibition aims to explore how art depicts animals as a way to confront humanity in all its complexity. To enter: There is no entry fee or limit on the number of submissions. Please send images of the work as either digital files on a DVD or CD or 2” x 2” plastic or paper mounted slides (no glass). Please do not send original work unless requested. Along with the images, please include a brief statement about the work and it’s relevance to the theme and a completed entry form. Shipping: Artists are responsible for all shipping or delivering expenses to and from the gallery. The artwork must arrive at the gallery by October 9.
Becky Atkinson
Eagle Gallery
Murray State University
604 Fine Arts Building
Murray KY 42071
becky [point] atkinson [arobas] murraystate [point] edu
*Convocatoria abierta* *Fotoperformance homenaje a Hans Beck, inventor de
los Playmobil*
*Con motivo de la gira cósmica emprendida por **Hans Beck**, inventor de los
juguetes **Playmobil**, el pasado 30 de enero, se abre esta convocatoria
lúdica de fotoperformance en homenaje a la exquisita simpleza de estas
bellas piezas de arte para jugar que son los **Playmobil**.*
La idea del Playmobil empezó cuando una empresa jueguetera le pidió a Beck
que diseñara un juguete coleccionable de bolsillo. En realidad habían
pensado en una serie de autos minúsculos, pero optaron por la novedosa idea
que les presentó el inventor. *Las primeras figuras (indios, bomberos y
caballeros de la Edad Media) fueron patentados y presentados en la Feria
Mundial del Juguete de Núremberg, en 1974.
*Al cabo de un corto tiempo, la maravillosa simpleza y el logro estético de
estas figuras de *7,5 centímetros cautivó a miles de niños en todo el
planeta, dando paso a la invención de todo un universo de personajes
inspirados en los principios de su inventor: « nada de horror, de violencia,
ni de tendencias transitorias ».
Muchos artistas plásticos, titiriterxs, performers, les debemos a los
Playmobil alguno de nuestros primeros encuentros con la imaginación
creadora, con el goce estético, con nuestra propia capacidad de inventar y
animar un mundo desde la fantasía. Es por ello que se abre este homenaje a
su creador, en agradecimiento por haber dado cuerpo a uno de los valores más
complejos de captar desde el actor creativo, la belleza simple puesta al
servicio del juego.
*Modalidad **se recibirán fotoperformances en secuencias de cuatro imágenes
por correo electrónico a la casilla **laa.performa…***
La temática será abierta y la única condición de participación es incluir
muñecos **Playmobil **dentro de la secuencia. Se deberá respetar la esencia
lúdica del objeto y evitar cualquier tipo de mensaje o imagen que pudiera
resultar violento u ofensivo.
*La calidad de las imágenes deberá oscilar entre los 100 y 200 dpi (aprox.)
y en formato JPG.*
*Todas las imágenes enviadas serán expuestas en una galería virtual.*
*Muchas gracias, un abrazo fraterno*
*Organiza **Lemu **(L. Eduardo Martínez) / Laa; *
*Inicio **03 de febrero de 2009 (Mono cósmico)*
*Cierre **23 de febrero de 2009 (Mono resonante)*
Appel à projet curatorial 2009-2010 à la box – Bourges.
Une partie de la programmation de la saison 2009/2010 (octobre/mi-juillet) sera confiée à un commissaire indépendant,
un critique, un artiste ou un collectif, dont le projet aura été choisi par l’équipe pédagogique de l’école.
Le projet devra prendre en compte les dates des autres propositions de la programmation et questionner les paramètres du cycle d’expositions organisé :
thématique, dispositif, rythme, etc.
Son caractère expérimental sera l’un des principaux critères de sélection.
Inscrite dans le contexte pédagogique de l’école, la programmation devra être articulée à un workshop permettant à un petit groupe d’étudiants, d’aborder les problématiques de l’exposition. Ce workshop est encadré par un enseignant de l’école, mais il est conçu et animé par le curateur invité qui doit intégrer la présence et la participation des étudiants à chaque étape de son travail (depuis la conception des expositions jusqu’à leur médiatisation). En outre, le commissariat devra expérimenter une action de médiation envers un public extérieur qu’il déterminera. Dans son avant-projet, il devra faire part des motivations qu’il souhaite engager vis à vis de ce public.Le curateur invité est rémunéré en tant qu’intervenant sous forme d’honoraires.
Le budget global est de 25 000 euros.
Il comprend les productions, le transport des œuvres, le déplacement des artistes et du curateur, la communication et l’édition.
En plus de ce budget, est prévu un défraiement de 5000 euros si le commissaire est seul, 7000 euros s’ils sont deux et 8000 euros au delà.
L’école veillera à héberger le curateur pour l’exercice de sa mission. Soit dans un studio d’artiste qui permet d’accueillir simultanément des artistes invités et le commissaire, soit dans une chambre de l’appartement des enseignants, soit très exceptionnellement en chambre d’hôtel. Cette facilité d’hébergement permet à l’école de solliciter une présence régulière du commissaire, pour la conduite de son projet et notamment son volet pédagogique, tout en sachant qu’une partie de son travail peut s’effectuer à distance.Le curateur travaille en collaboration avec l’école, notamment l’équipe pédagogique et, plus particulièrement avec l’équipe permanente de la box : Chloé Nicolas, responsable de la box – Laurent Gautier, régisseur – Véronique Frémiot, médiatrice culturelle.Il n’y a pas de format d’exposition prédéfini. Le rythme (nombre et durée) reste à l’initiative du commissaire invité : il est possible d’imaginer une seule exposition évolutive, plusieurs expositions par mois, ou aucune, tout est imaginable. Parmi les expositions proposées, il est souhaitable qu’une ait lieu hors les murs. Le commissaire sera attentif au calendrier scolaire (vacances, examens) afin de faciliter la participation des étudiants.Le programme d’exposition est totalement indépendant du dispositif de résidence.
La présence d’artistes en résidence peut cependant permettre de nouveaux contacts et d’envisager des associations d’une manière ou d’une autre au projet du curateur.
Nous attirons l’attention des candidats sur la très grande disponibilité qu’impose la conduite d’un tel programme. Des réunions régulières et notamment la réunion de validation et d’organisation du projet sont indispensables sur place avec l’école, les étudiants du workshop et l’équipe de la box. Une grande réactivité s’impose, par email ou par téléphone, lors de la préparation des expositions. La présence est nécessaire dans la galerie pendant les périodes de montage. Dans le cas d’un collectif, la concertation et la coordination doivent être garanties entre les commissaires associés afin que ceux-ci puissent se relayer sans contradiction auprès de l’école et de l’équipe de la box.Les avant-projets devront être envoyés par email à : la [point] box [arobas] ensa-bourges [point] fr
Calendrier : – Date limite de réception des avant-projets : samedi 14 mars 2009.
– Pré-sélection de quatre dossiers : semaine du 16 au 20 mars 2009
– Audition et sélection : lundi 30 mars 2009
– Réunion de validation et d’organisation du projet avec le (les) commissaire(s) sélectionné(s) l’école et l’équipe de la box : fin avril 2009
– Réunion pour finaliser le projet : mai 2009
la box – Bourges – école nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges.
9 rue Édouard Branly – BP 297 – 18006 BOURGES cedex – tel/fax : 02 48 24 78 70 – la [point] box [arobas] ensa-bourges [point] fr –
Issue 13 Call – « Road Trip »
Road Trip: people and places along the way.
Send us your one best shot of something you’ve captured while traveling east to west, north to south, or out the car window, from the mundane to the meaningful.
*NEW* SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Photos MUST be taken using a « low-fi » or « toy » camera – meaning the body of the camera must be low-tech with a simple single element lens (Holga, Diana, and the like). We also like cheap Polaroid cameras. We do not accept images from LC-A, Lubitel, or anything digital. If in doubt, ask, via the forum.
Email Subject line: « Issue 13 Submission »
File Type: .jpg only (low-resolution, 72 dpi, maximum 800 pixels)
Filename: firstname_lastname_LL13.jpg (e.g. michael_barnes_LL13.jpg).
Address : lightleaksmagazine [arobas] gmail [point] com
We no longer send receipts with submissions – only those with an accepted submission will be contacted.
DEADLINE: March 14th, 12:00 EST
Appel à Candidature – Festival International de l’Image Environnementale
Fetart rejoint le réseau Black Box et à cette occasion lance un 3éme APPEL A CANDIDATURE
Les photographes, vidéastes et artistes multimédias sont invités à proposer leurs travaux autour du thème de l’environnement. Les dossiers sont à envoyer avant le 28 février 2009.
Les artistes seront choisis en raison de la qualité de leur pratique artistique et de la pertinence de leur sujet. Ils auront avant tout une vision d’auteur sur les enjeux liés à l’environnement, qu’ils soient :
D’ordre écologiques,
Sociaux, économiques,
Urbanistiques, politiques,
Positifs ou négatifs,
Conceptuels ou réalistes.
Dossiers à envoyer à : .
1, rue Yves Farge .
93100 Montreuil sous Bois – France .
Renseignements complets et fiche de candidature sur :
Lawndale Art Center Call for Exhibition Proposals
Lawndale Art Center Call for Exhibition Proposals
Deadline: March 16, 2009
Lawndale Art Center is a non-profit alternative space actively seeking proposals from artists for exhibitions and performances. Lawndale was founded in 1979 as a student/artist exhibition center. It was established to support local and regional visual and performing artists. Formerly located in an old East End cable manufacturing warehouse owned by the University of Houston, Lawndale is now centrally located at 4912 Main Street in the Museum District. Its continuing mission is to present work by both emerging and established Houston artists, as well as regional artists. Lawndale seeks to sponsor educational forums and dialogues, which address the relationship between art and society.
New Call for Entries- National Call for Visual & Performing Artists Deadline: February 28, 2009
The Philadelphia GLBT Artists Festival is now accepting submissions from professional Emerging and Mid Career Artists for the chance to be presented in the first festival, to be held May 28-31, 2009. Submissions are welcomed from Artists living anywhere in the United States or Canada.
For additional information please visit
Posted: 09 Feb 2009 01:25 PM CST
The Kingston Prize 2009
Canada’s National Portrait Competition
Closing Date for entries: May 1, 2009
The Kingston Prize competition is for recent portraits of Canadians, either paintings or drawings. There is no limitation on acceptable styles of portrait, and all Canadian artists are invited to participate.
Closing date for entries May 1, 2009, with an exhibition during October.
The rules and entry form are published on the website
The Kingston Prize of $10,000, presented by the W. Garfield Weston Foundation, will be awarded by the jury, and a People’s Choice Prize will be based on ballots received during the exhibition.
Call for Proposals from artists and photographers – Contacting Toronto: What’s Your Revolution?
Contacting Toronto offers artists and photographers an audience of 1.3 million people a day from May 1-31. This annual, open-call photography exhibition is featured on the Onestop network of 270 screens, in over 50 stations on the TTC.
The 2009 theme is: What’s Your Revolution?
Proposal Deadline: March 27th.
Change is in the air and dreams suddenly seem possible… so, what’s your revolution? Silent or rowdy, playful or radical, personal or far-reaching – revolutions happen everyday on every scale. This is your chance to incite, stimulate and motivate… as part of a public photo installation in the TTC, featured by Contact Toronto 2009.
Using photographic imagery, with the optional addition of text, artists will have a chance to reach out to the commuting public, engaging them with revolutionary ideas, enlightened calls to action, and artistic responses to the idea of inciting revolt in Torontonians.
Selected projects will play on the Onestop TTC screens, cycling every 10 minutes all day, and will be given up to 1 week of air time, depending on the scope and needs of the project.
Every project that is selected will run as a series of widescreen, 30-second slideshows. We recommend that between 5 and 8 images be shown per 30 second spot/slideshow. Slideshow content can change either once or twice a day, for up to one week, depending on the project’s needs.
Upload your proposals at:
Your proposal should include:
* 5-10 sample images
* an image information sheet
* a bio or CV including contact information
* a one-page project proposal detailing your take on our revolutionary theme, and how you will use images and text (if you plan to include text) in our 30-second slideshow format. Make sure to include an indication of how many days of screen time your project requires (in 30 second spots), and approximately how many images you would show in total (see below for more details).
Other Details:
The artist/photographer’s name and the title of their work will be displayed with the slideshow whenever it is aired. All projects will also be included on the website, and will be made available online from the day they screen on the TTC. Photographers may also choose to display their own URL or contact email beside the online version of their work.
What’s Your Revolution? is curated by Sharon Switzer and co-produced by Onestop Media Group and Art for Commuters.
The curator will consider all submissions and respond by: April 1st.
If your proposal is accepted the curator contact you to discuss the details of your project, including technical considerations for screening on the Onestop network. The final version of selected projects must be submitted by April 27th.
Contact: Sharon Switzer at Art for Commuters: contact [arobas] art4commuters [point] com
Un cachet d’artiste n’est pas assuré…
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography
Call for Submissions from Artists and Curators
Deadline March 1
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography is a non-profit artist-run centre committed to the advancement of photographic art. We encourage the submission of exhibition proposals from emerging, mid-career and established artists and curators who are innovative in their use of materials and approach to subject matter.
Gallery 44 views photography within the larger context of contemporary artistic practices and relevant cultural issues in Canadian society.
Submission Guidelines
Please submit the following:
1. A maximum of twenty slides or digital images (CD must be readable on MAC OSX) representing a recent body of work or a specific project. Digital images should be:
* RGB, jpeg format no larger than 1024 x 768 pixels at 300 dpi. They should be numbered 01 to 20 (01_tree, 02_house, 03_car etc.) Slides must be: numbered and marked with the artist’s name and a red dot in the lower left corner. GALLERY 44 DOES NOT ACCEPT ORIGINAL ARTWORK.
2. An image list indicating title, year, medium and dimensions.
3. An artist’s statement, curatorial statement, or other written description.
4. A physical description of the proposed exhibition, including the number of works, the space required and any unusual installation requirements.
5. A curriculum vitae, resume or biography of the artist(s) and/or curator (including all artists if it is a curated exhibition).
6. A self-addressed envelope (SASE) with sufficient return postage. Without an SASE we will not return submission packages and will dispose of submission materials appropriately.
Gallery 44 welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with other arts and community organizations. Please contact us to discuss your project.
Gallery 44 will take reasonable care with submission materials; however, we cannot accept responsibility for damage or loss to original photographic prints. Gallery 44 does not accept submissions by fax or email.
Late submissions will not be accepted. Submissions must be postmarked by March 1. Please clearly label your envelope with the call that you are applying for. Artists are paid in accordance with the CARFAC Fee Schedule.
Please see for a floor plan of the gallery and further information.
Contact and mailing address for submissions:
Melissa Bennett, Exhibition Coordinator
Gallery 44 Centre for Contemporary Photography
401 Richmond Street West, Suite #120
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8
P 416.979.3941
F 416.979.1695
melissa [arobas] gallery44 [point] org
ARTSPACE is seeking proposals from visual, new media and performing artists for its 2009/10 programming. With multiple spaces and curatorial projects available we invite artists to apply in the following categories:
PERFORMANCE: we are seeking proposals for original performance pieces and performance residency projects to take place between October 2009 and May 2010.
Duration of projects and residencies may vary depending on the nature of work and research. We invite artists to consider doing workshops and lectures during their stay at Artspace in an effort to engage local artists in research and production. Artspace will be presenting performance series over several weeks accommodating various formats and locations. Second call for proposals will be announced in the fall for Spring 2010 programming.
Submissions deadline: February 16 2009 (postmarked)
MAIN GALLERY: regular schedule of solo and group exhibitions in the main gallery including windows. We invite artists, collectives and curators to apply with new or existing exhibition proposals. Video installations will not be considered for the main space given the natural light in the space and full exposure windows. Video works should be submitted to programming in the MUDROOM.
Submissions deadline: March 15 2009 (postmarked)
MUDROOM: a black-box gallery designated to presentation of short-term, experimental projects predominantly by local and regional artists, presentation of video installations and screenings.
Submissions deadline: Ongoing
ALL SUBMISSIONS must include:
Brief project proposal
Technical requirements if any
Artist statement & Bio
Current CV
Documentation of recent work (CD, DVD)
Self addressed and stamped envelope if you wish to have your documentation returned to you
For more information and floor plan visit:
Send your submissions to:
Programming Committee
P.O. Box 1748, 378 Aylmer St. N.
Peterborough ON K9J 7X6
Blink Artist Collective is currently accepting submissions for the 2009 exhibition season. Blink Gallery can be found in Header House, a small, stone NCC heritage building in Major’s Hill Park, across the bridge from The National Gallery. Blink will be mounting another exciting series of one-week shows from June to September which will feature the work of Blink artists, as well as showcase a variety of guest artists. Blink is encouraging artists of all disciplines to apply.
Please go to and look for the application form – all the necessary information for application can be found on the form.
For any questions regarding application, please send to karina_kraenzle [arobas] sympatico [point] ca
All submissions will be juried by Blink
DEADLINE – March 31st, 2009
Applications can be downloaded from the TOAE website at .
For further information, please contact:
Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition
264 – 401 Richmond Street West
Toronto, ON M5V 3A8
toae [arobas] torontooutdoorart [point] org
The Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition is a non-profit charitable organization supported by a group of volunteers active in the art and corporate communities. The exhibition is financed through registration fees, corporate sponsors and individual donors, enabling TOAE to charge one of the lowest registration fees in North America. No percentage of the artists’ sales is taken by the organizers.
TOAE gratefully acknowledges the support of the many sponsors and donors that made the 2008 exhibition a success!
The Student Federation of the University of Ottawa is hosting a short film contest on March 3rd and to give an avenue to students? who are interested in community films we would love to get the Saw Video community involved.
We are looking for 2-3 videos of a 4-8 minute length with a theme surrounding today?s reality. We will be paying artists? fees and we believe it is a great way of getting your work out to interested University of Ottawa students.
If you are interested please contact Jo?l Larose at vp [point] social [arobas] sfuo [point] ca for additional information.
Call for Artist(s) Residence at Airfield – posted 13.2.2009
deadline: 5p, 26 February 2009 (for Stage 1 of the open submission)
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and Airfield invite submissions for an arts residency at Airfield.
The Artist(s) will be invited to create site responsive work in Airfield’s outside spaces.
There is no defined period for this residency, but the resident artist(s) must create new work for public exhibition by July 2009 and be present on the Airfield site for a period of public engagement in July, as specified in the brief.
The total budget for the residency is €12,000, fully inclusive of the artist’s fee, materials and other related costs.
Selection will be made by way of a two-stage open submission competition.
For further details and the residency brief contact: Kenneth Redmond, Arts Officer, Arts Office, Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Email : kredmond [arobas] dlrcoco [point] ie
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre is now accepting submissions for the 9th Annual Emerging Artists Exhibition!
This exhibition showcases electronic and new media art works by up-and-coming local and national future stars. We are accepting submissions from post-secondary upper-year students or recent graduates in Ontario and Canada. Curated by our 2009 curatorial intern, this exhibition provides the most competitive emerging artists with professional experience and publicity.
Each year, InterAccess invites a stellar emerging curator to take the reigns and create this important exhibition, which has received rave press from the Toronto Star, The National Post and The Globe and Mail. This year’s selected curatorial intern is Jennifer Chan, an interdisciplinary artist and specialist in Visual Culture & Communication at University of Toronto Misssissauga/Sheridan College Art & Art History program. She is a recipient of the 2008 Mississauga Arts Awards for Emerging Talent in Visual Arts and was previously a research intern at V tape video resource center. We proudly welcome Jennifer to our team and look forward to her work on this exhibition.
We are looking for submissions of electronic new media work that explores the aesthetics, determinance, (sub)cultures and history of digital media in relation to other creative media such as sculpture, installation, video, site-specific, audio and performance art. Preference may be given towards interactive and/or multimedia work that examines how the personal and political is articulated through digital mediation. Web-based projects are also welcome. However, due to the flexible parameters of an open call, the emerging curator will develop an exhibition related to all the submissions received.
Each selected artist will receive a CARFAC artist fee for participating. Artwork will be exhibited at InterAccess beginning Friday July 10 until Saturday August 8, 2009.
While we welcome proposals from outside of Ontario, please note that InterAccess cannot provide artist travel fees or cover the shipping of artwork. Participating artists will be responsible for timely transportation of their artwork to the gallery a week before the opening on Thursday July 2, 2009. Although the artist is chiefly responsible for installing his/her work, InterAccess will provide technical assistance and basic audio/video equipment.
All submissions must include:
– an artist statement (1 page)
– a project description (1 page)
– a clear description of technical requirements listing:
1.) materials provided by the artist, including any software and audio-visual equipment
2.) materials expected from InterAccess, including software and/or hardware
– artistic support material of previous works, and if possible, proposed work (DVD is preferred, however, URL links or JPG images are also accepted)
– a current C.V. (3 pages max)
Final deadline for submissions to be received at InterAccess is Friday April 24, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.
Send submissions to:
Jennifer Chan
Curatorial Intern
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre
9 Ossington Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M6J 2Y8
Posted: 17 Feb 2009 04:19 PM CST
The EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts will select one local visual artist to create new work in the Ledge Gallery throughout the months of June and July. The artwork will then be exhibited for the month of August. An artist exhibition fee as well as financial support to cover art material costs will be provided. Please note that the Ledge Gallery is located in high traffic areas, members of the public from all ages and backgrounds will be viewing the artwork. The space is most conducive to sculptural or installation works.
Your submission for the residency must include:
* Artist Statement: (maximum of 1 page).
* Proposal (maximum of 2 pages): Clearly outline what project(s) you will be completing or concepts that will be explored throughout the residency. Give a brief work schedule (how often will you use the space) throughout the months of June and July.
* Image list.
* Curriculum Vitae: (maximum of 3 pages).
* Self-addressed stamped envelope: submissions will not be returned without the SASE. Postage must be valid for mailing from within Canada.
* Support Material: A CD with no more than 15 JPEG images (300 dpi and sized to 800 pixels maximum) and/or a DVD for video (no longer than 5 minutes in length).
All images must be numbered and labelled to match the corresponding image list.
Please contact Tammy McGrath at tmcgrath [arobas] epcorcentre [point] org with any inquiries about the Ledge Residency program.
Tammy McGrath | Visual Arts Programming
EPCOR CENTRE for the Performing Arts | 205 – 8th Avenue SE | Calgary, Alberta T2G 0K9
Phone 403.294.7455 ext.1905 | Fax 403.294.7457 | tmcgrath [arobas] epcorcentre [point] org
Posted: 17 Feb 2009 01:04 PM CST
The Allied Arts Council of Spruce Grove welcomes all Alberta Artists to submit a proposal as a Feature Artist for a solo or group show to be held at the Spruce Grove Art Gallery located in the Melcor Cultural Centre at 35 – 5th Avenue, Spruce Grove. The portion of our gallery dedicated to our Feature Artists is about 32 feet of wall space. We suggest that you attend the gallery to view the space. Each show will be for duration of about three weeks.
* Please include a description and theme of your proposed exhibition.
* Send 8 to 10 numbered and labelled photographs or digital files (jpeg) [on CD or Memory Stick include a SASE for their return] of recent work. This does not have to be the work that will be in the show, but a thematically unified or otherwise cohesive body of work must be visible. If applying as a group the same applies for every artist’s work as well as each artist should display an equal level of artistic ability. Consistency in style and form should be evident in your presentation.
* All images submitted must correspond with a numbered information sheet which includes: artist’s name, title, medium, sizes and dates of creation.
* A typed biography, artist statement and a resume.
* All work must be ‘gallery ready’. Materials used must be acid-free [i.e. mats and backing]. The framed work must have proper wire for hanging; otherwise it will be rejected. See AAC Standards on our web site.
Please submit a complete package for 2010 to: Allied Arts Council, Feature Artist Selection Committee, Box 3511, Spruce Grove, AB T7X 3A8 no later than June 30, 2009.
Qualified jurors will make all selections and you will be notified of your status before August 31th, 2009. The Judges’ decisions are final and binding.
780-962-0664 | alliedac [arobas] shaw [point] ca |
Posted: 17 Feb 2009 01:06 PM CST
Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio
May 25 to June 26, 2009
An international call for small works no larger than 7″ in any dimension. Open to all media.
Every year Manifest calls for little works of art from around the world. Like short poetry, they are a challenge to craft with the same presence of their larger counterparts. Each exhibit brings in hundreds of powerful yet diminutive masterpieces for our jury to mull over. Inevitably we end up with a gallery full of diverse, compelling, and exquisite little gems. Manifest’s patrons eagerly await the Magnitude SEVEN event each year. So without further ado, we offer this call to artists to submit works no larger than seven inches in any dimension (any proportion). Standard presentation devices like mats and frames that are not considered part of the work of art are not limited by the 7″ criteria. Complete entry info here.
Manifest enhances the role of art and design in society by cultivating and focusing the transformative power of creativity in the visual arts. Manifest benefits people in the global and local community, including professionals, students, and the public, by creating quality-centered experiences focused on contemporary visual arts and related activities in the context of creative exploration. Manifest is located in Cincinnati, Ohio.
PdCon09 is the « Third International Puredata Convention », to happen in S?o
Paulo-Brazil/July 2009
EMAIL: pdcon09 [arobas] estudiolivre [point] org
NEWS (feb 15th):
– Online Submission procedure is opening on monday 16th!!!
– New Templates and Forms will be posted when the submission is opened!
Puredata, or just Pd , is an open source tool for
multimedia programming. Because of its open source nature, much of its
development result from a community effort of developers worldwide. Some
centers do have more people engaged, like the places that held the two
previous conventions.
the first convention took place in Graz, Austria, in 2004 The second happened
in Montreal, Canada, in 2007 It is a great
satisfaction that we continue this event by bringing it to yet another
continent, with the intent to promote the formation of an important group of
developers locally. In fact, in may of 2008, we had a national convention in
Brazil, which
followed the same format of the previous international conventions, and
worked as a first gathering to organize this international event. The format
includes the show of artistic works, academic works, discussion regarding
the interests of the community, and diverse courses.
We invite artists, producers, developers and further enthusiasts of the open
source tool Puredata to send works and projects alike in the following
A) Art Festival: (Art Installations, Concerts, Performances & Audiovisual
B) Mini-Courses & Workshops.
C) Paper Sessions/Posters.
D) Round Tables & Discussions.
Applicants are invited to submit in multiple categories, especially if
related (example: paper + artwork) – not that this will favor in the
selection process.
Please note we are looking for a diverse collection of works, hence there
might be a selection among several similar proposals (and more unique and
original ones might have some advantage).
Let us know if you have an institution support that may cover travel
expenses, we are looking for partnerships to help with funds.
The event will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from July 19th to july 26th,
Possible (yet to be properly officialized) Locations & Partnerships:
– MIS, Sao Paulo’s Museum of Image & Sound.
– PUC, School of Multimedia & Design.
– SESC-SP, Sao Paulo.
Promotional Support:
– CCSL (FOSS Competence Center)
Acceptance notice: APRIL 10th, 2009!
Here is the address to send works & questions to: pdcon09 [arobas] estudiolivre [point] org
Addresses of the Official webpage for news updates & more info:
Proposals for the Art Festival:
Performances, Concerts, Audiovisual Presentations & Art Installations (audio
And/Or Visual):
As it is the general concept of the event, we long for the discussion
regarding the aesthetics and politics of Free / Open Source Software Culture
& technology. In such context, we welcome all forms of works related to
audio and/or visual, including real-time interactive works, improvisations,
Live electronics/instrumental/electroacoustic mixes, Sound installations,
Performances, Network art, Robotics, Software Art and Interdisciplinary
Demonstrations and General Info about Artistic works can be submitted online
in Portuguese, Spanish, or English. Please, specify the necessary materials
so we can do our best to provide them.
If language is a part of the artwork, the festival is open to any idiom,
although subtitles in English should be provided when applicable.
We look for art installations that adopted Puredata in its development.
Nevertheless, at the last extent, we are open for works realized under the
context of Puredata (using puredata in some part of the process) as well as
open source tools.
We are looking for partners to help us with tickets. Any suggestion is
Note for ART-INSTALLATIONS (Audio And/Or Visual):
In order to avoid dependence on travel funds from the event, it would be
nice to have some works installed without the need for the artist(s) to be
on-site. This also implies that such works should be technically simple.
Call for Posters/Papers:
Abstracts and papers may be submitted in English. The works will be
organized in categories depending on what we receive. At first, we
contemplate a greater distinction into 3 categories: Technical, Artistic and
The topics are generally open to the usage of Puredata in interactive art
production/research, the philosophy and social aspect of Free Open Source
Culture, and scientific research. Some possible themes could include:
– Programming Puredata externals
– Puredata versus Max/MSP
– Puredata versus SuperCollider, CSound, Processing and alike
– Hacking Puredata
– Future Projections for Puredata
– Hacktivist culture
– OpenContent and Creative Commons versus Intellectual Property forms
– Finding an Art Historical context for Open-Source Software Art
– Sampling and Plunderphonics as artistic strategies
– Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
– Networking
– Live Coding
– Philosophy, Culture and Sociology of Open Source Software and Open Works
– Aesthetics of New Media/New Technology Art
– Using Puredata in Science/Research & Artistic Works: (Digital Signal
Processing, Generative Works, Artificial Intelligence/Life & Computer-Aided
Work in General, User Interfaces – Human computer interaction/Virtual
reality interaction -, Realtime Performance, Auditory/Visual perception and
cognition, Acoustics/Psychoacoustics Modeling, Sound Synthesis, Timbre &
Sound Models, Biological and medical uses of Puredata.
And so on…
Check Submission of Works for Poster & Paper guidelines
If you wish to send a Poster, the limit is 4 pages, other works are limited
to 6 pages.
Round Table and Discussions should be proposed on the puredata list:, to be discussed and decided
upon previously by the community and participants in general.
The rest needs to be sent through our online system, with the provided Paper
Template And Forms
The online submission is due to open on monday, Feb 16th of 2009, check for news and links. Questions about it must
be sent to .
Poster Guidelines: 120cm height x 90cm wide
Papers are limited to 6 pages and must be submitted as PDFs.
If you wish to send a Poster, please send a short Paper limited to 4 pages.
We are studying the possibility of publishing the works online (both papers
& Posters) in digital/hypertextual format s well as in a printed version
with DVD-ROM.
pdcon09 [arobas] estudiolivre [point] org
Klondike Institute of Art & Culture, Dawson City, Yukon
KIAC is seeking submissions for the 2010 season of TWO of our programs: the ODD Gallery and the Artist in Residence Program.
DEADLINE: Postmarked April 1, 2009
For the ODD Gallery, we invite professional artists and curators of all experience to submit proposals for exhibitions of contemporary visual art. The ODD Gallery is housed in the main Klondike Institute building. We are accepting proposals for general exhibitions as well as proposals towards our yearly thematic project The Natural & The Manufactured. The ODD Gallery supports CARFAC-recommended exhibition and artist talk fee rates, and offers shipping support. For more information please visit for more information.
For the KIAC RESIDENCY PROGRAM, we invite artists, including filmmakers, of all experience to submit proposals for a work-creation, development or research tenure of 4 to 12 weeks in our Macaulay House residence. The residence accommodates two artists at a time, and features private studios and bedrooms, as well as a shared living space and kitchen. We are accepting proposals for general residencies, as well as two specific residencies: our Dawson City Film Festival Residency and our yearly thematic Natural & Manufactured Residency. Please visit: for more information.
Klondike Institute of Art & Culture
Bag 8000, Dawson City, YT Y0B 1G0 / 867.993.5005
Contact: Lance Blomgren, ODD Gallery Director and Residency Coordinator