La liste fait circuler les appels de dossiers en arts visuels, arts médiatiques, performance, art public. Les appels proviennent du Québec, mais aussi d’autres régions. Merci de faire circuler dans vos réseaux et auprès de vos membres et publics.

La Liste est compilée par Jean-Pierre Caissie et présentée par l’AGAVF. La prochaine édition: 30 avril.

1. appels du Québec

PRIM – Appel de projets : Programmes de soutien à la création
Festival de films d’animation en Abitibi-Témiscamingue – Appel de films / Folie-Ô-Skop
Collection Loto-Québec
Vidéos de femmes dans le parc (Montreal) – Call for Submissions
Call for Submissions: YoungCuts (Montreal)
Call for Submissions: Oboro Call for shorts (Montreal)

2. appels d’ailleurs

The Department of Culture and the Arts – Call for Sculptors
The Alternator Gallery – appels à projets
VISUALEYEZ Canada’s Annual Performance Art Festival – call for proposals
Fondation Vevey, ville d’images – lancement de concours
Lincoln Center Galleries – call
City of Kitchener invites Expressions of Interest for Public Art Competition
White Water Gallery – Call for Submissions
Eyelevel Gallery and Halifax Audio Club – Call for Submissions
Antimatter Film Festival – Call for Submissions
Emerging Artists Exhibition! (Vancouver) – Call for Submissions
The Gimli Film Festival (Gimli, MB) – Call for Submissions
Reel Asian (Toronto) – Call for Submissions
WNDX (Winnipeg) – Call for Submissions
Toronto After Dark Film Festival (Toronto) – Call for Submissions
Canadian Art Foundation & RBC – 11th Annual Canadian Painting Competition
Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre – call for submissions
GALERIE 12 – invitation
Agnes Jamieson Gallery – Call for Submission
Video Art Screening Series at Gallery Lambton – SUBMIT your VIDEO ART
CONTACT918 – Call for Submissions
BeeCause: Art Exhibition and Auction – call for entries
84th Annual Open Water 2009 Juried Exhibition: A Water Based Media Exhibition – International Call for Submissions
TVs throughout Ottawa this summer – looking for videos
SITUATE, an International Sculpture Competition for Perth, Australia – appel d’offre
Gallery 1313 – appel galerie
Gallery 1313 – appel window box
10th aluCine Toronto Latin! Film Festival – call for submissions
*The Watermill Center* residency – call for proposal
*ESTACIÓN FORESTAL  – CENTRO RURAL DE ARTE* – call for submissions
28th Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival – Call to LGBTQI Film & Video Artists
Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival (Switzerland) – Call to Film & Video Artists

1. appels du Québec



Dazibao, centre de photographies actuelles offers an artist graduating in 2008-2009 with a Master’s degree in fine arts, the chance to make his or her photographic work known.

Dazibao’s programming brochure features, on one side, general information about the centre as well as details on its yearly programming. The other side is dedicated to the work of an emerging artist which is selected through the present call for proposals. With a print-run of more than 10 000 copies, this poster will be distributed locally, nationally and internationally, thus allowing the selected photographic work to receive enormous exposure.


1. a CV

2. a maximum of 10 digital images (on a CD-ROM formatted in PowerPoint and Mac compatible)

3. a brief artist statement (maximum 250 words)

We do not accept proposals via e-mail. Incomplete submissions or submissions sent after the competition closing date will not be accepted.

Send to:
Jeune tête d’affiche Competition
Dazibao, centre de photographies actuelles
4001 rue Berri, espace 202
Montréal (Québec) H2L 4H2


Appel de projets : Programmes de soutien à la création

Date de tombée : 21 avril 2009

PRIM invite les créateurs indépendants à soumettre leurs projets de création pour le programme Aide à la création. Ce programme s’adresse aux artistes en arts médiatiques. Toutes les propositions de productions indépendantes sont admissibles, tous genres et toutes durées.
PRIM offre 50% de rabais sur tous ses équipements de production et de postproduction audio et vidéo ainsi que sur les services suivants : transfert, transcodage et conversion SD/HD.
PRIM invite également les artistes indépendants à soumettre leur projet dans le cadre du programme Exploration Surround. Ce programme offre 75% de rabais applicable au studio de son Pro Tools HD3. Tous les projets sont acceptés (documentaire, oeuvre audio, fiction etc.)

Formulaire et information supplémentaire à :

Les artistes dont les projets seront sélectionnés devront devenir membre de PRIM.
Pour information, communiquer avec :
Isabelle L’Italien, coordonnatrice des services aux membres et communications isabelle (à)
Site web:


30 avril 2009 > 30 avril 2009
Appel de films / Folie-Ô-Skop
Lieu : Québec (Québec) Canada

Folie-Ô-Skop, le Festival de films d’animation en Abitibi-Témiscamingue est de retour pour une quatrième année! Il se déroulera du 8 au 13 juin, à Rouyn-Noranda. Deux soirées de projection sont prévues le 11 et 12 juin, au Cabaret de la dernière chance. Des films de partout, de tous les styles seront présentés pour le plus grand plaisir du public.

Nous vous invitons à nous faire parvenir vos courts-métrages d’animation avant le 30 avril 2009.

Tous les films doivent être libres de droits (musique, image, bruitage, etc.).
Les films doivent avoir une durée maximale de 15 minutes.
Thématique libre
Technique utilisée libre (dessins, marionnettes, 3D, autres folies)
Formats acceptés : miniDV, HDV, HD, fichier .avi non-compressé, Quicktime non-compressé, DVD de très bonne qualité
Si possible, les films soumis doivent être accompagnés d’un document texte (verbatim) en français / anglais pour un sous-titrage ultérieur.
Une sélection sera faite parmi les films reçus
Il n’y a aucun frais d’inscription


Appels de dossiers
Soumettre un dossier

La Collection Loto-Québec invite les artistes professionnels en arts visuels à soumettre un dossier complet dans le cadre de son programme d’acquisition d’œuvres d’art contemporain. L’invitation s’adresse également aux galeries et aux agents d’artistes. Toutes les propositions d’art contemporain, de photographie, de peinture, de sculpture, de gravure, de dessin et de collage sont admissibles.
Critères de sélection

* La pertinence de l’œuvre doit s’inscrire à l’intérieur de la mission de la Collection, qui consiste à encourager l’art contemporain d’artistes professionnels québécois;
* Les artistes doivent être originaires du Québec ou résidants du Québec depuis plus de deux ans;
* L’œuvre doit être originale;
* L’œuvre doit refléter la maîtrise de la technique employée.

Le dossier doit comprendre :
les coordonnées (adresse, téléphone, courriel);
un curriculum vitæ récent;
un résumé de la démarche artistique;
une documentation visuelle des œuvres (un maximum de dix) bien identifiées et numérotées, accompagnées d’une liste descriptive (le nom de l’artiste ainsi que le numéro, le titre, le médium, les dimensions, l’année de réalisation et le prix de l’œuvre).

Documentation visuelle
* diapositives ou photographies numériques (fichiers JPEG) ou
* photographies de bonne qualité

Les images numériques doivent être sauvegardées sur un CD en format JPEG et chacune d’elles doit avoir une dimension approximative de 4 x 6 po et une résolution de 300 dpi.

Ce programme d’acquisition est assujetti aux contraintes physiques des lieux auxquels il est destiné. La condition de conservation ainsi que la fragilité et les dimensions des œuvres sont autant de considérations préalables et de restrictions à leur acquisition potentielle.

Chaque dossier reçu est analysé par le conservateur de la Collection. Les dossiers incomplets ou acheminés par messagerie électronique, les présentations PowerPoint et les DVD ne seront pas acceptés. Les DVD contenant des œuvres en JPEG seront acceptés.

Veuillez faire parvenir votre dossier complet à l’adresse suivante :

La Collection Loto-Québec
500, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, 14e étage
Montréal (Québec) H3A 3G6


Call for Submissions: Vidéos de femmes dans le parc (Montreal)
GIV is looking for recent videos (2007-2009) with running times of 10 minutes or less for their yearly outdoor screening held in Parc La Fontaine (MTL).
DEADLINE: May 9, 2009
Info: info [arobas] givideo [point] org

Call for Submissions: YoungCuts (Montreal)
YoungCuts, the Premiere Showcase for Great Short Films by the Best Young Film Makers 25 and under, is now accepting submissions for the 2009 YoungCuts Film Festival.
DEADLINE: May 15th, 2009.


Call for Submissions: Oboro Call for shorts (Montreal)
Creators of all ages, disciplines, and origins; a new prize has been created.
The GEORGES-LAOUN-OPTICIEN-OBORO Super Short Film Prize will be awarded to
an original production of 3 minutes or less.
DEADLINE: May 15, 2009

2. appels d’ailleurs

Call for Sculptors
The Department of Culture and the Arts – situate
Perth, Western Australia
Budget: AUD$1million
Deadline for submissions: May 20, 2009

situate is an international sculpture competition for Perth ,
Western Australia . Forrest Place , which is the location of a proposed
major multi-million dollar upgrade, has been announced as the site for
the artwork.

situate has been designed to encourage innovative partnerships
between creative minds from a range of disciplines.

AUD$1million is being offered for an artwork to transform the
city landscape and represents a new challenge to public art and its
interaction with the built environment in WA.

The art of city-making is a challenge for all those concerned
with contemporary urban life. Cities need to constantly reinvent
themselves. Their capacity to renew and regenerate is linked to their
vitality and their overall viability.

The redevelopment of Forrest Place is a significant event in the
life of the City of Perth . Once completed, it will consolidate its
position as the premier civic space within the city. The scale and
ambition of the art commission reflects the significance of Forrest
Place to the people of Perth and recognises the important role that art
plays in defining the city’s image and identity.

The Department of Culture and the Arts is the government agency
responsible for delivering the sculpture project. With the support of
the City of Perth , the site was secured as part of the revitalisation
of the city centre. Expectations for the project are high, given the
central location and prestigious nature of the site. The Department
therefore has chosen to select the artwork through a competition that
opens the challenge to the most creative and capable artists and design
professionals from around the world.

It is anticipated that the commission budget will attract a high
standard of entries and allow for the ambition, scale and quality of
materials required for such a significant location. The competition
process will identify a multidisciplinary team that brings originality
and design excellence to the project, as well as the technical capacity
to deliver an artwork of this scale and complexity on time and within

The competition will be run in three stages. Firstly, concept
entries will be assessed by an independent jury. Five shortlisted
entrants will then be paid a design fee to develop their entries and
then the winner will be announced.

The competition will be assessed by an independent jury of
professionals in the fields of art, architecture and urban design. An
exhibition of shortlisted entries will be held when the winner is

Deadline: 20 May 2009

For more information:


Contact: situate [arobas] dca [point] wa [point] gov [point] au


The Alternator Gallery

Appel à projets
Date de tombée, cachet de poste faisant foi: 15 avril 2009 (si la date tombe une fin de semaine ou un jour férié, elle est reportée au jour ouvrable suivant) Le centre paie des droits d’exposition correspondant aux normes recommandées par CARFAC

Votre dossier doit comprendre:
•  un court texte décrivant clairement votre proposition d’exposition (maximum 250 mots),
•  une démarche d’artiste (maximum 500 mots),
•  un curriculum vitæ,
•  15 à 20 images ou diapositives. Les artistes vidéastes peuvent soumettre une vidéo d’une durée maximale de 5 minutes.
•  une liste descriptive avec titre de l’œuvre, médium et taille,
•  une enveloppe pré-affranchie pour le retour des documents.
Les dossiers incomplets ne seront étudiés. Le centre n’accepte pas de dossiers par courriel et détruira les dossiers sans enveloppe de retour.

Si vous soumettez des images numériques, veuillez le faire en format jpeg sur un disque compact compatible avec le système d’exploitation Macintosh. Merci de nommer vos fichiers jpeg de cette façon: 01_titre.jpg, 02_titre.jpg, etc. Les images doivent avoir une dimension maximale de 1024 x 768 pixels, en 72 dpi pour un maximum de 500 Ko (0,5Mo).

Le centre Alternator reçoit des propositions d’expositions de la part d’artistes et de commissaires. La sélection des projets se fera selon les critères suivants:
•  le respect du mandat du centre,
•  la qualité de la proposition,
•  la qualité du travail présenté par l’artiste,
•  la disponibilité de l’espace.

Le centre considérera les propositions provenant d’artistes seuls et de groupes d’artistes. Le centre misera particulièrement sur une approche d’expérimentation ou d’exploration.

Merci d’envoyer vos dossiers :
A/s comité de programmation
The Alternator Gallery
421 avenue Cawtson, unité 103
Kelowna CB V1Y 6Z1


Call for Proposals and Submissions…
VISUALEYEZ Canada’s Annual Performance Art Festival

The tenth annual Visualeyez, festival of performance art taking place from 17-27 July 2009 in the downtown core of Edmonton, Alberta, focusing on the curatorial theme of water.

Visualeyez happens over a period of nine days and it is desired that all invited artists are able to attend for the entire length of the festival. Artists experience the work of other artists; engage in discussion groups, panels and other activities that enhance the work of individual artists and the performance art community within Canada and beyond.

Curator and Founder of Visualeyez, Todd Janes states, “I am interested in how artists are engaging in discourses surrounding water; or using water as a key element in their practices and performances. I have purposely kept this theme broad as I am interested in the intersections of this life-sustaining element. ”

Proposals should include: a CV; artist statement; a detailed description of the work you wish to present, or explore; and support material that can include slides, video, print or digital documentation of your work, catalogues, and press. The deadline for submission is Friday, 17 April 2009.

If you would like your materials returned to you, please also include sufficient postage or courier materials. Artists shall be contacted by May 2009 regarding the status of their proposals.
Proposals can be sent by mail to:

Todd Janes, Executive Director
Latitude 53 Contemporary Visual Culture
10248 106 Street
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada T5J 1H5

Alternatively, proposals can be emailed to todd [point] janes [arobas] latitude53 [point] org. Please be courteous of image size and materials that you are sending. Please place Visualeyez 2009 submission in the subject line

Visualeyez is supported, in part by Canadian Heritage, Canada Council for the Arts, The City of Edmonton, Alberta Foundation for the Arts and Latitude 53.


April 30, 2009 entry deadline

Vermont, West Rutland “Call for proposals for solo or two person exhibition for 2009–2010 exhibition schedule.” Juried from digital or slides. Contact, The Carving Studio and Sculpture Center, PO Box 495, West Rutland, VT 05777; info [arobas] carvingstudio [point] org;; (802) 438-2097.



En janvier 2009, la Fondation Vevey, ville d’images relance le 5ème Grand prix européen des premiers films et le 7e Grand Prix international de photographie de Vevey, deux concours qui priment des projets dans le cadre du festival d’arts visuels Images’ (Vevey, Suisse). Chaque deux ans, ces concours représentent un soutien unique à la création contemporaine avec une liberté de choix du sujet comme du genre.

La spécificité de ces compétitions consiste à donner une aide déterminante à des projets non-réalisés, sous forme de prix allant jusqu’à 30’000 CHF (env. 20’000 EUR) pour concrétiser une démarche photographique ou cinématographique.

Depuis de nombreuses années, le festival Images’ a fait de Vevey avec ses deux Grands Prix une ville liée à la création et à la communication visuelle.

Des jurys nationaux et internationaux de professionnels se réuniront en mai et juin 2009 pour choisir sur dossier des projets se démarquant par leur qualité et leur originalité. Les travaux récompensés seront ensuite réalisés et montrés en avant-première dans le cadre du prochain festival Images’ en septembre 2010.

Inscrivez-vous et renvoyez un projet en photographie ou en cinéma d’ici au 30 avril 2009!

Fondation Vevey, ville d’images
Rue du clos – CP 443
CH – 1800 Vevey
T. +41 (0)21 922 48 54
F. +41 (0)21 922 48 55
info [arobas] images [point] ch


Submission Guidelines for individual photographers and group exhibition proposals.

Work is reviewed by the exhibition committee every two months. Responses are sent within roughly 2 – 3 months of receiving the submission.

To be considered for individual or group exhibitions, please submit the following:

* 15 to 20 images that represent a completed body of work. Work in progress is not considered. Work may be submitted in the form of slides, prints, or on CD. If sending a CD, please include proof prints of all images as reference.
* Each image should be labeled with your name, title, medium, size and date.
* Résumé, C.V., or bio (Including curators and all photographers if submitting group exhibition proposal)
* Artist statement (optional).
* If submitting group exhibition proposal include description of exhibition.
* Make sure to include materials for return postage. Remember to include postage paid return address packaging. If such is not included, your submission will be not be returned to you. (Please do not use metered postage, since it is not accepted at the post office after the date of purchase. If you are sending a submission from outside the United States, make sure to use American postage on your return envelope. You may purchase stamps online at and may calculate the cost at )

Mail submissions to:
Exhibition Committee, Griffin Museum of Photography
67 Shore Road, Winchester, MA 01890

For further information about the Griffin Museum, please visit their website.



Posted: 04 Apr 2009 12:29 PM PDT


Celebrating the Mining Industry in 2009

Entries are now open for Snowden’s 2009 photo competition. This year, we have included a new category to the competition; Black and White category! We hope this will encourage the already creative aspect of the competition and add a new dimension to the already eagerly anticipated Photo exhibition.
Please ensure your photograph is relevant to the theme of the competition which is “Celebrating the Mining Industry”. Your entry will not be considered if it does not comply with this rule.

The photo competition is open only to amateur photographers, 18 years or older, entry is free and open to entrants from all countries. It is a condition of entry that you agree to the rules before entering so please review them carefully.

Photos can be submitted online using the website entry form or by post. All entries must be submitted with an entry form, an artist release form and also a model release and property release form if the photo includes any people. The entries of all winners and finalists will be published on the Snowden website and will also be exhibited at a range of conferences and exhibitions around the world. For further information, feedback and frequently asked questions, please use the links below:


Lincoln Center Galleries
28th Anual Fabrics of Legacies International Art Quilt Exhibition
May. 4 — May. 4 2009
Fort Collins, Colorado

* Entry deadline: May 4, 2009.
* Exhibition dates: July 6-August 28, 2009
* Jurors: Gary Hixon and Louisa Smith
* Cash awards.
* No entry fee.

For information, please contact Jeanne Shoaff at 970-416-2737, jshoaff [arobas] fcgov [point] com or visit online.




The Artist As Quiltmaker XIV is FAVA’s 14th biennial juried exhibition of contemporary quilts. Considered one of the finest shows of its kind, it consistently attracts thousands of visitors from the U.S. and abroad. Distinguished past jurors have included Jan Myers-Newbury, Penny McMorris, Nancy Crow, Terrie Hancock Mangat, Judi Warren, Risë Nagin, Susan Shie and David Walker.

Founded in 1979, FAVA is an independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing public appreciation of and participation in the visual arts through exhibitions and related educational and community activities. FAVA presents a full season of invitational exhibits, regional and national juried shows, an annual members’ show, and art classes for adults and children. Exhibitions are free and open to the public.

For entry forms and more details, please visit the  FAVA website:



Posted: 09 Apr 2009 07:41 AM PDT

As per standard art gallery practice, the Station’s exhibition schedule is programmed a full year in advance. This enables the gallery to fulfill provincial and federal government funding requirements and provide adequate planning time to mount significant exhibitions that are supported through educational programs and public relations.
Selection of exhibits for 2010 will be finalized by July 31, 2009.  A selection committee reviews the submissions and final selection occurs through studio visits and correspondence with artists and curators in whom the gallery has an interest.

2010 Submission Guidelines (77 KB)


Call for Submissions:  City of Kitchener invites Expressions of Interest for Public Art Competition
Charles/Benton Parking Garage in downtown Kitchener
Designed by architecture firm Diamond Schmitt
Deadline: APRIL 22


Call for Submissions:  for the 2010 & 2011 programming seasons
White Water Gallery, North Bay
Open to artists, collectives, performers, curators and critics working in any/all media
Deadline: MAY 30


Call for Submissions: Eyelevel Gallery and Halifax Audio Club (Halifax)
Eyelevel Gallery and HAC (the Halifax Audio Club) seek completed works for its latest Listening Cinema project. This one night event, in tandem with the Halifax wide Sound Bytes Festival, will open at SeaDog’s Sauna & Spa to the general public for an audio art experience like no other. The Halifax Audio Club invites established and emerging artists to submit completed audio and audio/video works (10 minutes or less) for presentation in the SeaDog’s Bathhouse.
DEADLINE: April 10, 2009


Call for Submissions: Antimatter Film Festival (Victoria)
Antimatter Film Festival seeks imaginative, volatile, entertaining and critical films and videos for it’s next edition, in October 9-17, 2009 Victoria. All categories and length accepted.
EARLY DEADLINE: April 17, 2009


Call for Submissions: Emerging Artists Exhibition! (Vancouver)
InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre is now accepting submissions for the 9th Annual Emerging Artists Exhibition!
DEADLINE:  April 24, 2009 at 5:00 p.m.


Call for Submissions: The Gimli Film Festival (Gimli, MB)
The Gimli Film Festival is now accepting entries for its 2009 festival, which takes place in Gimli, MB, from July 24-28.
DEADLINE: May 1st, 2009


Call for Submissions: Reel Asian (Toronto)
Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival is making a call for Submissions for it’s next edition.
EARLY DEADLINE: May 15, 2009
FINAL DEADLINE: June 15, 2009


Call for Submissions: WNDX (Winnipeg)
WNDX, Winnipeg’s festival of film and video art, seeks new Canadian films and videos for the next edition, to be held October 8 to 11, 2009.
DEADLINE: May 15, 2009


Call for Submissions: Toronto After Dark Film Festival (Toronto)
Toronto After Dark Film Festival welcomes entries of all forms of independent thrilling cinema including both feature and short form horror, sci-fi, fantasy, animation, crime, action, cult and documentary films and music videos.
DEADLINE: May 15, 2009


Call for Entries
11th Annual Canadian Painting Competition
Canadian Art Foundation & RBC
National Prize: $25,000
Honourable Mention(x2): $15,000 each
Deadline for entry: May 3, 2009

Established in 1999, the RBC Canadian Painting Competition is a tribute to Canada’s artistic talent. The goal of the competition is to support and nurture Canadian visual artists early in their career by providing them with a forum to display their artistic talent to the country and hopefully open doors to future opportunity. An investment in Canadian culture and the visual arts community, the competition will award one national prize of $25,000 and two honourable mentions will receive $15,000 each. Along with past winners, the winning paintings will become part of RBC’s Canadian art collection comprised of more than 4,000 works of distinguished art collected over the past hundred years. Various paintings from the RBC collection have been exhibited in museums, enabling more Canadians to enjoy these wonderful works.
Details and rules of the competition may be found at The submitted works will be short-listed to 15 semi-finalists by independent panels of regional judges. All regional jurors come together in May in Toronto to determine one national winner and two honourable mentions. In October, the 2009 winner will be announced and all 15 paintings will be on exhibit at the Musée d’art contemporain in Montreal. The three winning paintings will then travel to Toronto where they will be displayed at the Toronto International Art Fair followed by an exhibition of all 15 paintings at the Power Plant in Toronto. All finalists will be featured in Canadian Art magazine and on the web at and <> .
Deadline for submission: May 3, 2009
For submission guidelines and more information, go to



For 10 years, PRINT has featured an annual issue called the New Visual Artists Review, introducing and profiling 20 of the most promising rising talents in graphic design, advertising, illustration, digital media, photography, and animation—all under the age of 30. This is an invitation-only competition, and our choices are drawn from nominations made by art directors, designers, critics, and industry professionals. The issue has met with an astounding response, offering much-deserved exposure each year to 20 young artists doing innovative work.

The 2008 winners are in our current issue, on newsstands now. You can buy the issue here, and you can read the profiles here.

If you are an art director or design professional and would like to nominate someone for next year’s competition, please email us at info [at] printmag [dot] com with the subject heading, “New Visual Artist Nomination.” We accept nominations through the end of August.


Deadline:  Ongoing

The Call for Submissions for the Living Arts Centre in Mississauga, Ontario is on-going. The Resident Artist Program has been created to provide opportunitiies for a blend of recent graduates of arts and design institutions, as well as mid-carreer artists, to create, explore, learn and exchange ideas and insights, within a multi-disciplinary environment.  there are eight professional studios, in wood, flameworking, glass, sculpture, textiles and fibre ares, photography, glass, sculpture, textiles and fibre arts, photography, painting and drawing, and ceramics.  Short and longterm residencies are available.  for more information about the selection criteria and application form, go to or contact Cole Swanson, Exhibitions and Residency Coordinator at (905)306-6161 or email at cole [point] swanson [arobas] livingarts [point] on [point] ca or contact:

The Living Arts Centre
4141 Living Arts Drive
Mississauga, ON  L5B 4B8



Posted: 08 Apr 2009 09:33 AM PDT
Call for applications

Scholars and Researchers in Residence and Artists in Residence Programs

The Experimental Media
and Performing Arts Center
110 8th street, EMPAC Building,
Troy, NY 12180


The Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center Now Accepting Applications for its Scholars and Researchers in Residence and its Artists in Residence Programs

Troy, NY – The Experimental Media and Performing Arts Center (EMPAC) is dedicated to advancing research and artistic production at the intersection of technology, media and the time-based arts (media arts, video, music, dance, theater, etc.).  To that end, EMPAC is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for both its Scholars and Researchers in Residence and its Artists in Residence programs. There are no deadlines for applications, which will be accepted and reviewed throughout the year.

The Artists in Residence program is available to individuals, groups, ensembles or collectives to develop new approaches and new works in the time-based arts.

The intent of the program is to support work that cannot be created or realized elsewhere. As EMPAC is part of a technological research university and carries the word “experimental” in its name, goals may turn out to be unobtainable or dead ends, be they artistic or technical. Residencies may be used to take risks and experiment with new ideas, which are not necessarily attached to specific performances or a finished work.

Along with a state-of-the art facility, EMPAC offers residents the logistical support of experts in audio, video and stage technologies, as well as critical discourse with an interdisciplinary curatorial team.

Residencies may be for the entire duration of a project or for any phase of development. There is no preset limit on the length of time or frequency of residencies during the course of a project. Prospective artists may apply for limited travel and accommodation support, but also are encouraged to come with their own means of support.

The Scholars and Researchers in Residence Program is available to visiting scholars and researchers whose research is directed at the intersection of physical, human-scale environments and the technological domain.

EMPAC aims to create an environment of fertile creation, cross-pollination, and intellectual stimulation. Visiting scholars and researchers will participate in the formation of an intellectual community in scientific and engineering disciplines that may also engage perceptual and artistic knowledge and practice.

EMPAC will also be a platform for research activities in areas such as augmented reality, virtual reality, scientific visualization, audification, haptics, human/machine interfaces and interaction, auralization, and multi-modal modeling in large-scale, fully media-integrated environments.

Visiting scholars and researchers in residence are encouraged to apply for longer stays or affiliations that span over several residency periods. Prospective visitors may apply for limited travel and accommodation support, but also should expect to come with their own research funds. This program is an ideal match for scholars on sabbatical and for researchers with specific requirements that EMPAC can match. Residencies may also be granted to teams working on a joint project or developing new approaches, especially if they involve Rensselaer faculty and students.

For full program details, guidelines and application information, please visit:

EMAIL: EMPAC_AIR [arobas] RPI [point] EDU (Artists in Residence) | EMAIL: EMPAC_SIR [arobas] RPI [point] EDU (Scholars in Residence)


Exhibit at Modern Fuel

Modern Fuel Artist-Run Centre facilitates the presentation, interpretation, and production of visual and time-based arts that explore wide-ranging aesthetics and probe a broad scope of formal and socio-cultural questions. We welcome proposals for solo and group exhibitions, performances, curatorial projects, lectures, workshops and other events.

* Funding Opportunities

Our Venues
Modern Fuel Gallery

In our main display space, we endeavour to balance exhibitions by regional artists with those by extra-regional artists. Modern Fuel Gallery programs strive to reflect the diversity of visual and time-based practices both regionally and extra-regionally, according to submission criteria as determined by the Programming Committee. Proposals are selected according to their exploratory character – exploratory insofar as they pose significant questions (formally, conceptually and politically) within current artistic and broader socio-cultural contexts.
State of Flux

As a non-juried members’ space, the State of Flux’s programming strives to feature exploratory artwork (as defined above) in visual and time-based disciplines. The State of Flux aims to present: 1) works in progress; 2) works deemed more ‘experimental’ (because they are explorations in new directions for an artist); 3) works by students and emerging artists; and 4) site specific projects that evolve within the space itself.
Art in the Streets

Art in the Streets programs aim to feature artworks in visual and time-based media that engage more assertively with the Kingston community-at-large. Proposals are selected based on their relevance to Kingston community politics and well-being and on their potential to stimulate interest within non-art and art audiences. Art in the Streets prioritises the presentation of artworks that can develop a participatory discourse between artists and non-artists.
How to Submit

Submissions for general consideration may be made anytime. Notification will follow our annual deadline of May 1st. Please send the following:

1. A cover letter which introduces your proposal.
2. Support material:
* 10-15 images of current related work, with documentation (image list with titles, dates, media, sizes). Images may be in digital or slide format.
* OR
5 minute VHS tape / DVD / CD-R
3. An artist statement about your proposal and context of work (max. one page).
4. An up-to-date CV.
5. A SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope)for the return of your materials.

For more information please contact us.

Learn more about our Funding Opportunities for artists.



Située au Centre Culturel Aberdeen à Moncton, Galerie 12 est un espace spécialement conçu pour l’exposition d’objet d’art que ce soit tableau, sculpture, mix média etc. Munie d’un système d’éclairage efficace, plancher de bois et mur de couleur neutre, c’est l’endroit idéal pour mettre en valeur votre travail d’artiste. Nous avons des espaces  libres dans notre horaire pour l’année commençant en septembre 2009 et finissant en août 2010.

Nous invitons :

* ARTISTE-MEMBRE : exposition à chaque année
* ARTISTE-DEMI-MEMBRE : exposition à tous les deux ou trois ans

* ARTISTE-INVITÉ : exposition sans pour autant devenir membre.
* COMMISSAIRE : Vous voulez présenter le travail de vos artistes? Nous avons l’espace pour vous.

* Ou encore tout autre discipline artistique tel poète, danseur, etc désirant louer la galerie pour seulement une soirée. N.B. : L’exposition dans la galerie demeurerait en place pendant la performance.

Voici les périodes pour les espaces disponibles dans notre programmation 2009-2010

* 30 octobre au 18 novembre 2009
* 12 février au 3 mars 2010
* 14 mai au 2 juin 2010
* 4 juin au 23 juin 2010

Si vous avez des questions ou vous voulez réserver votre espace, communiquez avec Raymond Martin à l’adresse suivante:   artraymondmartin [arobas] gmail [point] com


Call for Submission from the Agnes Jamieson Gallery

Agnes Jamieson Gallery is a public art gallery, located in Haliburton County, committed to the advancement of fine art and craft. We encourage the submission of work for the following exhibition from emerging, mid-career and established artists.

EXHIBITION: Around the Frayed Edges
DEADLINE for submission: June 15, 2009
DATE of exhibition: March 18 – May 29 2010
CURATOR: Laurie Carmount

Exhibition Description
This exhibition delves into the outer edges of fibre arts. Fibre arts is a style of fine arts made with textiles and is more concerned with creativity and skill in the end product than functionality. In Around the Frayed Edges a narration will be spun through work that pushes the confines as to what an artist can do with fibre today. Similar to social misfits that sit on the outskirts of society, like mad inventors experimenting, and geniuses with universal knowledge, this exhibition encourages the far reaches of thought and imagination. Does society hang by a thread, will the Fates cut the cord, oh what a tangled web we weave…here is an opportunity to create a piece that follows a string into a world in the periphery.

Submission Guidelines
Submitted pieces must relate to the exhibition description that challenges viewers which have equal amount of skill and creativity along with an engaging dialogue through an artist’s statement.

Please submit the following:
•    Full contact information including email;
•    A current curriculum vitae;
•    A detailed description of the piece intended, with sizes and sketches;
•    An artist statement about the intended piece.

Please mail your submission to:
Laurie Carmount
Agnes Jamieson Gallery
176 Bobcaygeon Road, Minden Ontario
K0M 2K0

or email attachments to: gallery [arobas] mindenhill [point] ca

Accepted submissions will be announced to those accepted by June 25, 2009 and will be posted on the gallery website . Artists are paid in accordance with the CARFAC Fee Schedule


The after hours, monthly Video Art Screening Series at Gallery Lambton is entering its 2nd year. The eclectic range of submissions from all over the world continues to intrigue our audiences. Last month over 100 people were in attendance!

The word is out! The screening series has generated so much excitement that we will be assembling a number of submitted video works into a touring screening series which will be offered to other venues (artists selected for inclusion will be contacted & receive fees).


We are accepting submissions of all forms of contemporary video art for our monthly First Friday video screening series on an on-going basis.

Showcasing and screening video works from around the world, we have created a forum that encourages discussion, dialogue and generates excitement about contemporary video art practice.

Works screened at our monthly series will automatically be considered for the touring program mentioned above.

Submit work in DVD format, along with curriculum vitae, an artist bio, a brief synopsis of the work and contact information to:

Video Art
Lisa Daniels, Curator
Gallery Lambton
150 N. Christina Street
Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7W5

All submissions will be considered. Submitted DVDs will not be returned.  Do not send originals.  Work will be screened at a First Friday after hours event held at the Trinity Lounge in Sarnia, Ontario.

For more information contact Lisa Daniels at lisa [point] daniels [arobas] county-lambton [point] on [point] ca

Gallery Lambton
Bayside Centre
150 N. Christina Street, Sarnia, Ontario N7T 7W5

Tel:  519-336-8127


Call for Submissions | Be a part of the Still Revolution with CONTACT918

CONTACT918 creates an international online forum for photographers, and will be launched live as a digital projection for the Contact Photography festival. It emerges as an exciting digital playground that connects photographers and communities by linking the virtual with the physical.

Live rotating projections will occur every Saturday in May, showcasing the images that have been submitted by a global network of photographers.

Photographers are invited to upload images at to be included as part of a slideshow, which will run at 918 Bathurst for the month of May 2009.

To become part of CONTACT918, and for more information visit

Theme: Still Revolution
Photographers should submit images that will explore the ever-evolving manifestations of photographic imagery that influence the way we see the world today.

What: Call for submissions
Where: 918 Bathurst St. Toronto
When: May 9, 16, 23, 30, 2009
Time: 12 – 4 pm
Deadline for Entries: April 30, 2009

918 Bathurst is a new centre supporting culture, arts, media and education in downtown Toronto, Canada. We are an inclusive centre that supports academic, artistic, health, personal and professional career programming with an emphasis on personal development. As a facility for educational opportunities, cultural exchange and special events, we invite people, groups and organizations to contact us with program ideas to be held in our venue.

For more information visit us at:
918 Bathurst St. Toronto, ON M5R 3G5. 416-538-0868


BeeCause: Art Exhibition and Auction
Celebrating Honey Design’s 20th Anniversary

To celebrate Honey Design’s 20th anniversary, artists of all kinds, from London and across Canada are invited to enter a juried exhibition and auction celebrating the theme of Honey.

BeeCause is an art exhibition that will take place at The Arts Project in London, Ontario, from September 14 – 26, 2009. On September 17, 2009 HONEY will host a special event, auctioning the artwork live, by telephone and online. The exhibition and auction will be in support of London’s arts incubator, The Arts Project, and the Canadian Bee Research Fund, a Canadian research initiative focused on the disappearance of honeybees.

The exhibition is an appropriate fit for a company that has combined the art and science of communicating their clients’ brands with power and authenticity locally and nationally for 20 years. Entries must be inspired by ‘honey’ in all of its forms, and be indicative of Honey Design’s philosophy: Truly innovative creativity comes from a clear statement of purpose without unnecessary restrictions.

All entries will be displayed online, and the judges’ top selections will be invited for exhibition and auction at the gala celebration at The Arts Project.
•    The maximum dimension for finished artwork is 24 x 36 inches
•    Selected artists to receive 30% of the purchase price or a tax receipt for the full value
•    Complete the entry form at and upload an image file of your work online no later than June 30, 2009
•    Uploaded image file submissions must be in .jpg, .gif, or .png format
•    Maximum file size is 300 dpi, or no larger than 2 MB
•    Be aware that the artwork image will be viewed by judges online for selection and inclusion in the exhibition and auction
•    Be aware that by submitting artwork image online, the artist is granting Honey Design permission to use the images to promote BeeCause

Artists’ whose work is selected for exhibition and auction will be notified on July 30, 2009
Those artists whose work is selected must deliver their work, protected from handling and suitable for exhibition, by September 14, 2009 to:
The Arts Project
203 Dundas Street
London, Ontario, Canada
N6A 1G4

For full list of rules and regulations please consult
For more information or media enquiries, please contact:
Liisa Sheldrick, Honey Design
519-679-6755 ext. 213
liisa [arobas] honey [point] on [point] ca


International Call for Submissions
84th Annual Open Water 2009 Juried Exhibition: A Water Based Media Exhibition

Founded in 1925 by A.J. Casson, the Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour (CSPWC) announces Open Water 2009 to be held September 5 – October 24 at the Leighton Art Centre, Calgary, Alberta.

Deadline: May 15, 2009.
Over $10,000 in Awards & Medals.

Download Entry

or send SASE.
Address: 258 Wallace Ave., Suite 102, Toronto ON M6P 3M9
info [arobas] cspwc [point] com 416-533-5100


Are you an artist/creator/producer in the the National Capital Video and Film scene?
Are you making artsy, groundbreaking, innovative, or just great short videos?
Do you want free exposure and publicity in galleries and unconventional spaces?

Well then check this out, and get involved!

We’re looking for THE BEST, artsy, experimental, entertaining, or just plain cool video shorts to represent the Ottawa Video Arts community!
We’ll be setting up TVs throughout Ottawa this summer (in galleries, pubs, clubs, theatres and even projecting videos on buildings and clouds if need be) to get the word out about Ottawa Video & Film scene!

Whether you’re a basement dweller or an award winning best seller..
Totally original, or a re-hash mash-up remix story teller..
Fast n furious feverish edits or ambient abstract slo-mo-scapes.
We want to get National Capital Artists work playing on street corner, every store window, in every bar, and on every screen we can!

Submit your best videos (approx 7mins or less each – max 3 submissions) by 11pm, April 26th, 2009.

Submit via a Youtube link, website link, email a video (.wmv,.mov, or whatever) OR contact the co-coordinator, Marc Adornato (marcadornato [arobas] yahoo [point] ca) and arrange to get him a DVD, or MiniDV etc.

Successful applicants will be shown during the Ottawa Gallery Hop this May, with numerous other venues planned through-out the summer.

There is also the possibility of getting your video included on a free National Capital Video Arts Promo DVD!

For more info or questions, contact:

Marc Adornato
marcadornato [arobas] yahoo [point] ca


SITUATE, an International Sculpture Competition for Perth, Australia
April 2009

situate is an international sculpture competition for Perth , Western Australia . Forrest Place , which is the location of a proposed major multi-million dollar upgrade, has been announced as the site for the artwork.

situate has been designed to encourage innovative partnerships between creative minds from a range of disciplines.

AUD$1million is being offered for an artwork to transform the city landscape and represents a new challenge to public art and its interaction with the built environment in WA.

The art of city-making is a challenge for all those concerned with contemporary urban life. Cities need to constantly reinvent themselves. Their capacity to renew and regenerate is linked to their vitality and their overall viability.

The redevelopment of Forrest Place is a significant event in the life of the City of Perth . Once completed, it will consolidate its position as the premier civic space within the city. The scale and ambition of the art commission reflects the significance of Forrest Place to the people of Perth and recognises the important role that art plays in defining the city’s image and identity.

The Department of Culture and the Arts is the government agency responsible for delivering the sculpture project. With the support of the City of Perth , the site was secured as part of the revitalisation of the city centre. Expectations for the project are high, given the central location and prestigious nature of the site. The Department therefore has chosen to select the artwork through a competition that opens the challenge to the most creative and capable artists and design professionals from around the world.

It is anticipated that the commission budget will attract a high standard of entries and allow for the ambition, scale and quality of materials required for such a significant location. The competition process will identify a multidisciplinary team that brings originality and design excellence to the project, as well as the technical capacity to deliver an artwork of this scale and complexity on time and within budget.

Western Australian Culture and the Arts Minister John Day said this competition would produce a unique work, designed to challenge how we think of sculptures in public spaces.
A work of this integrity in the heart of the city will help raise the profile of sculpture in WA, the Minister said.

Perth Lord Mayor Lisa Scaffidi said Forrest Place was the ideal location for such a significant piece of sculpture.
It is our city’s civic heart and the place in which so many important events have occurred over the years, “Ms Scaffidi said.

The competition will be run in three stages. Firstly, concept entries will be assessed by an independent jury. Five shortlisted entrants will then be paid a design fee to develop their entries and then the winner will be announced.

The competition will be assessed by an independent jury of professionals in the fields of art, architecture and urban design. An exhibition of shortlisted entries will be held when the winner is announced.

Deadline: 20 May 2009

For more information, please visit:

situate [arobas] dca [point] wa [point] gov [point] au


Located in Parkdale, Gallery 1313 is an artist-run centre
committed to providing an engaging environment for various
contemporary art and cultural practices. Gallery 1313 is now
booking summer exhibitions and events for the Main and
Process galleries.

Please include in your submission:

-Current CV
-Artist statement
-Proposal or description of work(s)
-CD or attached JPEGs (5-10) of previous work and/or work
being submitted
-Corresponding image list

Mail to:

Programming Committee
Gallery 1313
1313 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M6K 1L8
programming [arobas] g1313 [point] org

For information on Gallery 1313’s exhibition spaces and rental
fees, please call 416.536.6778 or visit our website at



Gallery 1313 is seeking installation-based work by emerging
artists for summer exhibition in the Window Box, curated by
Elizabeth Underhill. Previous exhibitions have related to broad
themes such as urbanism, architecture, collecting, magic,
alchemy, the environment, and community. Artists are
encouraged to propose works that investigate mediated spaces.
Experimentation and works that extend beyond the physical
space of the Window Box and/or interact with the Parkdale
neighbourhood are also welcome.

Please send a current CV, artist statement, and 5-10 jpegs of
recent work to:

Elizabeth Underhill
Gallery 1313
1313 Queen Street West
Toronto, ON M6K 1L8
gallery1313window [arobas] gmail [point] com


aluCine is the premiere showcase of cutting-edge Latin short
film and video. From its beginning aluCine has included and
international showcase to promote critical dialogue between
Latin and non-Latin artists. Our talks and workshops examine
diverse theoretical, philosophical and technical perspectives on
visual representation.

Call for Submissions to the 10th annual aluCine Toronto Latin
Film Festival is officially open on Tuesday, February 17, 2009.

Deadline is Monday, June 1st, 2009.
(No submission fee)

10th aluCine Toronto Latin! Film Festival
November 20th to the 28th – 2009

Entry Form:

Festival Policy:


Laboratory for Performance
Fall & Spring Residencies
2009 – 2010*
Call for Proposals

Application due date:
May 31, 2009


*The Watermill Center*
39 Watermill Towd Road
Water Mill, NY 11976 USA
+1 631 726 4628


*Watermill, a « laboratory for performance » that supports the development of
experimental and cross-disciplinary artistic practices is pleased to
announce a call for proposals for the Fall 2009- Spring 2010 Residencies.*

Watermill invites emerging artists to submit ambitious proposals for the
creation of collaborative works which critically investigate, challenge, and
extend the existing norms of performance practice. Watermill also welcomes
research proposals from established scholars. Watermill is actively engaged
in raising its international profile and extending its network of associates
and encourages proposals from artists based outside the US.

The Watermill Center uses Slideroom to gather proposals and work samples for
its residency program.

*All proposals must be submitted via our online system at ***<>.
There are no exceptions.

Complete guidelines and site plans are available for viewing at right.

The Watermill Center was founded in 1992 by its Artistic Director Robert
Wilson as an international, multi-disciplinary center for studies in the
arts and humanities. For the past 16 years, the Watermill Center has been
home to an International Summer Program led by Robert Wilson, focusing on
new projects that he is developing in all areas of the arts. With the
opening of its new building in 2006, the Center became a year-round
performing arts laboratory for emerging artists. Expanded programs in the
Spring and Fall include workshops and classes, artist residencies,
conferences and lectures, and a variety of local and international
educational partnership programs. Watermill collaborates with institutions
such as Park Avenue Armory, Kampnagel Hamburg, CUNY Martin E. Segal Theater
Center, Taipei Cultural Center, Chez Bushwick and Radialsystem Berlin.

The Center seamlessly combines performance and rehearsal sites with working
and communal living spaces. Its flexible and multi-purpose interiors house
informal performance halls, the Watermill Art Collection, a selection of
Robert Wilson’s own furniture designs, an extensive reference library,
kitchen facilities and dormitory. The Center is situated on six-acres of
wooded and landscaped grounds.

As part of the Center’s outreach program, residents are required to conduct
a public such as a master class, open rehearsal, or a workshop for schools
or other local groups. Concurrent with the residencies, Watermill Center
staff conduct tours of the facilities, grounds and collection, as well as
educational programs for visiting students.

An International Selection Committee convenes in mid-July to review
proposals. The Selection Committee includes prominent artists, scholars, and
arts professionals. Proposals will be evaluated on the basis on the artistic
quality of the submitted work samples as well as the quality and
incisiveness of the proposal narrative.

Marina Abramovic, Performance Artist (Serbia)
Marie-Claude Beaud, Curator and Director of the Musée d’Art Modèrne
Grand-Duc Jean (Luxemburg)
Jonathan Safran Foer, Writer (US)
Alanna Heiss, Founding Director, P.S. 1 (US)
Jürgen Kluge, Director, McKinsey and Company, Inc. (Germany)
Xavier Le Roy, Choreographer and Performer (France)
Albert Maysles, Film maker (US)
Michael Morris, Co-Director, Artngel, and Director, Cultural Industry (UK)
Gérard Mortier, General Manager of the Opéra de Paris (Belgium)
Ida Nicolaisen, Anthropologist and President of the United Nations Permanent
Forum of Indigenous
Issues (Denmark)
John Rockwell, Journalist (US)
Christoph Schlingensief, Film Maker, Visual Artist and Theater and Opera
Director (Germany)
Richard Sennett, Sociologist and Cultural Critic, New York University &
London School of Economics (US)
Nike Wagner, Artistic Director, Kunstfest Weimar (Germany)

Sherry Dobbin
Watermill Program Director
+1 631 726 4628



*International Artist in Residence Program*
September 14th   thru 26th, 2009

25 de Mayo City, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina.

This call is open to artists of different disciplines: drama and performing
arts, dance, fine arts and visual arts (video, cinema, photography),
literature, music and sound research, landscape creation and others.
Individual artists or groups can apply.

The residence will take place in *Estación Forestal INTA 25 de Mayo,
Argentina*, and every artist carries out a creative project that can be
either ad hoc generated or part of a work in progress.

During the stay, work schedule will be organized according to the
realization of specific works within the station, the artist’s own project
and daily exchange with other residents.

* *

*Closing date: June 3rd, 2009*

For more information contact:

Limited vacancies.


28th Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival: Call to LGBTQI Film & Video Artists, Deadline May 15
Reeling 2009: The 28th Chicago Lesbian & Gay – May 15
International Film Festival Festival Dates: November 5-14, 2009
Early Bird Special – No Entry Fee if entered by May 15, 2009!
No Entry Fees for Foreign Films at any time!
Reeling 2009: The 28th Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival is now accepting film and video entries for this year’s festival, which will take place November 5-14, 2009.
The Chicago Lesbian & Gay International Film Festival is the second oldest gay and lesbian film festival in the world and prides itself on showcasing the best LGBTQI films and videos from around the globe. From international feature films to social issue documentaries to experimental shorts, Reeling has always presented a range of genres that demonstrates the rich diversity of work being produced. Reeling 2009 will screen approximately 100 independent films and videos over 10 days, from November 5-14, 2009.
Entries are eligible for audience awards, as well as juried awards with cash prizes in the categories of Best Feature Film, Best Documentary Feature, Best Narrative Short, Best Documentary Short, and Best Experimental/Animated Film. Music Videos are eligible for audience awards only. Reeling is also a nominating festival for the Iris Prize.
Download an entry form and guidelines from our website , or submit through . The entry form can also be emailed or mailed upon request. Please contact: reeling [arobas] chicagofilmmakers [point] org .
Early Bird Special – No Entry Fee if entered by May 15, 2009
Regular Deadline – June 12, 2009 ($15 entry fee)
Late Deadline – July 3, 2009 ($25 entry fee)
$5 discount by entering online through or .
Entry fees waived for foreign entries!
Chicago Filmmakers
reeling [arobas] chicagofilmmakers [point] org
(773) 293-1447
5243 N. Clark St.
Chicago, IL 60640-2122


Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival (Switzerland): Call to Film & Video Artists, Deadline June 15
LUFF 2009 – call for film and video entries – Lausanne Switzerland – June 15 Festival dates: 14-18 October 2009 The Lausanne Underground Film & Music Festival is the only cultural event of its kind in Switzerland. The LUFF is dedicated to show and promote innovative films and musics that do not have the benefits of wide distribution. The film selection includes the following international competitions: – short narrative films – short experimental films – animated short films – feature films – documentaries The festival also screens retrospectives of major underground artists: Kenneth Anger, the Kuchar Brothers, Sarah Jacobson, Jon Moritsugu, Roland Lethem, Ian Kerkhof, Jonas Mekas, Kurt Kren, Lloyd Kaufman, Shuji Terayama, Koji Wakamatsu and many others have been presented at the LUFF. The festival takes place in the notorious Swiss Film Archives. For more information about our previous editions: – Entry deadline June 15 2009 – No Entry fee – Cash prizes in competitive sections
Entry Form and regulations are available at: Kind Regards LUFF – film selection Team